HL2DM Choke


May 14, 2004
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aight i did indeed search prior to asking this so only helpful thoughts please.

HL2DM is choking like crazy!!! Ping is good, loss is 0, but choke is thru the ****ing roof, like 30-80+. Thats just ridiculous.

Comp Specs:
AMD Athlon64 3200+
Corsair XMS DDR400 PC3200 (1 GB)
Antec TrueBlue 480
BFG nVidia 6800GT OC

Only thing that isn't fairly hooked up is I am using ATA HD instead of SATA. Gig Ethernet.

Also is there a way to limit decals...I didn't see it in the options dialogue or in the CFG files.../? Turned all graphic setting to lowest for testing, didn't help.
Got new video drivers...

Can router affect this ...?

GD I am an IST major and this shit just ins't logical.
yea there is a way to limit your mplayer decal limit within the advanced options menu.
Ryjalon5k said:
yea there is a way to limit your mplayer decal limit within the advanced options menu.
Not in the HL2DM...there is for CS but not DM...unless I am totally blind which i normally am not cause I did look there cause it is usually there
arsenalfc said:
do you go to penn state?
Yes sir
I was having the same trouble just today except mine was staying around 30-40, and I got some help from a guy in-game that fixed my problem....Try the command "rate 9999" because it seemed to fix my problems and i now only get around 1 or 2 choke... Hope this helps :E
Obviously your computer is top notch, so I guess you have to tune your network settings:

The main three commands are:


Now it depends on your connection to the internet:

rate defines the amount of data to be sent between you and the game server in bytes/sec:

Optimum settings vary with the server. Try

modem: 5000...6000
ISDN: 10000
DSL: 20000 and more

cl_cmdrate and cl_updaterate specify the number of updates you are sending to the server and vice versa respectively.

Modest settings are:
30 /20 (standard in HL2DM)

If this gives you choke, sth is awfully wrong... reduce your rate to sub 9999 then....

More 'aggressive' cmd/updaterate settings are
40 / 40
50 / 50 asf....
100 / 100

Juyt try it , your choke should vanish when cl_updaterate and rate are low enough. And sometimes it's not your computer / the connection causing the choke, it's simply the server having a performance problem. Try with different servers.
And add some binds to your config to switch quickly between working network configs for you.

Have fun,

Tanx guys but I have messed with rates and whatnot...disabled firewalls, turned off realtime scanning of antivirus. I have tried just a bout everything I can think of beyond replacing my router and trying another one. I have comcast cable internet, 3.0Mbits downstream and 256 or 384Kbits upstream. My pings are good but the damn choke is just ****ing ridiculous. Frustrating buying upper tier equipment, and getting submarine performance
loss and choke with updaterate set to default or above (30) only depends on the server quality. If you think its better now because you turned of antivirus / firewall etc... its just because you were on another srv . The more you raise your rate, the high your ping is, and the more you raise your updaterate, the more you have choke. Put your cmdrate to your current fps average, because it's the client update to the server. And loss is only due to bad quality of the connection between the srv and you.

hope it has served, period.
-Yo- said:
loss and choke with updaterate set to default or above (30) only depends on the server quality. If you think its better now because you turned of antivirus / firewall etc... its just because you were on another srv . The more you raise your rate, the high your ping is, and the more you raise your updaterate, the more you have choke. Put your cmdrate to your current fps average, because it's the client update to the server. And loss is only due to bad quality of the connection between the srv and you.

hope it has served, period.

Antivirus/Firewall off: understood, I am testing on one server only as to keep constants. obviously the people on are different so not completely constant but as constant as I can make it.

CMD to FPS avg: that would put me up in the 60-65+, ok so I can try that, but what about updaterate?

Loss due to bad: understood I have no loss in game, as well as I did a "pathping" in CMD prompt to the server. No loss to any of the hops along the way except for those that have ICMP blocked so the ping didn't go thru.

2 things:
1) yesterday I reset steam connection settings to "DSL > 768" it put rates to 20/30 and 9999. really no help.
2) why do they not have a connection speed for cable speeds. this leads me to believe that being that there is still 56K support, all of valves games are optimized for shitty connections and doesn't help those of us with good ones. </rant>
3) why not have a selector that allows you to specify your up/downspeed and they determine rates from that input instead of giving vague speeds, because none of them fit anyone with cable internet.
4) servers should automatically adjust client rates to match that of the server so that everything runs smoothly.
5) i guess 2 things turned into more once I got going.
6) yes your post was constructive and thanks for the input

arsenalfc said:
That's cool, i'm looking to major in ist too.

learn and play as much as you can on your own. college is a joke unless you goto a tech school, you'll barely use the damn computers except for writing papers. get a few junker comps from people as they buy ne ones, and play play play.
BigWalnutZ said:
2 things:
1) yesterday I reset steam connection settings to "DSL > 768" it put rates to 20/30 and 9999. really no help.
2) why do they not have a connection speed for cable speeds. this leads me to believe that being that there is still 56K support, all of valves games are optimized for shitty connections and doesn't help those of us with good ones. </rant>
3) why not have a selector that allows you to specify your up/downspeed and they determine rates from that input instead of giving vague speeds, because none of them fit anyone with cable internet.
4) servers should automatically adjust client rates to match that of the server so that everything runs smoothly.

Some comments:
1. If the standard settings produce choke, try it with every server near you (i.e. the best server's according to their ping rating). I can hardly believe it's true for all the servers. If this is indeed the case, than your inet connection is in doubt. Check it with www.speedguide.net.

2. No, do not worry, modem is much worse than DSL on the HL2 engine.

3. Cable and DSL are more or less comparable. Do you have cable?

4. Clients get tuned to the server which makes more sense since the server is limited :)
i'm already in ist 110 dude, i know what it is like. I didn't want a hardcore computer major like cs. Although i'm not so hot on all the group work we do in ist.
BigWalnutZ said:
aight i did indeed search prior to asking this so only helpful thoughts please.
But you started the thread in the wrong forum.
Edge said:
But you started the thread in the wrong forum.
sorry spanky there is not HL2DM support thread under "Half-life 2 Forums". Just one for HL2 and by reading the comment or description under it I take that as "if your having trouble beating the game" and I am not, so I put the thread with the DM people. people like you that make threads longer for no reason, ur comment had no value nor any help on the relevant topic.


last night I disconnected my router and switches and put myself directly into the cable modem. same shit. any suggestions that are not assininely stupid, are welcome and GREATLY APPRECIATED
BigWalnutZ said:
sorry spanky there is not HL2DM support thread under "Half-life 2 Forums". Just one for HL2 and by reading the comment or description under it I take that as "if your having trouble beating the game" and I am not, so I put the thread with the DM people. people like you that make threads longer for no reason, ur comment had no value nor any help on the relevant topic.


last night I disconnected my router and switches and put myself directly into the cable modem. same shit. any suggestions that are not assininely stupid, are welcome and GREATLY APPRECIATED

You do realize HL2DM is HL2? If you called Valve for help would they say HL2 and HL2DM is a different product? You are dancing around it but what you wanted to say is in your selfish way you posted this in the DM forum to yield more responses because you think you are special and don't have to follow the rules.

As to your problem. You say you are majoring in something... how about common sense? If your ping loss is 0 and you are pinging low it is either.

A. Server side lag (ie, listenting server on a shitty box)
B. System lag (HL2DM on your shitty box)

Doesn't take a GED or a thread in the wrong forum. Spanky
BigWalnutZ said:
aight i did indeed search prior to asking this so only helpful thoughts please.

HL2DM is choking like crazy!!! Ping is good, loss is 0, but choke is thru the ****ing roof, like 30-80+. Thats just ridiculous.

Comp Specs:
AMD Athlon64 3200+
Corsair XMS DDR400 PC3200 (1 GB)
Antec TrueBlue 480
BFG nVidia 6800GT OC

Only thing that isn't fairly hooked up is I am using ATA HD instead of SATA. Gig Ethernet.

Also is there a way to limit decals...I didn't see it in the options dialogue or in the CFG files.../? Turned all graphic setting to lowest for testing, didn't help.
Got new video drivers...

Can router affect this ...?

GD I am an IST major and this shit just ins't logical.

I was getting avg. 40-50 choke and it wasnt effecting my play at all. I would like it to be 0 but it doesnt bother me. Make sure your rates are set good. cl_cmdrate cl_updaterate rate

Make your updaterate lower then your cmdrate this is almost always lower you choke. Go by 2's see what best for that server.
HunterSeeker said:
What is choke?
when the server is either:
1) sending too much information for your machine to handle.
2) you are requesting more information than the server can give you
3) "net_graph 3" in console to display the loss and choke.
Unlike what edge said, choke usually doesn't affect you all that miuch unless you are looking for it. unlike loss which causes you to skip and jump and chatter accross the map in a warping fashion. choke makes bullets appear to not be hitting the target even though theys should be. it also is normally the problem when you feel likke you jus unloaded an entire clip of mp5 type gun (not sure exact model in HL2) and the guy doesn't die.
Raziel-Jcd said:
I was getting avg. 40-50 choke and it wasnt effecting my play at all. I would like it to be 0 but it doesnt bother me. Make sure your rates are set good. cl_cmdrate cl_updaterate rate

Make your updaterate lower then your cmdrate this is almost always lower you choke. Go by 2's see what best for that server.
does affect me all that much either, but I am used to CS where every pinch of choke means you could be dead. DM is much more forgiving, but it doesn't change the fact that the choke is there and I do notice it, since I am looking for it.
smiley_mr.T said:
own god 2 hard for me brain=overloading
need to talk in normal english
the ****ing game is lagging how do I fix it?

clear enough, and simply suggesting adjust your rates with no additional information like equations to find the best rates or even your setup, hardware, internet connection, and configuration may be helpful

EDIT: why the hell is this forum using my words as an advertisement? banners is fine, but taking my words for advertising is not cool.
donno i havent got a cleu!!!!!!
all i know is that you have to kill al download programs on your intire networkt so
thats me advice and there my resources stop, enough
ok brain need 2 clam again pfffffffff ok
smiley_mr.T said:
donno i havent got a cleu!!!!!!
all i know is that you have to kill al download programs on your intire networkt so
thats me advice and there my resources stop, enough
ok brain need 2 clam again pfffffffff ok
well considering that as I said above, I have removed the router fom my network, and plugged directly into the modem, I assume that eliminates any other computer that would have been on the network. with no antivirus, firewall or any other programs such as download programs running and me being the only one on the line i guess I have tried your solution, unfortunately it isn't helping. thanx for trying
I started to get choke just recently. I tried tweaking rate, cl_updaterate, and cl_cmdrate but it was no help. When updaterate and cmdrate were both on 10, choke was 1-2 but sometimes I started to get loss and the players moved funny. I also sometimes get these connection problems + disconnects, but that probably is just my shitty ISP.
Ive got a AMD 2000+, 9600XT, 512mb ram and a 8 megs of downstream and 1 meg upstream. Help, anyone?
I had a similar problem and it was the rate as well. All I did was go into the console and type rate 9999999999 and it fixed.
I had/have the same problem. On every single server which has more then 8-10 players on it I will choke 30+ as soon as I engage in a firefight. I have tried MANY different servers, my internet is perfect, i know how to tweak net settings and my machine is more then able to run hl2dm smoothly.

There were some ppl on steampowered that were experiencing the same problem...lemme find the link:


I'm inclined to believe it's a bug.
Hi guys new here so go easy on me please ,

I have been trying to get good settings , But i am gettng crazy choke all so .now i have looked at all the settings here and try evey thing that i can think of starting from cl_cmdrate 100 and working me way down to 20 .But then i get no choke but get some very odd other problems like objects flying round the srceen and they look like slow motion ,To me but i am thinking its not that .

ItS just not getting the fps and that why its like it ,And the setting are not spot on par .but the funny thing is this i getting around 60 to 80 fps.

So to the problem at hand .And its not an easy one this guys . As i have not found any one that is trying to do this with blueyounder UK 10mb down stream internet and 2mb upstream.

I have been at this for days now trying to work this all out but its driving me nuts ... all thou i have still been playing it like this on tsgk servers and bs servers if you no it . And winning alot of the fight then coming out of the server with a very bad head . SO PLEASE IF THERES ARE ANY CLEVER GUYS OR GALS OUT THERE THAT HELP PLEASE DO . KIND THNX FOR READING