hl2 through other's eye



wonder if they will soon release another version of hl2 where you play the game through the eye of another character like the combine soldier. they did it with opossing force and blue shift, so it's only natural to do the same with hl2.
No. Hehehe.

Perhaps Half-Life 3 we'll play as G-man. If it's a trilogy that is... :p
offcourse they will, they said it in an interview, they will relese more official "addons/mods" once the game is released but it will take a while offcourse
I'd really like to see Adrian come out of his G-Man impossed mothball to come back and kick some ass, but newer characters would be cool to.
I wanna' play it as a box - realistically modeled for material properties and physical interactions of course. :)
i always wanted to live the life of a crabhead.

think about it, it be like that "Messiah" game by shiny. but good.

or combine soldier, yes, that would be heaven. especially if the gunship is accessible.
or play as the last boss. just sit there for 10 hours until you get your ass kicked.
or the "f" gordon shoots at the strider at the end of the e3 video, wouldnt that be cool to see the city from above, hehe
whoever was playing had bad aim with the maniuplator! they couldn't even hit it once...

I mean, if i was running from a building high walking killing machine I would be totally calm. :)
or Blue-Shift 2... or MAYBE play as Alyx, and you can pick which other char to pimp :afro:

1.) Gordon
2.) Dog
3.) Kleiner
or... my personal favorite
I'm curious what happened to Corporal Chephard.
I sure hope for another Opposing Force, or at least some game where you can play him after being on that helicopter with the G-man
I'd like to play as Alyx's bra!!!:eek:

(eehhh......sorry.....I need some sleep:dozey: )