HL2 story is ingenious


Feb 22, 2004
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The story in HL2 is not told directly to the player, you have to SEARCH and DISCOVER new elements of the story in the gaming environment. This can become an extremely addictive process and soon enough you will probably find yourself searching all the levels for new story elements. This was obviously a delebirate decison made by marc laidlaw and the guys at VALVe wich will no doubt increase the lifespan of the game in a day and age when people are easily bored. I think it is ingenious.

I agree it is very good, but come on, they could have explained a little more to us. Going into the citadel was a trip though. That was amazing when you first saw those alien people. It filled me with a real sense of wonder. Hope the explination is just as good.
Kristafon said:
I agree it is very good, but come on, they could have explained a little more to us. Going into the citadel was a trip though. That was amazing when you first saw those alien people. It filled me with a real sense of wonder. Hope the explination is just as good.

what alien people? the white dudes were ex-humans...(explained...as too many things were...in the prima guide)...unless you refer to something else, in which case, nevermind.
VALVe say they are going to reliese HL3 on SOURCE so good news is the time between HL2 and Hl3 should be much like HALO and HALO2, considering they don't need to create any large game engine. So we should get a lot more story a lot quicker, it will be like going to the store and picking up the next part of the story to play... Thy have a LOT of people sucked into this game!
VALVe say they are going to reliese HL3 on SOURCE so good news is the time between HL2 and Hl3 should be much like HALO and HALO2, considering they don't need to create any large game engine. So we should get a lot more story a lot quicker, it will be like going to the store and picking up the next part of the story to play... The have a LOT of people sucked into this game!
Okay FreemanHL2, I don't mean to pick on you, but seeing as you started another new thread about the story, I will anyway:
If the story in Half-Life 2 is so compelling, yet so ingeniously told, please tell us what exactly it is, for those of us apparently too dumb to appreciate it.
Because I think I DO know what the story is, I think 100% of people who have completed the game do, (crucially) including people who say they're not impressed, but we seem to be missing something, according to people like yourself.
So please, seriously, help us out, bud?
Missing stuff for me: Who the hell is G-Man? I suppose Freeman
works for him, because otherwise he would be dead, but it's hard to
get any deeper than this because freeman doesn't really speak
Also, the first HL ended on destroying that big mf alien in Xen. That
should be their boss right? And all the aliens on Earth should've been
gone after a while. What happened in the time between hl1 and 2?
Where the hell did combine come from?
Well... I guess they tell us some day.

Hmm.. and who said there's not going to be an expansion pack? Might not even be that far away - and it might answer some questions too..
you see i can tell you the story of Half-life 2. One day this guy called gordon freeman wakes up out of stasis and arrives at city 17. He deosn't know whats going on, all he knows is everything has changed. there are these combine soldiers he knows nothing about and this wierd ass freak on a V screen saying that this hell hole is safe.

You see gordon has no clue whats going on, we are playing as gordon and we have seen everything he has seen from half-life 1. You have to remember he was in stasis, so the g-man was the last thing he remembers from hl1 and the last thing we remember. We see whatever he sees and therfore know whatever he knows. Half life is about a man lost in the future and struggling to survive an alien outbreak he unleashed back in black mesa, that is the story, we are playing it, we are LIVING gordons life.

It can't get any deeper than that, im sure there is an underlying plot or conspiracy that will develop in further games...