HL2 Steam offers available Thursday (and CS:S)

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still no word on upgrade prices. i hope theyre not $20
Sweet! ATI coupon holders get to upgrade to Silver to a mere $10! I'm satisfied with that.
Quick question:

If I get the "gold" package, do they ship the box, posters, soundtrack, shirts and stuff to my house? If that's what they do, well, that kind of mass shipping seems like it would be expensive. Maybe that's why it's $90...hehe.
DarkStar said:
Quick question:

If I get the "gold" package, do they ship the box, posters, soundtrack, shirts and stuff to my house? If that's what they do, well, that kind of mass shipping seems like it would be expensive. Maybe that's why it's $90...hehe.

Yes it should be shipped to your house.
I am guessing by the price that worldwide shipping is included but it could be extra for all we know.
X-Vector said:
People are getting excited because they're allowed to hand over their cash for a product they don't know when to receive and in stead get to shove off with only a tarted up version of a free third party mod?

Strange world.

Yeah, it is a strange world that you expect people to be as excited as you about Counter-Strike Source. It's a strange world indeed people are allowed to have their own opinions different from yours yes?
Heh, it would become available in the week when I've almost run out of money, wouldn't it?. Typical. :p Oh well, gonna have to wait a bit. It's not as if HL2 is coming out tommorow or anything. :)
I don't know, I'm not impressed with the price. One of the "features" of the internet is cheaper prices. Sure doesn't seem like it to me.

Looks like I'm getting the box version which will be the same price (or cheaper for the first week at Fry's electronics).
*watches american economy collapse as everyone skives work to play CS:S. Valve will then take over the country due them being the only oens with money. Genius.*
How much the CE edition will be in the UK ?

is it around £60, that is equal to the price of the Gold Steam Offer.
T.H.C.138 said:
yeah..what is the "collectors box"?
the hl2 CE packaging?

Yeah what is that?

And more importantly... whats in it.
I wish they could've told us a bit more about shipping. That's almost more important & interesting to know since it might be the deciding factor in getting which package. Shipping from the States to Sweden wouldn't be cheap. *brrr*
Gold (Canadian) = $113
Silver (Canadian) = $75
Is all that extra stuff really that necessary for a college student on a budget?
I want so bad to say yes...
The only extra things I really want are the posters and the box.
I do hope the prices include shipping, gold here I come but ouch 113 dollars. :( oh well it will be worth it.

Any one else feel valve should post some screens of exactly what we are buying? ;) I mean for a $113 dollars I think we should get at least that much, picture of each item (hat, posters etc)
I wonder if the only reason why they are releasing CS:S right now is because their contract with VUG says nothing about CS at all.
No, it's a strange world because people will be paying full price for what will at the time be far from a full product (and yes, I personally don't give a hoot about CS).

An example; I work for a retail store chain, let's say a customer is interested in buying a PC + monitor and a printer as well.
Let's say only the printer is in stock and the rest has to be ordered and will therefore arrive at a later, perhaps not tightly specified time - wouldn't it be unreasonable to require a downpayment from the customer that equals the full price of the equipment in question?
Is "cliffe" Jess Cliffe, Valve's product manager? I might e-mail him to ask for clarification on a few points, namely;

Shipping (international) costs,
What the Collector's Box for Gold package customers actually contains, if anything,
If CE customers will be able to get DoD:S free of charge at a later date,
And how good the hat is.
$86 Canadian tax included for Steam Silver package. How about you gouge your own eyes out instead of my wallet. Can you beleive that crap? All those prices are high to me. There is no box no manual and no distribution prices and they still charge that much! They are thievs.

I will buy the store baught thank you. At least I will be able to get a haggled price, OR BETTER yet A depreciated one. In time the price will drop even more.

Suffice to say Valve won't be getting more money from me. You're good but not that good. Ego is a horrible thing.

PS: 4 games yeah right! One game and three ports. Ports that used to be free. DOD source (when it comes out) will be a glorified 3.1 CS:s IS gonna be free anyway and I ALLREADY OWN HL. I don't want another port! Keep your PORTS.
"Those who purchase via Steam, will receive the final version of Counter-Strike: Source immediately. Half-Life 2 and other games in the Steam offerings will be made available to purchasers upon their release."

So is this just Counterstrike and not HL2..?
Letters said:
Yeah, I'm with you... four games... so $15 dollars each...

Well, it also includes all the old games too, so if you don't have them, it's a crapload of games for $60.
to re-iterate..
WTF is the collectors box??
doesn't matter much,but I would like to know...
open the collectors box and out pops a ...
PLUSH HEADCRAB!!!!(on a spring or something)
this is freaking awsome. people w/ ati vouchers who get the gold version, it's like buying the game for a good price and getting all this free stuff with it :naughty:

but i still want more info on shipping though :sleep:
riTuaL said:
I wonder if the only reason why they are releasing CS:S right now is because their contract with VUG says nothing about CS at all.

Well duh. Valve gets a bigger percentage from the proceeds that it gets from steam. So it will intice Hl2 fans with cs.source early if they buy it from steam.

And viviendi gets a bigger percentage from the proceeds that it gets from retail. You do the math.
wonkers said:
...All those prices are high to me. There is no box no manual and no distribution prices and they still charge that much! They are thievs.

Personally, I was expecting the bronze version to be at most $39.95. So this is pretty dissappointing.

But there ARE distribution costs. Steam's bandwidth is costing valve tons of money, especially since everyone and their sister is preloading hl2, whether they are buying via steam or not.
CreedoG said:
Well, it also includes all the old games too, so if you don't have them, it's a crapload of games for $60.
Oh yeah! :P I'm taking advantage of that and creating a new account...
This is going to cost a lot.. I'm going to buy off of Ebay now. :)
CreedoG said:
Personally, I was expecting the bronze version to be at most $39.95. So this is pretty dissappointing.

But there ARE distribution costs. Steam's bandwidth is costing valve tons of money, especially since everyone and their sister is preloading hl2, whether they are buying via steam or not.

Yeah I didn't think about that creedog is right. They havnt announced the retail prices so lets say the cheapest retail package is 59.00. Then we are still getting a deal. 2 games for 25 dollars for the steam package. What the hell do you need a box and manual for. Save the world its just trash .
...what a lame trail of events. When is hl2 coming out. this is getting boring.
Just sent Cliffe an email... be interesting when I get a response.

The CE won't be too bad.

*jealously watches the broadband majority enjoy themselves*
holy f**king shit, i was worried i had class tomorrow afternoon, but my teacher canceled the class, i'll have time to play CS:S, f**king A! This is the most awesomeness I've heard in a long ass time
Yeah I don't have class tomorrow either
AND my girlfriend is going home for thanksgiving this weekend and I'm not so I'll have lots of time to play... in between writing my two essays that is. God Dammit.
But she's making me feel guilty about getting the Gold one because I've been pestering my mom for money... but I still think I'm gonna get it