HL2 Weapons

Actually I kinda like that premise (although it could be an early weapon model/valve screwing with us)

Half-Life is based largely on survival, but the first one didn't pull this off very nicely because you always had too much stuff to survive on, and it was definitely too easy. Limiting weapons is a start, although not ideal, it'd provide a greater challenge and eliminate the whole "I'll just use this weapon coz it's cool" technique.

Also I've noticed in the movies Gordon is always low on ammo for his guns... great move. HL1 had ammo everywhere, so it really wasn't anything to worry about, it came back into the other concern also, run low on ammo, switch to another gun... and so forth.

Think about it, it's obviously not gonna be well-recieved, but I think (if it's true) it's a good idea.
in terms of realisme and trying to survive instead of blasting your way to victory putting a limit on the amount off weapons AND ammo is imo a good idea as Bad^Hat pointed out but finding a balance in the amount you off stuff you find is hard causs some off us are well good at killing those nasty critters and other people need to use up a little bit more ammo :bounce:
That's the beauty of the levels (those in teh tech demo, at least), you can go ahead and just kill all the combine head on (I know I would...) but the player uses teh manipulator and the enviroment to do the dirty work for him... thus conserving his ammo.

which makes me wonder, in mp, will I get frags for dropping a container on somebody? :P
I wouldn't mind if there was an unlimited number of weapons you could carry; nor if there were restrictions. Like Bad^Hat said, if ammo was low and you only had a few weapons, it would create much more of a struggle in a distaster area. Some of the best parts of Half Life for me were when I was down to my last few shots and grenades, having to use them effectively to get past a group of Marines or aliens etc.

I know it's a bit pedantic, but my only problem with the rocket launcher scene was that he didn't need to reload a new rocket to fire it again. The combine soldiers also seemed to be unable to hit him very often, but maybe it was on Easy settings ;)
i think it would be better if you were hardly ever hit but when you were you felt it, as when you see fighting on the news loads of shots are going off and only a very few hit but when they do the person on the other end really feels it...
You can see a picture of a combine using an mp5k in one of the magazines:borg: :borg:
Loque - that's what the difficulty setting is for :)

Votka - didn't you find it annoying reloading a rocket after every shot? LOL well I did... I guess it's just opinion but I liked that :D

Also I'm guessing they put it on an ultra-easy setting, because the combine weren't hitting much and when they did it only took off 1-2 armor and maybe a bit of health. I expect this was so they could do the demo without interruptions - eg. dying :dork:
Wow great observation, i was just too lazy to post about damage taken..lol
That's why god made obssesive geeks like me :cheese:
As I stated before I'd prefer a limit: one that ensures you can carry enough weapons to cover all situations -- long range, short range, corridor clearing, explosives, etc. But then again, maybe walking around with every weapon in the game should be permissable, providing your movement speed changes accordingly [*visions of scenes in HL2 MP with people reduced to crawling around after picking up all the weapons*]. There is a bit more inherant fun/challenge in trying to overcome a situation within certain limits, which in this case would be ammo, and the weaponry to use it with. I follow HL Wasteland's example because CS and Firearm's smaller weapon limits are a bit low for the survival-apocalyptic situations Gordon finds himself in.

1 large or area-effect type weapon (RL, minimi, displacer, egon, spore launcher, incindary cannon, flamethrower)
1 primary weapon (OICW, other assault rifles, gauss gun, hornet gun, sniper rifle)
1 secondary weapon (shotgun, manipulator, PDW, MP5, shockrifle, crossbow)
3 pistols (glock, USP, DE, .357, sawn off shottie)
3 melee nasties (knife, crowbar, spear, tazer)
5 of each grenade/bomb type (HE, satchel, tripmines)

There are other alternatives: how about a System Shock 2, Deus Ex kind of grid-based inventory system instead? Each weapon has a unique shape and size that eats up the grid squares until you've got no space left to carry them. Mind you I was the guy in DX who was throwing away useful stuff like medkits, multitools and EMP mines simply so I could lug the assault rifle, GEP gun and flamethower along...
i'm hoping 4 weapon limitations. There has to be anyway, or Valve wouldn't have programmed in a "drop weapon" key at all.

By the way: xXSMGXx, how are those logitech Z-680s?