HL2 vs A Flux Capictor.

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Jul 13, 2003
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So. Who dou yu guys thinke would winnar in the ulltimit battel betwn HL2! and A Flusx Cpacitor. :|

I preduct HL2 becuase of ets superir gfx and phisics.
Um, crabcakes is either drunk or making fun of the VS threads. Hard to tell.
HL2 would win that one, but wouldnt have a chance against Doc Browns automatic dog food opener :p
well flux capacitors are powerful things, but this is a pen is migtier than the sword debate so i think HL2 will grab the people's minds and bring about a better future for all. So HL2.
Clearly, the flux capacitor.. everyone knows of its general power, but, no one knows of its ULTIMATE power!
Are we talking a flux capacitor powered by garbage, or a flux capacitor powered by stolen Libyan uranium? It makes a difference.
DarkStar said:
Are we talking a flux capacitor powered by garbage, or a flux capacitor powered by stolen Libyan uranium? It makes a difference.

It's dual powered, both by garbage AND libyan uranium
Shuzer said:
It's dual powered, both by garbage AND libyan uranium

Well in that case the win goes to the Flux capacitor all the way. No contest.
But does it have an operating system that can really take advantage of that power?
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