HL2 weapons = Bland

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I find the weapons in HL2 are really bland. Besides the manipulator gun all the other guns are boring. The models have very little detail. I like the CS weapons because they are very detailed and have a great sound to them. The CS engine is old but IMO it has the best weapon models of any game to date. Yes HL2 takes place in the future so an AK would look out of place, but surely valve can come up with some really cool looking weapons or at least put some more detail on the ones they have. What do you guys think about the weapons?
/me shakes his head at the headcrab.

I was once like you.
Ok, maybe not, but if you think HL2's weapons are less detailed than CS's, you are deluding yourself.
I think that some people are basing their opinions off stuff they saw in the videos that were released last year.

Do you really think Valve haven't improved the content since then?
Darkside55 said:
I like how he called it, "The CS engine." :LOL:
rofl, me too.

I also like how he called hl2's weapon's bland, which indicates lack of interesting or weird/innovative things, when Cs's weapons are like the pinnacle of blandness in all reality.
Yeah most likely valve have improved the weapons. I was just bored when posting this. Silly headcrab starting new threads is not for you :LOL:
Can you post a "Why Far Cry is better than HL2" thread out of boredom now?

That will also be as fun as this!!
Far Cry's weapons are more detailed than HL2's.

The way that shotgun shoots, and the power that seems to come forth from that MP7 is just magnificent :)

I do like weapons, the sounds, models, fx...
Darkside55 said:
Far Cry's weapons are more detailed than HL2's.


you are so lucky I saw that "sarcasm" tag when writing my reply :p :afro:
Lol CS weapons are bland. How exactly do you spice up a Glock to make it look less bland? People just put CS down on everything. THE WEAPONS ARE SUPPOSED TO BE REALISTIC (looking).


Well the only content we have seen is year old videos, so that's all we've got to talk about. How about:

Do you think Valve have improved the weapons models since last year. I think that the USP and MP7 looked bland. Only the manipulator looked interesting. What kind of cool weapons do you think we haven't seen yet, any more physics based ones?

And now to my on topic reply.
I like realistic looking weapons. While Gauss guns and things make it more fun realistic weapons aid my suspension of disbelief ;). I wouldn't like a game made of totally wacky guns, and its not the HL style. However is it just me that thinks the cocking hammer on the USP is tiny? It makes it look like a peashooter.
when i read it i really had to bite my hand, i was gonna flame like hell but... meh cbf people in groups are stupid, kudos to the "CS engine" and its old 2 poly weapon models.
From everything i've seen, the weapons look really cool, and for some strange reason i've really warmed up to that MP7. And i love in the buggy video clip, where gordon gets the rocket launcher, its so cool to see how it reacts with the laser this time round. It looks "smarter"
Gordon'sFreeman said:
when i read it i really had to bite my hand, i was gonna flame like hell but... meh cbf people in groups are stupid, kudos to the "CS engine" and its old 2 poly weapon models.

man, I want a 2 poly gun...
You were going to flame him for calling it the CS engine.

what if he said "the engine that powers CS"... CSCZ did get some engine tweaks anyway, so its not the HL1 engine. Which isnt the Quake Engine. The CS engine is a perfectly fine statement referring to the Engine used to run Counter Strike.

He's raised a decent question and given a decent opinion, if you don't want to discuss it go elsewhere.
Is it possible to make a 3d object with two polys?

Wilco said:
You were going to flame him for calling it the CS engine.

what if he said "the engine that powers CS"... CSCZ did get some engine tweaks anyway, so its not the HL1 engine. Which isnt the Quake Engine. The CS engine is a perfectly fine statement referring to the Engine used to run Counter Strike.

He's raised a decent question and given a decent opinion, if you don't want to discuss it go elsewhere.

just shutup while your ahead.....
nope :)

Which is why it would be such a great weapon, you wouldnt be able to see it end on, gives you the advantage of surprise.
Wilco said:
nope :)

Which is why it would be such a great weapon, you wouldnt be able to see it end on, gives you the advantage of surprise.


weeelllll, you could just stick them togehter cross-like, which somehow is 3d, but looks rather .. limited.
LOL, Wilco is ek0st0ns' big sister, he don't want us dissin him! He's only 6 you jerks!
Wilco said:
You were going to flame him for calling it the CS engine.

what if he said "the engine that powers CS"... CSCZ did get some engine tweaks anyway, so its not the HL1 engine. Which isnt the Quake Engine. The CS engine is a perfectly fine statement referring to the Engine used to run Counter Strike.

He's raised a decent question and given a decent opinion, if you don't want to discuss it go elsewhere.

Thanks for the comments Wilco. It's good to know that there are some HL2.net members that respect other people's opinions.
Wilco said:
You were going to flame him for calling it the CS engine.

what if he said "the engine that powers CS"... CSCZ did get some engine tweaks anyway, so its not the HL1 engine. Which isnt the Quake Engine. The CS engine is a perfectly fine statement referring to the Engine used to run Counter Strike.

He's raised a decent question and given a decent opinion, if you don't want to discuss it go elsewhere.

If you want to play it that way then EVERY ****ing game ever released uses it's own engine.
Mr-Fusion said:
Your opinions are wrong.

How can an opinion be wrong? I think that the HL2 weapons are a little bland and I like the cs weapons. You may totally disagree, but there is no right or wrong opinion. If you disagree with my opinion then thats fine. There is no need for you to flame me just because my opinion is different than yours.
The problem is that you're basing your opinions on the media released last year. So, not only do you know what they "feel" like in the game environment (because you're not playing), there's an extremely high probability that they've all been reworked since then.
But there is no such thing as the CS engine. Anyway. Define bland however, there is no way they are less detailed that CS's weapons.
Basically Badger is saying the paddles in PONG have more detail than the weapons in CS
I don't think that the weapons on HL2 _look_ bland, but I do agree with ek0st0ns that they do _sound_ a bit bland. I really like the sounds the weapons make in CS (well, most of them anyway), the deagle sounds really kickass, and so do the M4/AK47, not to mention the AWP, BOOOOOM!. When you're using those weapons in CS, it really feels like you're carrying a gun that packs a real punch.

I haven't got the slightest idea whether the sounds in CS are realistic or not, but they do sound pretty damn cool to me. In HL2, however, some of the weapon sounds are pretty boring and make the weapons seem very weak and ineffective. Now, as I said, I know nothing about guns and the proper bangs and booms they make, so maybe the USP match and MP thingy really sound like that, and Valve is trying to get them as realistic as they can. Besides, it might be that some of the weapons sounds are be just placeholders and I could be pleasantly surprised when I blast a zombie the first time with the shotgun!
I think Valve said some of the sounds are just placeholders, im not sure. Check in the Valve thread
he did say that, but still, none of them seemed to bother me, i kinda liked them, accept the handgun.
I dont want futuristic weapons(except the manipulator of course)
The granade launcher(or whatever it is) which put people in flames looks really good, and the weapons from coastline(the stinger mod) and the machine gun from striders look good too. Actually the only id like to see it changed is the pistol. Come on it does look old for its time! :)
It's been a while since I watched any of the HL2 trailers, so I'm just wondering is the machinegun/grenade launcher from HL1 coming back in HL2? I only recall seeing one machinegun in the videos, which had a scope. Sort of looked like the OICW machine gun from Far Cry.
I like how people are saying 'HLs's weapons are bland' when we have only seen half a dozen of them.
You can have an uninformed opinion that is essentially wrong as it contradicts a proven fact, but in order for it to be an opinion you must be ignorant of the evidense that negates it.
Zapp$ter said:
It's been a while since I watched any of the HL2 trailers, so I'm just wondering is the machinegun/grenade launcher from HL1 coming back in HL2? I only recall seeing one machinegun in the videos, which had a scope. Sort of looked like the OICW machine gun from Far Cry.

It's the OICW, or it's heavily based on it anyway. And it does do grenade shooting, watch the pre-E3 trailer (the one with the flying through city-17)
PvtRyan said:
It's the OICW, or it's heavily based on it anyway. And it does do grenade shooting, watch the pre-E3 trailer (the one with the flying through city-17)

Phewww...I loved using the MP5 in the original Half Life so I'm glad to hear that a machine gun/grenade launcher combo weapon will be returning.
Yeah, I heard from a gun-clever friend thats actually an early precursor of the OICW, the M27 (I think, don't quote me on this)
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