
Would you like to see Half-Life2 Deathmatch?

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May 8, 2004
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Just out of interest really, who would like to see a HL2DM at some point after the release of Half-Life2?

Personally, I think it's one element of the game which should never have been left out. It was HLDM after all that kick started online gaming on a higher level, well at least contributed to it in a big way.
I hope Valve picks a good mod, latches onto it and makes it really good. Or makes it themselves. That would probbly be better. :D
I'd definatly like to see it, but unlike most people if I had to chose between cs:s or hl2dm, then I would still chose cs:s, how about people here say what they would prefer with hl2 if they were allowed to have only one , would it be cs:s or hl2dm????
If Valve do decide to make it then there will be loads of different mods already availible that do the same thing.

Some will be good some will be bad, but I would still like to see one made by valve as they are the masters of making the hl2 universe believable, and i dont think mod teams could pull it off as good.
I have to agree with switch on that one. No mod team will create the atmosphere as much as valve can.

I don't understand why they chose not to produce it however, all the fundamentals for it are already done, weapons, models, netcode etc... Only maps are absent. It's not as if they havn't got time as they can produce a HL:S port. So why not do HL2DM instead, it's more wanted?

Maybe they think more people will buy HL2 because it has the upgraded version of the #1 online game. CS:S. So they choose to include that?
i remember doug saying this summer about hl2dm being "surprising and revolutionary", but he also said that it probably isnt going to be released with hl2, but will be available through steam after some time.
HumaNoiD said:
i remember doug saying this summer about hl2dm being "surprising and revolutionary", but he also said that it probably isnt going to be released with hl2, but will be available through steam after some time.

Could you find that quote? That's reassuring to say the least. :)
m0nKeY said:
I have to agree with switch on that one. No mod team will create the atmosphere as much as valve can.

I don't understand why they chose not to produce it however, all the fundamentals for it are already done, weapons, models, netcode etc... Only maps are absent. It's not as if they havn't got time as they can produce a HL:S port. So why not do HL2DM instead, it's more wanted?

Maybe they think more people will buy HL2 because it has the upgraded version of the #1 online game. CS:S. So they choose to include that?

here's hoping that from now to Gold, Valve decide to put the HL2DM in for final retail. We all know they were working on one.
I hope thats correct. Id like to see the old HLDM maps remade as well, boot_camp on source would be amazing.
KagePrototype said:
Could you find that quote? That's reassuring to say the least. :)
i wish, but i dont remember in what interview was it. i think its in that "gaming romania" or something...
im not really fussed, hl1dm was slow and boring, cant imagine hl2dm being much better.
I would like to see HL2DM, mods just don't cut it. :)

By the way Drondeh, HL1DM was and still is faster than CS or NS or anything else for that matter.
Dr0ndeh said:
im not really fussed, hl1dm was slow and boring, cant imagine hl2dm being much better.

slow?! It wasn't Quake 3, but it was pretty damn fast-paced! :O
Dr0ndeh said:
im not really fussed, hl1dm was slow and boring, cant imagine hl2dm being much better.
"slow and boring"?! i see quite well you didnt play on full servers. it was the craziest mp i ever played. i still play it sometimes.
and how cant you imagine hl2dm being better?!
two words: SOURCE ENGINE.
i dont get it why they put cs:s as hl2's mp its not the same game..
its like farcry will be the mp of doom3
:sleep: Drondeh, please dont be silly, . all you need to look at are the varied aspect's of single player in HL2, that can be carried into the new MP.

lets face it, for some of us CS is too bland for the source engine, the gameplay of CS and possibilities that can be acheived in source dont really compliment each other enough, it's all a tad plain.
in my opinion, the hl1 engine was awful for multiplayer games, it just didnt feel right at all. i tried playing hl1dm, and CS, but i found them infuriating. i am however loving cs:s. its alot more 'solid' feeling, and hell, i may even try hl2dm when comrade badger makes the mod :)
someone plz find that interview of gaming romania or however its called. there is a statement about hl2dm.
"surprising and revolutionary"?

...maybe hl2 online co-op?! :O or maybe city17 action...
i really want to see some kind of valve hl2dm.
we will all wet ourselves, when it get's announced just after the game goes Gold, ;)
clarky003 said:
:sleep: Drondeh, please dont be silly, . all you need to look at are the varied aspect's of single player in HL2, that can be carried into the new MP.

hl1dm was absolutely nothing compaired to hl1sp. i imagine the same will be true with hl2.
dammit. i remember someone from valve saying it. i was sure it was in that interview. oh well, now we only have to wait and see.
I said yes.

But I was never really hoping for HL2DM. I just wanted some kind of HL2MP in general. Hopefully with teamwork, classes, vehicles, and cool ways to take advantage of the physics.

But I'd most certainly take HL2DM over CS:S, because I dislike CS, and the Source engine ain't gonna change that. What's more, the entire idiot fanbase of the original CS is just gonna mosey on over to the Source one, and so I can still expect to have millions of lamers to play with.
ComradeBadger said:
I'd like to see, but looks like all we'll get is bad mods.

Sven co op

natural selection

resistence and liberation

The unofficial HL2dm some one is bound to make

The Specialists


jedi timeline

Valves own mods (DoD:S DoD2 etc)

More than I can be arsed to list really

There are loads of great concepts out there too

oh: did I mention CS:S? :sleep:
STEWART: Finally, will there be a co-operative mode? (I'm probably pushing my luck here, since you said you want to keep the multiplayer side of HL2 a big secret... but hey... you can't blame me for trying...)

GABE: We aren't doing a cooperative mode, but a couple of MOD teams want to do one so we'll work with one of them.

Found this in the confimed/valve mails thread. So that looks promising. I also just mailed DougL for some clues as if/when hl2dm would be produced. Ill post when/if I get a reply.
Malarkee said:
Sven co op

natural selection

resistence and liberation

The unofficial HL2dm some one is bound to make

The Specialists


jedi timeline

Valves own mods (DoD:S DoD2 etc)

More than I can be arsed to list really

There are loads of great concepts out there too

oh: did I mention CS:S? :sleep:

I think he means bad DM mods. :)
m0nKeY said:
I hope thats correct. Id like to see the old HLDM maps remade as well, boot_camp on source would be amazing.
So true, although I prefer the Op4 version :E
ComradeBadger said:
So true, although I prefer the Op4 version :E

Bet you would also still like to see the feature allowing players to frag themselves with the gauss/tau cannon ;P
Absinthe said:
I said yes.

But I was never really hoping for HL2DM. I just wanted some kind of HL2MP in general. Hopefully with teamwork, classes, vehicles, and cool ways to take advantage of the physics.

Same here , don't really care so much about plain DM/TDM, but I was hoping for real HL 2 mp ;(
Diablo2k said:
Same here , don't really care so much about plain DM/TDM, but I was hoping for real HL 2 mp ;(

Define real?
Who wouldn't want to see it?

But I don't think it's happening.
HL2DM would be awesome :( I love HLDM... I play it just about every day still. OP4DM is pretty good too :)