HL2 Windows Theme

  • Thread starter Thread starter matthewr85
  • Start date Start date


i am currently putting together a hl2 windows xp theme suite. keep in mind, i havent listed every hl2 related item becasue not every one is quality. i have only choosen, in my opinion, the best of the best while also trying to cater to others tastes. enjoy. as far as i know, there is no content from the leaked version. if there is, please pm me about it and i will remove it.

warning: the various files hosted at themexp may be infected with spyware. although i cannot do anything about the windows logons or boot screens, i can download the wallpapers from themexp.org, and upload them to imageshack. i will start on this process soon.

prefab hl2 windows xp themes
1 - gordon freeman, combine soldier, hl2 logos, orange/black/grays
information: http://halflife2.filefront.com/file/HL2_Wi...Theme_V20;17586
view 1: http://halflife2.filefront.com/screenshots...es2/17586_1.jpg
view 2: http://halflife2.filefront.com/screenshots...es2/17586_2.jpg
view 3: http://halflife2.filefront.com/screenshots...es2/17586_3.jpg
view 4: http://halflife2.filefront.com/screenshots...es2/17586_4.jpg
download: http://download.filefront.com/962949;f5568...9e052a7364775d9

wmp player skin
1 - hl2 logo, orange/grays/black
information: http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/downloa.../halflife2.mspx
download: http://download.microsoft.com/download/D/8...Half-Life_2.wmz

1 - 3d hl2 logo, orange/gray
view/download: http://www.themexp.org/preview.php?mid=279...Life+2+Logo.zip
2 - gordon freeman, orange/grays/white
view/download: http://www.hl2fallout.com/screenshots/wall..._01_1280?full=1
3 - gordon freeman, alyx vance, orange/grays/white
view/download: http://www.hl2fallout.com/screenshots/wall...136_1600?full=1
4 - combine soldier, grays/white
view/download: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/0803/Doc..._combine_wp.jpg
5 - combine soldier, city 17 civilians, detail, gray-blue/black
view/download: http://img9.exs.cx/img9/9540/hl2_azwan_wallpaper.png
6 - 3d hl2 logo, orange/white
view/download: http://halflife2.filefront.com/screenshots...es2/16896_1.jpg
7 - flaming 3d hl2 logo, colt m4a1, orange/grays/black, slightly tacky
view: http://halflife2.filefront.com/screenshots...es2/18582_1.jpg
download: http://download.filefront.com/979441;f5568...9e052a7364775d9
8 - 2d hl2 logo, combine soldier, antlion, motioun blur, detailed background
view 1: http://halflife2.filefront.com/screenshots...es2/18221_4.jpg
view 2: http://halflife2.filefront.com/screenshots...es2/18221_3.jpg
download: http://download.filefront.com/970372;f5568...9e052a7364775d9
note: .zip with two other different wallpapers
9 - the citadel, hl2 logo, very dark, dark olive green/black/orange
view/download: http://themexp.org/preview.php?mid=50091&t...t=&name=HL2.zip
10 - hl2 logo render, black/oranges, simple
view/download: http://themexp.org/preview.php?mid=23057&t...L2+on+Black.zip
11 - hl2 logo render, head crabs, the citadel, blues/olive greens/black, professional
view/download: http://themexp.org/preview.php?mid=38346&t...+Head+Crabs.zip
12 - white 2d hl2 logo, gordon freeman, white/black/grays, simple
view/download: http://themexp.org/preview.php?mid=29298&t...ife+2+Black.zip
13 - hl2 logo, g-man, black/white/green, simple
view/download: http://themexp.org/preview.php?mid=57074&t...Half-Life+2.zip
14 - hl2 logo, black/grays/blue, simple
view/download: http://themexp.org/preview.php?mid=25371&t...Gray%26Blue.zip
15 - hl1 & hl2 gordon freeman renders, orange, very busy
view/download: http://themexp.org/preview.php?mid=46426&t...e+Evolution.zip
16 - barnacle, gordon, water, high quality
view/download: http://www.half-life2.com/secret/secondtest/entry.php
note: see reply below titled "note"

(coming soon)

1 - flame/grunge look, very busy, quality
view/download: http://themexp.org/preview.php?mid=49526&t...ife+2+Icons.zip
(coming soon)
1 - "jelly" style hl2 logos, oranges/black
view/download: http://www.deviantart.com/view/9906087/

steam skins
1 - alyx vance, white/greys
view: http://steamskinners.jbdubbs.com/downloads/865/view/
download: http://steamskinners.jbdubbs.com/downloads/865/download/
2 - gordon freeman, g-man, orange/grays, nvidia logo
view: http://www.suddendeathclan.com/Skins/HL2AMDNvidia.jpg
download: http://www.suddendeathclan.com/Skins/HL2AMDNvidia.zip
3 - gordon freeman, g-man, orange/grays, ati logo
view: http://www.suddendeathclan.com/Skins/HL2P4ATi.jpg
download: http://www.suddendeathclan.com/Skins/HL2P4ATi.zip
4 - gordon freeman, white/grays
view: http://img70.exs.cx/img70/9380/forlornfreeman.jpg
download: http://www.tefp.net/downloads/Forlorn%20Freeman.zip

windows logon
1 - 3d hl2 logo render, orange/dirt, grungy
view/download: http://themexp.org/preview.php?mid=56257&t...t=&name=HL2.zip
2 - gordon freeman, orange/white/grays
view/download: http://themexp.org/preview.php?mid=23433&t...don+Freeman.zip

winamp skins
1 - orange, orange, orange
view/download: http://www.winamp.com/skins/details.php?id=133708
2 - hl1, old school, oranges/greens, grungy
view/download: http://www.winamp.com/skins/details.php?id=93560
3 - hl1, old school, black/dark greens, grungy
view/download: http://www.winamp.com/skins/details.php?id=7044

windows user pictures
(coming soon)

windows boot screens
1 - 2d hl2 logo, black/white, simple
view/download: http://themexp.org/preview.php?mid=62783&t...Half+Life+2.zip

aim icons
(coming soon)

note: none of the files are made by me
Can I read it, is it a spoiler ? I'm not taking any chances.
I bit the bullet - no spoilers in the text, but i'm not clicking any links :p
Thanks man, yeah, I'm not cliking any link neighter!
Links are safe, tried them out, most are links to pictures, plus the links to files are valid, I've actually seen most of them in the past, months before this script problem.
That's the the problem, the problem is that it can hack your account and start posting spoilers.
Cant see anything to do with spoilers...

What can hack your account and start posting spoilers?
Everythings fine, the problem was with certain tripod links. By the way awesome list Matthewr85, downloaded quite a few things.
OMG DONT D/L AND RUN THE THEMEXP EXE!! I found 55 spyware keys and 3 spyware prog's on my computer with it... DEAR GOD!!!
off the first login the login screen thing does't work.
the rest i did't try yet will do soon :)
Seems a bit suspicious to me..although some look good I wont download any.
Yes, we know that themes and such often contain spyware, but the many wallpapers are nice, the bootskin is good, and the WMP skin is official, and is what I've been using for the past months. Overall, a good collection of stuff.
you guys are idiots. thread starter actually spent some time doing that xp theme.
Yes, we know, but you never know with the spoiler attacks, you go a' stay carefull this days.
I clicked them all, people its all safe,

very nice and cool skins thread starter
These are just skins for WinXP and various programs with a Half-Life theme... really cool, but run a spyware scan after you use this stuff.
all i did was compile the list. i did not create any of the files.

i posted this yesterday on this forum, but for some reason it got deleted (for reasons that werent revealed to me).

please read a little more carfully next time. i warned you (in red letters even) that some of the themexp files might contain spyware, but all you would have to do is clean the files to use them anyways. if i had the space, i would download all the files, clean tham, and then host them myself.
Rofl, I find it funny how paranoid everone is.

Nice work on the theme, I must say!
vegeta897 said:
Rofl, I find it funny how paranoid everone is.

Nice work on the theme, I must say!

yeah funny :)
i even got norton anti virus 2004 pro
and nothing dectected offcourse my av is updated :P
zer0kewl said:
yeah funny :)
i even got norton anti virus 2004 pro
and nothing dectected offcourse my av is updated :P
... What? Are you talking about viruses or something?

here is some stuff i have created (in mspaint) using the resources in post #1. feel free to use the avatars.

80x80 forum avatars
1 - combine soldier, hl2 logo, black/grays/orange
view/download: http://img44.imageshack.us/my.php?loc=img44&image=ava3.png
2 - hl2 logo, white/orange
view/download: http://img44.imageshack.us/my.php?loc=img44&image=ava2.png
(more to come)

1 - gordon freeman, hl2 logo, white/grays/orange
view/download: http://img82.imageshack.us/my.php?loc=img82&image=sig1.png
(more to come)

question: i cannot edit post #1. why is this?
good work on the list im going to try it all out.

Any dual monitor HL2 wallpapers?
unfortunately no, not yet. however, i was thinking about eventually creating a site or something to organize all of this a little better. after all, the closer to hl2s release (and after hl2 gets released of course), the amount of material will increase by 1000%.
ive run into a problem: as we all know, logons and boot screens arent that easy to change. you can either download and/or pay for a shady third party manager program (and risk spyware) or "hack" windows and change them yourself (and risk a bsod). now, which of the two is the lesser of two evils? i dont know, and im too lazy and/or care about my computer too much to risk either. you might be different so its up to you to download the logons and boot screens. i will however, keep my promise about changing the themexp links for the wallpapers to imageshack links. i will also provide you links on how to "hack" windows and the urls of the programs needed to change logons and boot screens. this next part is just mindless ranting, but it pisses me off how the 3rd party companies make you pay to use their customization software. it pisses me off that themexp.org .zips it files not with logonui.exe or ntoskrnl.exe files, but with files that will only work with a 3rd party program. greedy, shady bastards.

stylexp - http://www.tgtsoft.com/
stardock bootskin - http://www.stardock.com/products/bootskin/
stardock logonstudio - http://www.stardock.com/products/logonstudio/
manual installation logonui.exe (logon) and ntoskrnl.exe (boot screen)
i want to download the XP theme.. is it safe?
no spoilers and no spyware?
confirmation please?
jesus h christ ... dont you people even bother to read the rest of the thread? freeman, all your questions were answered in previous posts. you know what? im not goign to answer you becasue i want you to do it yourself - in other words, dont be so lazy.

and why the h**l cant i edit my original post (#1?)
- wallpapers are now uploaded to/downloadable from imageshack
- resolution included in description

1 - 1024x768 - 3d hl2 logo, orange/gray
view/download: http://img83.exs.cx/img83/7594/hl2-001.jpg
2 - 1280x1024 - gordon freeman, orange/grays/white
view/download: http://img83.exs.cx/img83/9479/hl2-002.jpg
3 - 1600x1200 - gordon freeman, alyx vance, orange/grays/white
view/download: http://img74.exs.cx/img74/3084/hl2-003.jpg
4 - 1024x768 - combine soldier, grays/white
view/download: http://img72.exs.cx/img72/8699/hl2-004.jpg
5 - 1024x768 - combine soldier, city 17 civilians, detail, gray-blue/black
view/download: http://img82.exs.cx/img82/2282/hl2-005.png
6 - 1024x768 - 3d hl2 logo, orange/white
view/download: http://img82.exs.cx/img82/3640/hl2-006.jpg
7 - 1600x1200 - flaming 3d hl2 logo, colt m4a1, orange/grays/black, slightly "tacky"
view/download: http://img81.exs.cx/img81/6981/hl2-007.jpg
matthewr85 said:
jesus h christ ... dont you people even bother to read the rest of the thread? freeman, all your questions were answered in previous posts. you know what? im not goign to answer you becasue i want you to do it yourself - in other words, dont be so lazy.

and why the h**l cant i edit my original post (#1?)

i did read the thread.. but there was confusion on the whole spyware thing... anyway at least i was still confused, so i asked.. sorry if i shot ur ego while asking :(

btw the theme is very nice.
i am gonna get it now :)
So far with what ive messed with i can get the icons sounds and stuff working but i have to change it manually.....as far as just selecting the theme and or color styles i keep getting an error message "The visual styles could not be loaded because the file failed to load. Not enough storage is avaliable to process this comand" If someone could help me that would be great. Oh and yes i have installed the stylxp thingy too.
hmmm..this seems interesting! i have 56k, this going toi take much time.