HL2 weapons = Bland

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ek0st0ns said:
I find the weapons in HL2 are really bland. Besides the manipulator gun all the other guns are boring. The models have very little detail. I like the CS weapons because they are very detailed and have a great sound to them. The CS engine is old but IMO it has the best weapon models of any game to date. Yes HL2 takes place in the future so an AK would look out of place, but surely valve can come up with some really cool looking weapons or at least put some more detail on the ones they have. What do you guys think about the weapons?

From the same detailed animations that allowed the M4a1 in the game to continually be reloaded by pulling on the chamber cleaning part throughout beta and version... yeah.
These aren't the droids you're looking for.

Move Along.
The weapons ARE bland and unrealistic, and since the last media update was like a year ago its the only thing that can be judged. Particularly the shotgun looks like they just made the 3d model and placed a plane generic texture on it.

The responses to this guys post I found kinda entertaining, saddening at the same time though. And I do agree the CS weapons do look more realistic than HL2's, and I hope they fix it. Unrealistic texturing seems to be the main problem.

I will be pleasantly surprised if no-one calls me a noobie etc because I have one post, but looking at previous posts I can't hold out to much hope.
Carbon said:
And I do agree the CS weapons do look more realistic than HL2's, and I hope they fix it. Unrealistic texturing seems to be the main problem.
CS = Tactical shooter
HL2 = Sci-fi shooter with aliens and ting. I fear "extreme realism" isn't the issue you have been looking for <In an Alec Guinness stylee>

I quite liked the weapons we saw in the videos, and like everyone else has said - that's not even be half of them.
Carbon said:
The weapons ARE bland and unrealistic, and since the last media update was like a year ago its the only thing that can be judged. Particularly the shotgun looks like they just made the 3d model and placed a plane generic texture on it.

The responses to this guys post I found kinda entertaining, saddening at the same time though. And I do agree the CS weapons do look more realistic than HL2's, and I hope they fix it. Unrealistic texturing seems to be the main problem.

I will be pleasantly surprised if no-one calls me a noobie etc because I have one post, but looking at previous posts I can't hold out to much hope.

j00 N00|3z07

BTW the people who think CS weapons are more detailed than HL2's need to be slapped with a large fish. This is quite frankly the most rediculess thing I have ever heard being treated seriously on these boards.
i love the shaders on the Mp7, esspeacialy on gordons hands, has a real metalic feel to it, and the sound u can hear better on kleiners lab fits really well, i like em
Abom said:
From the same detailed animations that allowed the M4a1 in the game to continually be reloaded by pulling on the chamber cleaning part throughout beta and version... yeah.
thats funny because i thought me and my friend were the only people to ever notice that problem. not to mention the fact that almost all of the models are just mirror images of their standard left hand configuration. for example: if you have your models set on right, the ak's bolt is visible to you, it should be on the opposite side to allow spent casings to be ejected. casings are also messed up. im not sure if theyve fixed it yet, but if you have the awp on the right and shoot unscoped, the shell ejects from its standard position on the left, completely out of nowhere. anyway, i for one think that all of the weapons we've seen so far look, sound, and feel from what i can tell, good. im looking forward to seeing how they turn up in the final version.
I thought the weapons we've seen are excellent too. They give the impression of being actual 3D objects, rather than the 2D pictures you see in something like CS.
I really, really find myself wanting to use that gun from the Barricade vid.

What are all those little squares on the top of it?
How many weapons have we seen so far? five? six? I really doubt you can make judgement on a game by six weapons.
the only weapon ive seen that looked bland to me was the pistol. dont like the sound of the pistol either. sound too.. weak. minor gripe though.

edit: also the sound from the mp7 pdw sound kinda like a tennis ball shooter or something. hope they got a new sound up their sleeve for that one
Mac said:
the only weapon ive seen that looked bland to me was the pistol. dont like the sound of the pistol either. sound too.. weak. minor gripe though.
Well, the HL1 pistol sounded too loud and annoying.
I like it, it could be A LITTLE louder, but it is fine now.
Don't forget that when you actually play HL2 everything will sound different due to the fact the sound engine will be produceing sound for your hardware. The sound on the videos was lower quality than the full game and won't take subwoofers into account, so you won't get the same "ompf" that you will in the actuall game.
I totally love the H&K MP7 PDW, its such a nice attractive little smg. I am glad valve chose to put it in hl2 instead of that overused mp5
I really wanna run into this guy in hl2 dm... (pun intended)
EVIL said:
I totally love the H&K MP7 PDW, its such a nice attractive little smg. I am glad valve chose to put it in hl2 instead of that overused mp5

I agree, the mp5 is old! I love the look of the MP7 aswell, and that red dot looks real..err...frightening...i got nothing...
OMG DoOM 1 Weapons Pwnz HL2 weaponz!!!!!11 THy is TeH SUX0RZ!! D00M ENGINE PWNS TEH Hl2 ENGINE CUZ ITZ G0T Teh MinIGUN!!!!1!!! HL2 Is Teh Sux0r and i is not buying it!11!

dat_monkey said:
OMG DoOM Weapons Pwnz HL2 weaponz!!!!!11 THy is TeH SUX0RZ!! D00M ENGINE PWNS TEH Hl2 ENGINE CUZ ITZ G0T Teh MinIGUN!!!!1!!! HL2 Is Teh Sux0r and i is not buying it!11!

yet you register with a HL2 Fansite and register 45 posts.... someones lying!
I think he was joking around, Six Three... but then, maybe you were too...
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