HL2 truly is



A steaming pile of ****. I decided to try again with the newest patches and all...a very very bad idea. I tried to play the new death match and IT IS SIMPLY UNPLAYABLE! I get 10 FPS in the first 10 seconds after spawing and maybe 20 thereafter. THE STUTTERING HAS GOTTEN SO BAD IT'S UN****ING BELIEVABLE! How the hell do you release several patches that all make the problem worse valve?! In additions the load times are just unbearably long! It seriously took 3 minutes for the deathmatch to even load and I have a pretty fast hard drive. The game also has very bad stutting in the menus as well...

I simply don't believe valve didn't know about this problem. They knew this could get away with releasing a beta release...since they have so much fan credibilty after the first one. I also simply cannot believe the reviewers who reviewed this game did not have at least some stuttering either. Valve ****ed us over big time...everything from this buggy ****y game to the bull**** copy protection is mindboggling. I doubt I'll ever buy a valve game again. Any company that releases a incomplete untested game to the public in order to make the most money from the holidays sure as hell doesn't deserve my money. Ah well...I guess I'm out 50 bucks of my hard earned money though...I guess a sweet payback would be to distribute future games over file sharing.
"I guess a sweet payback would be to distribute future games over file sharing."

Wow, you're cool.

I respect your opinion regarding VALVe, but I disagree with your statement about the updates, as mine worked properly. Maybe you should stop blaming the guys who worked for six years on this game, that you obviously thought highly enough of to purchase, and think of other possibilities: perhaps you are on a poor server, or maybe that server was overloaded at the time. Simply hopping on the VALVe bashing bandwagon will get you nowhere...
No it's not just the deathmatch online mode...the single player game loads like **** too and has even worse frame rates and stuttering.

Hop on the bandwagon? You think I'm not genuinely pissed I wasted my money for a game I can't even play?

I think reformatting would be way too extreme. Since I'd be using the exact same config after ****ing around putting everything back on...it'd probably be unlikely it'd work.
You want to give some useful info (i.e. system specs) so people can actually help you? or are you just going to complain in a non-contributive fashion?
^ you figured all that out with your mind-reading powers ?
I've already tried the tweaks and they did not help. My system:

Athlon thunderbird 1.2
KT7 motherboard
Elsa gladiac 920
256MB of ram
120GB 7200 RPM western digitial hard drive
xp pro

I ran the counter strike source stress test and got 53FPS. That's with stuff running in the background so it's probably 55. I noticed during the test though the frames were skipping a little, not nearly so bad as HL2 though.In the actaul CS game it runs good without hiccuping that I noticed. Too bad the game is totally crappy and boring. The problem is not my pc but the game.

Edit but in the CS menus again there was skipping but again not as bad as HL2.
You dont exactly have a cutting edge machine there...
I've got an idea, None77. Why don't you whine about it? Maybe that will make it better.

Edit: Okay, that might have been uncalled for. Seriously, though, dude...there are more...civilized ways of asking for help.
Any company that releases a incomplete untested game to the public in order to make the most money from the holidays sure as hell doesn't deserve my money.

So, every game company in existence then.
Pi Mu Rho said:
So, every game company in existence then.
No no, 3D Realms are really taking their sweet time bugtesting DNF.
Seriously, you could only expect such loading times considering your RAM-memory. What's the speed on those lovely 256 megabytes?
None77 said:
I've already tried the tweaks and they did not help. My system:

Athlon thunderbird 1.2
KT7 motherboard
Elsa gladiac 920
256MB of ram
120GB 7200 RPM western digitial hard drive
xp pro

I ran the counter strike source stress test and got 53FPS. That's with stuff running in the background so it's probably 55. I noticed during the test though the frames were skipping a little, not nearly so bad as HL2 though.In the actaul CS game it runs good without hiccuping that I noticed. Too bad the game is totally crappy and boring. The problem is not my pc but the game.

Edit but in the CS menus again there was skipping but again not as bad as HL2.
naa mate, the problem IS your PC not the game. Your forgetting completely that CS:S is an online game, with almost all the details and extra's removed to squeeze every last frame out of it on the most systems. HL2 is a single player game made to look and play good on good machines.

Upgrade the PC, or live with less than average framerates.

Oh and no, Unreal3 will not run well on yours either, or Stalker, or I imagine Oblivion or anything else really thats coming along soon.
While I agree this person's post wasn't exactly wonderful, some your snooty replies have been even worse.

Come on, can't you understand how it feels when you buy a perfectly good system and a game simply fails to work adaquately? I know his PC wasn't good in the end, but that is not the point: you assumed it was the computer's fault and blidnly defended Valve's argubly buggy piece of software.

I bought a fairly cheap new PC especially for this game (Athlon 3000+, GeForce 5700, 1 gig of RAM) and I keep getting the memory error message. I've tried fiddling about with hardware setups, and I've tried tweaking the game, but nothing has worked. It's VERY FRUSTRATING when you've been waiting 6 years for a game, only to find out it simply refuses to work. And it's pretty rude and condescending to automatically assume that the person who is having these problems has a crap PC.
I think people should face the fact that this game was released in a buggy state. I'll agree it is an excellent title; while it worked it for me it was astounding (the memory error messages only occured on later levels). It's just a shame that it is refusing to work for people who have perfectly good computers.
CS2x said:
While I agree this person's post wasn't exactly wonderful, some your snooty replies have been even worse.

Come on, can't you understand how it feels when you buy a perfectly good system and a game simply fails to work adaquately? I know his PC wasn't good in the end, but that is not the point: you assumed it was the computer's fault and blidnly defended Valve's argubly buggy piece of software.

I bought a fairly cheap new PC especially for this game (Athlon 3000+, GeForce 5700, 1 gig of RAM) and I keep getting the memory error message. I've tried fiddling about with hardware setups, and I've tried tweaking the game, but nothing has worked. It's VERY FRUSTRATING when you've been waiting 6 years for a game, only to find out it simply refuses to work. And it's pretty rude and condescending to automatically assume that the person who is having these problems has a crap PC.
I think people should face the fact that this game was released in a buggy state. I'll agree it is an excellent title; while it worked it for me it was astounding (the memory error messages only occured on later levels). It's just a shame that it is refusing to work for people who have perfectly good computers.

Quite agree with you. When I joined this forum, I was very impressed at how people treated other gamers (which is what we all are! I thought it was a community?). But now anyone who vents there believes (maybe even sometimes a bit extreme) is immeidiatly trounced on by the likes of Dark Elf (who i think is on the payroll for Valve coz they seem to get there oar in with very unhelpful comments to anyone who has a comment against the game).

This game is buggy, and I can't believe people are still defending it. Look at the size of this tech support forum, it's huge! And the games only been out less than a month - and a lot of the more recent threads are just extending existing problems or people venting frustrations. I don't know of a game release even anywhere near as problematic.

I think what would be best is a press release from Valve - let us know what the score is - like someone mentioned in an early thread, us humans like to be kept informed, not just left in the dark to assume! things. :upstare:
I'm convinced that Valve knew that this was a buggy piece of s**t long before they released it. Look at the facts;

Reviewers shipped into the Valve offices to review the game. Unheard of before now. Were Valve protecting their work or covering their arses?

World wide simultaneous release. Not to keep everyone happy all over the world but to make sure that the first country it was released in did not discourage the rest of the world with talk of how buggy it was.

Obvious pressure from Vivendi to ship on the new date of November 16 following a previous delay of over 1 year. It's clear now that Vivendi knew that HL2 was knowhere near ready on the September 30th 2003 date they had originaly been fead to them by Valve. Becuase of this they were able to put pressure on Valve to ship the game on time & worry about ironing out any last minute problems via Steam post release.

Lack of support from Valve. Apparently they are working on it but they have'nt even said anything official yet. The fact that they released an update that made things worse for most & have not released anything to solve the problem since accept some rather insulting 'fix' lists tells me that they can't sort this & never will. It's just to big a problem for them to fix with a patch. I suspect they are keeping quiet so as not to put off potential clients who miht want to liscense the source engine for their own titles.
hmmm i have a few questions.
1 where can i do this so called frame rate test of valve?
2 that is all actually

well i have a ati radeon 9800pro
256 ram wich i shall upgrade soon
pentium 4 cpu 2.60 ghz
and 80 gig hard-drive and i play half life 2 without lagg only after loadtimes wich is quite normal i think...but the deatmatch, thats another story , it laggs like hell.but you know i dont play all this source crap untill its been worked out ( till 1.7 has been released ) and the lagg is history...
LOL again people are defending valve. I'll say it again...the frame rate was acceptable before valve screwed things up worse. I got 45 FPS constant. The stuttering was annoying before...but I could at least play the game somewhat. As I got farther and farther into the game the worse it got. Then came the patch...and it ****ed things up incredibly bad.

The patch reduced everyone's framerate it would seem. Someone I know with an athlon 2800/Radeon 9800/ 1 gig of ram now has **** frame rates too. Is it his fault valve fanboys?

It's been 3 weeks since the game has been released....and valve still has done nothing worthwhile to fix the problem.

FYI the stress test is located in the counter strike source menu.
Reviewers shipped into the Valve offices to review the game. Unheard of before now. Were Valve protecting their work or covering their arses?
That's not unheard of.

You need at least 512 MB of RAM. Also, try turning off the patch in the console. If you need to know how, tell me, and I'll look it up.
I'm sorry but this game is undefendable. It really doesn't get more embrassing than this for a company, its the perfect example of a company going from hero to zero. Too big for their ****ing boots they released a game they KNEW was bugged, that i am convinced of and is backed up by the fact it has been 3 weeks and all they have done is managed to make the game worse not only were framerates are concerned but the stuttering as well, it is actually worse! Worse! I can't over state that. I want my money back and i want this game withdrawn from the shelfs, nothing would make me happier right now and it would put an end to this complete and utter joke. I want no part of this as this is not what i signed up for and the arthur of this post is quite right even if his post wasn't too articulate it got the damn point across. Either fix the game by the end of next week or withdraw the game from sale, a month is more than enough time to fix a game that has been in development for 6 god damn years, 6!!! Excuse me while i laugh myself to death. Thankyou please.
IRQ sharing 'fix'..

IRQ sharing 'fix'....

Well,i read in the steam forums about this and tried it myself,and where as i had heavy stuttering or freezing,it's now not so bad,i placed my SBLive! platty in the farthest away PCI slot and i managed to play a lot longer 'relatively' trouble free.
Some had the problem dissapear completely...:)

Good luck and here's the link :)...:

I wouldn't say the game is undefendable. It's a great game, and it works perfect for me. Got through the whole game (installation and playtime) without a hitch. There's my defense for the game. For me it works, sorry it doesn't for you.

Some of you people really need to calm down though. This isn't the end of the world.
I'm sure it was perfect for you. As long as the game was good for you thats all that matters. Your game is still buggy you just failed to realise or care;)
Aaron Lee said:
Some of you people really need to calm down though. This isn't the end of the world.

about the most useful thing said in this thread

and None77, people have already told you that you need atleast 512RAM to play it, but still you keep bashing Valve for releasing a buggy program. you're question has been answered, now either go buy the RAM you need, or stop posting crap about how you're convinced Valve knew HL2 was buggy before they released it.

...oh and btw, youre evidence for that being true is very limited in credibility.
BS my ram has nothing much to do with it. I could get another stick of ram...and it in no way would fix the problem. Random...btw at last E3 they were demoing the game...and guess what? It freaking stuttered! This has been verified by several people now. They absolutely knew this was a problem.

It doesn't matter anymore...I uninstalled the game from my hard drive.
Listen here mate i have 1 GIG of PC3200 high performance ram and a Geforce 6800 GT so get off this guys case, i have sufficent resources for this game and it falls flat on its hole. So quit brown nosing and admit that Hl2 is a mess. No game ever has produced so much discussion purely on the problems of the engine so people have a right to be pissed. If the game works for you bug off out of here and brown nose some other company that deserves it.
Flyingbig said:
Listen here mate i have 1 GIG of PC3200 high performance ram and a Geforce 6800 GT so get off this guys case, i have sufficent resources for this game and it falls flat on its hole. So quit brown nosing and admit that Hl2 is a mess. No game ever has produced so much discussion purely on the problems of the engine so people have a right to be pissed. If the game works for you bug off out of here and brown nose some other company that deserves it.
You say that as if you think that if it doesn't work for you then it probably doesn't work for anyone else. IT DOES WORK FOR ME, and I have half the RAM and half the graphics power that you have and I can still run it with everything at the highest except the resolution which I have set to 1024 by 768. Just because you have some sort of god-like computer and the game doesn't work well doesn't mean that automatically it is the games fault. It doesn't mean that it will be like that for everyone else. You probably have something set weird, or maybe some virus. Fact is though no one here is "brown-nosing" Valve because unless you havn't noticed:


Guess what, it IS the RAM that is None77's problem most likely. The physics in Half-Life 2 take alot of RAM to do all those calculations. If you didn't notice Counter-Strike:Source has most of the physics calculations removed, thats why everything is so bouncy and weird. That is also why it doesn't have as high of system requirements as Half-Life 2.
Flyingbig said:
I'm sure it was perfect for you. As long as the game was good for you thats all that matters. Your game is still buggy you just failed to realise or care;)

So the fact that I haven't experienced a bug must mean I'm blind and stupid. Ok. BTW, bugs are quite often based on a persons individual system reacting to the software, not the software being bad. That's why on consoles you don't experience this, all the hardware is the same. On PC's, there are millions of configurations of hardware out there and they have to try to make the software work on every kind. Valve made HL2 compatible with more configurations of systems than any other game to date. There will ALWAYS be people posting on forums saying the game is shit and doesn't work and is buggy to all hell, WELCOME TO PC GAMING. I have been doing this for years and in every forum there has been someone just like you.
The Mullinator said:
The physics in Half-Life 2 take alot of RAM to do all those calculations. If you didn't notice Counter-Strike:Source has most of the physics calculations removed, thats why everything is so bouncy and weird. That is also why it doesn't have as high of system requirements as Half-Life 2.

Also, the CPU is relied upon for physics stuff, his cpu is somewhat lacking too I think