HL2 Tunnels Pre-make WIP


Party Escort Bot
Jul 17, 2003
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Hi, yeah another pre-make, indeed :)

This time Tunnels, always loved the atmosphere of that map and tried to recreate it in Hammer.

I only have the hallway where you fight the manhacks to this point, don't know if I can get the other part with the combine soldiers done because the map is pretty heavy as it is already (500-1600 w_poly although I haven't run VIS yet) and it's all pretty well optimized already (few objects intersecting).

This is my first major map I created, also the first where I used custom textures (made tileable textures for walls and floor from the Tunnels bink)
I tried to keep it as authentic as possible, including the lighting. Lit with texture lighting and used spots to break the hard shadows of them.

Compiled with ZHLT.

PS: Please note that the map itself is darker but the screenshots are brighter because of my desktop settings.


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Looks good! But why can't someone recreate some maps in a DECENT ENGINE :P, UT2004 anyone?
*cough* Ahem, sorry to burst your bubble, but you are not the first one to do Tunnels..... :(


You did a great job so far. The stairs bit surely is a pain in the ass.(I can know) I like the lighting in your map, in mine it was too dark. Then again, my monitor is set brighter. :p
that looks great i am definitely going to play it!

you got the textures from samlples in the bink movie?? now that's dedication :D
Shinobi said:
you got the textures from samlples in the bink movie?? now that's dedication :D

Hehe :D

Even used bink reference to make textures for the bookcase and the paintbuckets in it :P

The improved bookcase:


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It would be cool if you checked out the Blur tutorial that is mentioned in another thread in here-- Then you could make those nice glowy windows and lights like in HL2. And maybe try throwing in that foggy light texture from Natural Selection (set to additive) to make that sort of hazy look that seems to be rampant in HL2. Just a thought.
Gergor said:
It would be cool if you checked out the Blur tutorial that is mentioned in another thread in here-- Then you could make those nice glowy windows and lights like in HL2. And maybe try throwing in that foggy light texture from Natural Selection (set to additive) to make that sort of hazy look that seems to be rampant in HL2. Just a thought.

Thanks for the suggestion :thumbs:, I tried the pre-compiled version (since I'm no coder) and it gives a glow alright, but I get all sorts of funky artifacts.

And what exactly is that NS texture you're talking about? Have an example of it?


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I think he's refering to the overlay's.
The texture is called "dustlight." It's not really an overlay-- You can place it anywhere and it gives you a sort of nice foggy look as long as you don't walk through it, then it becomes obvious that it's planar. I sometimes use it on the roof of a room to make it look like there is smoke or steam up there.

And yeah, the low-spec version of that glow looks a little weird. I think it would be possible to do it with shaders if you just copy everything off the tutorial on VERC, provided you have Visual C++. I am using the low-spec one in a map I'm working on and it looks great when combined with masked textures.

PvtRyan said:
Thanks for the suggestion :thumbs:, I tried the pre-compiled version (since I'm no coder) and it gives a glow alright, but I get all sorts of funky artifacts.

You have to be in 32-bit color. Anything lower causes those artifacts.
The Thing said:
You have to be in 32-bit color. Anything lower causes those artifacts.


You might also want to tamper with the settings. Obviously you want to use shaders and try r_glowblur 4
I see, well I use WON HL for mapping, so 24 bpp is my limit.

About that dustlight texture, what is a proper way to use it? I set the render mode to additive but don't know what to do after that to get a good effect, how large does the brush have to be with the texture? I honestly don't know what to do now to make it work with that window.
I'd say put a big brush that takes up the whole width and length of the room-- Make it real short tho, so it's a big plain, and put it up near the windows above where the player will be walking (assuming you are putting it in the part with the stairs) Just set the render amount to around 80, and play with that number a bit. You can scale the texture up a bunch so you don't see the edges of the texture. You have to play around with placement, but you can get a real cool effect. I think in NS it was in either Bast or Tanith in this little hallway that looked sort of foggy.
pvtRyan !!!!! How long you took to make that map???
Should get hold of Spirirt of Halflife. That really lest you do a lot of cool stuff with visual effects.
Farrowlesparrow said:
Should get hold of Spirirt of Halflife. That really lest you do a lot of cool stuff with visual effects.

Yeah I had it installed, never used it. But I'm messing around with fog and particles now. Looks pretty. I'll have some examples tonight.
Too bad this means that it won't be for people who don't have Spirit/don't want it.
As promised here some more WIP's:

Changes include more variety in textures, a steam particle stream (with ambient sound) and fog.

I think I'll do the rest of the map as a seperate map, hopefully with a fluent transition.

And I found out that the dustlight texture is pretty good at making windows look brighter when set on additive.

Crits appreciated :)
Its annoying because most of what Spirit offers is completely beyond me. By the time I work it all out, hl2 will be here anyway...

:laugh: Ok maybe not that long.

Looking good by the way...Maybe you should search for some models people may have made from hl2. Its a longshot, but someone is bound to have tried recreating a combine soldier or something, for Hl.
Good work mate! Can't do anything else than admire the dedication of the "hl2-map-makers-for-hl1-sort-of-thing" ..
Looks great. Pretty amazing what people are still able to squeeze out of the old engine. I was very impressed with those guys who managed to get bump maps of sort working in HL1.

Ecthe|ioN, fix that sig, 4 lines max thanks.

Edit: nvm fixed it for you, too big to have left it like that
Try changing the gamma when you compile it to enhance the lighting.
The Thing said:
Try changing the gamma when you compile it to enhance the lighting.

Yeah, the lighting is being redone anyway, dumped all the point lights and now only have texture lighting. Should be a lot darker now.

But I have to wait for VIS to finish, and that bitch takes long ;(
I can speed it up, but that means getting rid of a really nice lighting effect (takes up about 2 wpoly for every 2 units that it's tall)

I'm gonna start the other part of the level later this week if I have time.

Thanks for the nice comments :p