HL2 still on for 30th September

Originally posted by FoxHunter
Yes, gold-date is september, 15th, that's been confirmed ago :)


The only Gold date I've seen was in Gamestar and that was for the 13th of September, and I don't think it's been confirmed.

Anyway, Valve doesn't HAVE to go Gold on a certain date, they could fesibly go gold a few dates late and still get the game out on time.
You never have a "gold date". Whenever the game is deemed to be finished, it's gold.
a going gold date cant be confirmed, WTF? it goes gold when its done and when they're happy with it, theres no way to confirm it until the time it goes gold.
If I remember correctly didn't Half Life 1 come out on September 30th?

And boy I cannot wait.

BTW, yeah I'm newly reg'd but that doesn't mean i'm a n00b. :flame:
let's just hope.

I still read items here and there that suggest december. Too bad. i've been waiting for this game for a while. Been playing lots of BF 1942 online and it's a wonderful game, but a good single player game like HL is needed.

I won't believe it til it's out.
Arg dont get me started on BF1942 and Desert Combat and how badly they screwed .39k

Originally posted by anticonscience
If I remember correctly didn't Half Life 1 come out on September 30th?

And boy I cannot wait.

BTW, yeah I'm newly reg'd but that doesn't mean i'm a n00b. :flame:

November 11th 1998
I was just told (in an EB Games store) it won't release until Oct. 3rd in Denmark...that sucks!
Oct 3rd? OMG , that's alot better then Nov 15th like some other outlets... Just be glad you will get it before them :D
Gawd, I've heard so many different release dates for hl2 is mad.

I went in to pre-order it at local gamestop yesterday, and the clerk said according to their system the release date is February, 2004. I sighed, walked away in denial that it would take them 5 more months to complete.

Although gamestop.com still said the release date was sept.30th, i signed up for their "e-mail me if the date changes" option. the next day I got an email telling me:

Dear Customer,

You have signed up to receive release date changes for:

Half-Life 2


Old Release Date - 9/30/2003
New Release Date - 11/19/2003



Well you never know dude, I personally only belive the official stuff from Valve.
Re: hl1

Originally posted by kilword
November 11th 1998

Did Half Life really come out on this day? I ask because it only went gold on the 7th of November.

I got that email from gamestop too. I wonder if it's just their policy to change their expected release date if a game hasn't gone gold a certain amount of time before their current projected release date?

It's much safer for them that way...they don't have to worry about pissed off customers emailing them about how they promised to keep a release date that wasn't under their control :P

anyway, Doug Lombardi was just quoted only a few days ago saying "There is no change in the date. The date of September 30 is worldwide. Including in France and England.

I know things can happen...but he sounded pretty firm about it.

i was at gamestop earilier today and the dude was like yeah it says its comin out either Feb 3rd or 4th i was like WTF LOL!
gamespot sucks man, those guys there just sit around and talk about anime and act like they know good games. I bet they only rely on their newsletters, and then guess release dates.
well apparently most major game news websites don't consider this a major thing...

none of the ones i usually go to (bluesnews, avault, 3dgamers, etc.) have any news posts about a delay...i'd still bet on the 30th...or even early october...i doubt it'll fall until november :P
Originally posted by Frank
I was just told (in an EB Games store) it won't release until Oct. 3rd in Denmark...that sucks!

just use steam, then you'll sure to get it on the 30th :D....duh!

Anyways i think some countries have this inept stupid idea that movies, game releases and stuff like that should be release on a friday....damn if i like the movie, game i won't base my goddamn purchase on which weekday it is...:flame:
I work at gamestop. We use the Magic Eight Ball to decide when the release dates are. It's ok, I asked the eight ball if I could tell you guys our secret and it said Yes.
Originally posted by scribblehead
just use steam, then you'll sure to get it on the 30th :D....duh!

umm I don't think your getting it. If its not going to be released in stores untill november then steam wont have it untill november.
lmao alehm :) ok a real gaming fan that works there... hehe, if HL2 is releasing on the 30th of this month then it should go GOLD within a week or two!
Originally posted by tHEmaCHInE
umm I don't think your getting it. If its not going to be released in stores untill november then steam wont have it untill november.

hahaha thats funny....NOT!

I meant if the game is dealyed in for example europe or a given country (or its held back until the given day where media is supposed to release) then you can just grab it from steam, is that so hard to understand??? i guess so...
umm I don't think your getting it. If its not going to be released in stores untill november then steam wont have it untill november.

Well it's coming out sept30th so it will be on steam sept30th. Stop with this retarded and insignificant november+ release date banter.
I'm not sure if anyone has realised, but the first time a rumour came out that HL2 was going to be delayed Valve jumped on it within 2 days and said it’s still going to be 30th September.

Game UK has publicly said there is a delay and now have a TBA on the release date for HL2.

If its not delayed why have Valve not Jumped on this rumour as they did the previous one. Is it because they can't?

Sorry to be so negative but I think no news might be BAD news in this case (I really hope I'm wrong).
Originally posted by cod56
I'm not sure if anyone has realised, but the first time a rumour came out that HL2 was going to be delayed Valve jumped on it within 2 days and said it’s still going to be 30th September.

Game UK has publicly said there is a delay and now have a TBA on the release date for HL2.

If its not delayed why have Valve not Jumped on this rumour as they did the previous one. Is it because they can't?

Sorry to be so negative but I think no news might be BAD news in this case (I really hope I'm wrong).

You're an ass, simply put...

Take a look around the forum, there's like a hundreds threads that can answer your question.....moron
You're an ass, simply put...

Take a look around the forum, there's like a hundreds threads that can answer your question.....moron
Jesus. The guy points out that there's a chance that the game might still be delayed and you bash him like he stabbed your grandmother. He's not just trying to be the bearer of bad news. He even said he hopes he's wrong. This does not make him an ass, OR a moron.
Dude, he's probably right, the game might be delayed.

Because of you, on some level I hope it is delayed, and when the announcement is made, I hope someone video tapes you crying so I can post the video on the internet and pleasure myself while watching it all day.

-Jim Corbin
Originally posted by JimJimBinks
Jesus. The guy points out that there's a chance that the game might still be delayed and you bash him like he stabbed your grandmother. He's not just trying to be the bearer of bad news. He even said he hopes he's wrong. This does not make him an ass, OR a moron.
Dude, he's probably right, the game might be delayed.

Because of you, on some level I hope it is delayed, and when the announcement is made, I hope someone video tapes you crying so I can post the video on the internet and pleasure myself while watching it all day.

-Jim Corbin

Thanks Jim. But I really hope its not delayed, even though that video would be fun to watch!!!
No problem :afro::bounce: :cheese:

I also seriously hope it's not delayed.
I mean, I just bought a new video card (GeForceFX 5900 Ultra) and upgraded to an Athlon XP 3000+ JUST FOR HALF LIFE 2.
So I've already invested about $800 (The video card alone was $500) in order to have a great experience playing the game. Having it come out on time would be nice.
like everyone has said before, they said it would be sept 30th and it's way too late to say "well were going to delay it", I mean technically they could, but it would make them look like total douchebags
Originally posted by cod56
I'm not sure if anyone has realised, but the first time a rumour came out that HL2 was going to be delayed Valve jumped on it within 2 days and said it’s still going to be 30th September.

Game UK has publicly said there is a delay and now have a TBA on the release date for HL2.

If its not delayed why have Valve not Jumped on this rumour as they did the previous one. Is it because they can't?

Sorry to be so negative but I think no news might be BAD news in this case (I really hope I'm wrong).

Erm, actually you are making stuff up.

Vivendi said that the delay thing was a miscommunication after 2 days. Valve didn't say anything about it until ECTS.
A man wrotte in a french's board that he has information from Vivendi-Universal :
HL2 will be on store next november the 7th, cause Vivendi and Universal will be 2 "different" companies, and Vivendi wants to have more and more money with HL2's licence.

It s about all in Europe; France, UK, Germany etc.

IS IT RIGHT ?? :flame:

I copy you the A*******'s translation cause my english is poor :

"Sierra, Blizzard, Sierra and other developers belong to Vivendi-Universal (Vivendi to make shorter). As you know it, Vivendi will be restructured. They thus will sell divisions, of which that of the video plays. The goal of Vivendi is to be made a max of money, therefore to sell the division of the video plays at the price most extremely. If Half Life 2 fact left the batch, the price will assemble a max because this play has a very large potential of sale, they thus sell division video plays much expensive than if HL² were not inside. Considering the reorganization will take place at the end of October, Vivendi must keep HL² at the time of the resale of division video play. Result, Vivendi will be made a max of money, that the play is sold well or not, and one can only await us and this to satisfy with the videos. Here, I rather clearly hope to have been in my explanations."

And that VALVe ll use justice against V-U if they sell the game later.

There are many jokes now, but many french preople are hungy/injured about this news.
Somebody know about it ?
If Sierra is sold that is good, because they will be going with VALVe somewhere probably better :)
Originally posted by nils
A man wrotte in a french's board that he has information from Vivendi-Universal :
HL2 will be on store next november the 7th, cause Vivendi and Universal will be 2 "different" companies, and Vivendi wants to have more and more money with HL2's licence.

It s about all in Europe; France, UK, Germany etc.

IS IT RIGHT ?? :flame:

I copy you the A*******'s translation cause my english is poor :

"Sierra, Blizzard, Sierra and other developers belong to Vivendi-Universal (Vivendi to make shorter). As you know it, Vivendi will be restructured. They thus will sell divisions, of which that of the video plays. The goal of Vivendi is to be made a max of money, therefore to sell the division of the video plays at the price most extremely. If Half Life 2 fact left the batch, the price will assemble a max because this play has a very large potential of sale, they thus sell division video plays much expensive than if HL² were not inside. Considering the reorganization will take place at the end of October, Vivendi must keep HL² at the time of the resale of division video play. Result, Vivendi will be made a max of money, that the play is sold well or not, and one can only await us and this to satisfy with the videos. Here, I rather clearly hope to have been in my explanations."

And that VALVe ll use justice against V-U if they sell the game later.

There are many jokes now, but many french preople are hungy/injured about this news.
Somebody know about it ?

could you please post your sources?

i'm fluent in french (en fait je suis belge et c'est ma langue natale)
Don't think that makes a lot of sence. IF they would want to sell the Video gaming division of Vivendi and Universal, that would take some time before everything is in place, has been signed and has been agreed upon (I mean really multiple months). This is not something you buy like a video game or a hamburger, this is a *piep*ing* company.
I read somewhere that they will begin the restructuring at the end of October so this would mean that they would start the negociations then. Then it would take another certain amount of time before the deal has been closed so I think they could delay Halflife untill early next year if they would like to maximize their selling value.

Another thing: if they sell it before or after halflife has been published doesn't make that much difference as the buying company also knows what they have to pay for such a company. If Halflife would not yet been pubished they would pay more for it, but would also get more out of it, so it's not that Videndi would make way more cash just by delaying Halflife.

According to me this has to be one of the better reasons I came across why Halflife has been delayed.
Originally posted by Feath
Erm, actually you are making stuff up.

Vivendi said that the delay thing was a miscommunication after 2 days. Valve didn't say anything about it until ECTS.

Both Game UK and PCZone made this comment on or around 3rd September, after the miscommunication incident and as a matter of fact after ECTS had finished, so Its unlikely Valve could have commented on this particular rumour at the show.

From PCZone Website

Wednesday 3rd September 2003

Valve assurances looking shaky as UK retail informs of a late October release

19:28 Information received via e-mail from UK retailer GAME by customers who have pre-ordered Half-Life 2 at its online store has thrown a rather large spanner into the HL2 release date works, we can reveal.
Despite Valve Software's Doug Lombardi insisting: "The release date is unchanged" when we questioned last week whether Half-Life 2 would hit its original September 30 deadline, GAME has recently told its customers that the title will not arrive until November.

The email notice to customers reads:

"As you may already be aware, the UK release date for 'Half-Life 2' has changed to Nov-2003.

"Please don't worry, your order is still 'live' and will be despatched to you on the day prior to the revised release date, via your chosen method of shipping, unless you advise us to the contrary."

Speaking to us this morning, a spokesperson for GAME said: "The latest date we have for Half-Life 2 is late October, and that was the information we got through yesterday, but obviously the date could change again."

When we asked if GAME received the information from publisher Vivendi, we were told: "It comes direct from the publisher."

The GAME spokesperson went on to point out that customers had received the November date via e-mail because: "That [the e-mail] most likely went out to customers before we received this updated release date.

"We expect to have an exact release date at then end of the month, maybe," they said.

So what does Half-Life 2 publisher Vivendi have to say about this? Talking to the publisher's UK arm, we were told that the official line on Half-Life 2's release date is: "To be confirmed."

Just when the September 30 date looked safe, along comes this. Crunch time will be around the middle of the month, when many expect Half-Life 2 to go Gold, if it's to hit its original date. Unless, of course, Valve plans to release the game over its broadband delivery system Steam first...

Oh the tension. It's almost too much. We'll keep you fully updated on all developments.

Also, if you look at the Game website http://shop.game.net// you will see no release date confirmed.

I wish I was making stuff up.
So why is your post any more relavant than "WELL EB GAMES TOLD ME NOV20" ?