HL2DM map by 3D-Mike



Not done but getting there. Its for the competition allthough I doubt I can finish it in time :/ 1 month to learn an engine AND make a complete map is just cutting it too close for me

Hope yall like, comments welcome





Duude, I cant wait to play, a heck of alot better than any kill box map
Waits for pics to load. Curses modem.

Nice mix of colour. I only have a comment from gameplay point of view. How much physics objects are you going to have in there for Physcannon usage?
Great looking map, probably the most interesting ive seen so far. Good luck getting it finished on time for the competition :thumbs:
It is looking great, i cannot wait to give it a try.

thnx for the comments dudes :)

I wont put in much physics objects apart from some debris an crap in the structure. I think the 2 official DM maps have too much stuff lying around and I prefer oldschool DMing :) So outside it should be fast an furious multi levelled gun fights and inside you can do your throwing thing

Btw all objects you throw off the island (its floating, will post pics asap) will automatically be dropped back after a while
Holy crapit! You've not learned the engine! You've MASTERED IT!

Seriously, I did NOT expect that when I opened this thread! If you need anyone to provide a mirror for the map, i'm the one to call :p
Very impressive. However, my only concern is that maps for the competition have to be HL2-themed.
Man, f*ck the competition that map is looking very sexy indeed, can't wait to play it!!!
It couldn't load the pictures for me. Would be cool to see it after all the positive comments ^^

edit: It did load after posting a msg. Looks very good idd but the theme is not much of a hl2 influenced, as said above.
:O that looks awesome, it looks so....awesome, everyone will become pacifists while playing and just start to wander around looking at the scenery
I loved all your HL1 work. I'm glad that you are still mapping. Looking great so far.
Excellent lighting, feels very soft. My only concern with the shots is the static rock that you've got sticking up there, it feels somewhat out of place compared to the nice smooth rock that wraps around the building, etc. I'm keen to find out how the gameplay turns out with this, too.
It's not too Hl2-themed, but it might be Hl2-ey enough to get away with it.
Old-fasioned european architecture on a rocky cliffside, and whatnot.

Just throw in some junked cars/boats and maybe some combine technology, and it's set.
Mechagodzilla said:
It's not too Hl2-themed, but it might be Hl2-ey enough to get away with it.
Old-fasioned european architecture on a rocky cliffside, and whatnot.

Just throw in some junked cars/boats and maybe some combine technology, and it's set.

It's a floating island :p

But it looks great, who cares about the contest and the $5000 eh? :D
Bloody amazing. I can't map like that, but I would appreciate the $5000 ;)
PvtRyan said:
It's a floating island :p

B'oh, musta missed the floating part.
In that case, have it floating in water. Or with some sort of combine hovermachine strapped to the bottom. :p

In any case, a few minor tweaks could make this contest-worthy, and he can keep the original for non-contest distribution.
My HL2-DM Hammer editor doesn't work so I can't even TRY and make a map, haha. Not that I would have won anyway, I have no artistic talent...

I think 3D-Mike would win if he placed a few things in there.
nice map

dont like how people always say 'this map = winner' when most maps people are making they don't plan on showing til afterwards :p
DoctorGordon said:
Where does it say it has to be "hl2-themed" in the contest rules?
I don't see it anywhere either, it only says you have to use textures from HL2. Rules
It's beautiful. Keep up the good work. Can't wait to play it. :cool:
Its about time 3d mike came around for some source maps!! :p

Please tell me your going to do some cs:s maps, your older cs maps are some of the best and intuitive ive seen.. nj on this dm map too..
Wow, that map looks beautiful. Kinda off-topic, but how did you manage to have pictures show up in your post? I thought the
satch919 said:
Very cool and unique. I love it. :thumbs:

yeah, reminds me of the outlandish, exotic maps of Unreal. very cool, i love it.
Stupid kids try and hack my site, Im moving it as we speak :/





PM ConradeBadger to do it for you. He's a slave around here.
3D-Mike always makes incredibly good looking maps! Good job!
thnx for the compliments everyone!

I tried putting the island in water but its killing fps and really hard to look good :/ Im still sticking with the floating island, only reason Ive entered the competition is to learn about mapping whilst havin a deadline (pressure really makes you learn stuff fast ;) ) And if my maps not HL-ish enough then at least let it be original :)

Pics should show up somewhere today. Im movind my site to prevent it being hacked
Wow! I like it! I like it alot!

/me wants.