HL2 Videos

I get an error when I try to copy it :( Reached it's download limit?
sry, you will need to wait until moved to public then
wait, how do you download that video again? It doesn't let me to cpy/paste but what do you mean with public?
you need to wait until the person that owns the ftp, moves it from the upload folder to the halflife2 folder as it wont allow downloads from the upload folder, I have PMed him, to ask for it to be moved there but no reply yet :(
House said:
Do you have the Bink of Alyx's robot "dog" climbing a wall and then jumping down in front of Gordon?

Where do you get that one!??
Dowie said:
you need to wait until the person that owns the ftp, moves it from the upload folder to the halflife2 folder as it wont allow downloads from the upload folder, I have PMed him, to ask for it to be moved there but no reply yet :(

i see he's dun a little sorting out of his folders since the last time i looked , but the vid you uploaded is still in the uploads ,

but maybe the sorting out of the folders he did befor your upload was finished