HL2 to be Letterbox only?


May 22, 2003
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Hi folks, i haven't been posting much but i've been reading. i just saw the latest e-mail from valve, and they confirmed that HL2 will be played in letterbox, just like the direct feed videos. how do we feel about that? it seems like an odd choice to be sure. i'd imagine that people are quickly going to mod that out. what do you think?
DVD letterbox style, basicly a widescreen image playing on a standard display.. i think he misread that question, he probbally thought u meant, will it be playable in a letterbox, but of course this thread is about to explode with WTF posts.
We already know it isnt always like that, as there is fullscreen screenshots out... It would be stupid if they decided to keep it in widescreen. Everyone would want it out.
I belive it is like Lobster said, that it will be playable in letterboc, but not limited to that.
I don't know...it migt be an artistic decision. letterbox does give a more dramatic aspect ratio.

to Hudson, play the bink movies. see how there's a black bar at the top and bottom of your screen? that's letterbox.
Yeah itd be so simple to make that an option that theres absolutely no chance they wouldnt make it an option.
I'm the one that emailed Gabe with that. Maybe he misunderstod what I was asking him. I wanted to know if it was the only mode playable. Eh, I don't care if it is, I like letterbox...I hardly ever notice it either. You probably wont get letter box if you have a wide-aspect display (if it's the only playable mode).
Its odd... I mean, the text doesnt leave much room for interpretation...
Maybe another one is needed :)
Oops, I just made another thread, while this one was just posted lol, my bad. Oh well.
Let's not all go into a pissy fit. We don't know, and we all know Valve isn't one to piss off customers. So we'll see how it goes.
It's optional, they metioned it in the irc dev chat months ago. The valve employee who responded to the email probably thought the questionwas will it be possible not is it only.
Call me crazy, but I didn't notice until I went and watched a few of the videos again that they were in letterbox format...I guess I'm just REALLY unobservant :) But it wouldn't be THAT bad if I didn't even notice it heh.

It's not like it's something that would be hard to change if people asked. It's like, one little setting.
wouldnt it just be an optional widescreen mode like they have in 1.6 beta now?
I only remember because you said it, I don't think it's that bad
I find it amusing how these posts get past the first reply, Its almost as funny as pay to play multiplayer.
Itll be an option, but personally widescreen is the only way to go. I never buy those horrid pan and scan dvds. However, it remains to be seen how itll work in a game.
I still don't understand whats the big deal about letterbox.
People don't have huge monitors, why take away half of the image? Whats wrong with seeing more? Thats why bigger monitors are better. Not for minimizing the area we can see.
And about people with the big wide screens, you rich bastards.
The human eye see's in wide screen. It gives you more a sence if being the character rather than a camera with the characters viewpoint.

Make your opinions when you see it. Thats what I will be doing. :)
I hate seeing half of the screen wasted on black areas. If I could afford, I would buy, in addition to the screen I have now also a wide screen, for this things. I hate wasted space.
After about 5 minutes you probably wouldn't even notice it, anyway.
Let's get this clear for once and all.

Gabe took the question to mean "Will the game be playable in the widescreen mode shown in the videos?" and of course the answer is yes as Valve have already stated that they will support native 4:3 resolutions as well as widescreen 16:9 resolutions.
OMG I can't wait to play in Letterbox mode.

Thats goingto sure rule.
I always wanted to be Ned Kelly.
Finally I get a chance at it. Brilliant.
Originally posted by Tredoslop
I'm never buying Half-Life 2 if it's in letterbox mode.

I like ya man but thats the dumbest thing Ive ever heard.
Originally posted by PLas
OMG I can't wait to play in Letterbox mode.

Thats goingto sure rule.
I always wanted to be Ned Kelly.
Finally I get a chance at it. Brilliant.

What the Ned Kelly reference Im missing?
Letterbox can no more make Half-Life 2 more "dramatic", we've seen the videos and you guy didn't get all dramatic.
Originally posted by Tredoslop
Letterbox can no more make Half-Life 2 more "dramatic", we've seen the videos and you guy didn't get all dramatic.

My point was to make that statement about never playing HL2 if its in letterbox is dumn because:
1. You know was well as I fdo that the default setting will be fullscreen, as it is for every other FPS, with LB being an option you can turn on if its your preference.
2. IF this game were to be only LB, and you wouldnt play it for that reason, that would be the equivalent of having a ticket to the SuperBowl and deciding not to go because the forecast calls for rain and you dont wanna get wet.
that would be the equivalent of having a ticket to the SuperBowl and deciding not to go because the forecast calls for rain and you dont wanna get wet.
