HL2Fallout and Halflife2.net and Gabe


Apr 14, 2004
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Why does Gabe keep posting at HL2Fallout? What's wrong with this place? This is a much bigger/more popular forum than HL2Fallout, but he makes all his vital posts there? Why Gabe, WHY??? Is it because you think HL2Fallout is prettier than Halflife2.net? WELL IT ISN'T!!! Fallout is too bright, it burns my eyes. Light is baadddd!!!

Anyone know why Gabe isn't coming here anymore? Or is he? (dum dum dum....)
I think he got spammed like crazy here. Plus, as long as we get the news, it doesn't matter which forum it's from :thumbs:
People like you Muka3d split HL2 community. Why the heck do you care where he posts? He gives information to fans of HL2, not a website, so you should be happy either way. Amazing how jealousy runs rampart in this community, it’s a pathetic sight to see.
Hey hey hey now Mr.Reak. I was simply curious as to the reasoning behind his actions. Sure, I don't care either way, as long as I get his information ASAP. You are correct about the jelousy though. Come on, wouldn't you rather see him post here too? Come on... Come on... You know you want it.

In the end, I guess you do have a point then Mr.Reak. Not suprisingly, you read right thru me. My defense above was pitiful, meaningless, and downright gay. Thank you for opening my eyes.
muka3d said:
Hey hey hey now Mr.Reak. I was simply curious as to the reasoning behind his actions. Sure, I don't care either way, as long as I get his information ASAP. You are correct about the jelousy though. Come on, wouldn't you rather see him post here too? Come on... Come on... You know you want it.

Sorry, maybe I was bit harsh, getting late and I am old, my bones are cracking. So yeah, I don’t really care where he posts, I can go to the link and read it over there. As long as I get some info.
Mr.Reak said:
Sorry, maybe I was bit harsh, getting late and I am old, my bones are cracking. So yeah, I don’t really care where he posts, I can go to the link and read it over there. As long as I get some info.
aren't you in your early twenties :)

I'd like to see some posts here, myself, it'd be nice. but news is news.

I am not allowed to speak.
CyberSh33p said:
I am not allowed to speak.

Well, anyway, I don't understand why there is so much "competition" between HL2 sites...

...but on the other hand I wish Gabe would post here... ;(
The fact that this place is larger and more popular could be the reason why he doesn't post here anymore. I don't think he can post on hl2.net without getting flooded with PMs and replies.

I don't mind though, for the reasons everyone mentioned.
Well, various members of Valve have said they browse all the community sites from time to time, it's no big deal. And we have Greg :D

It might just be easier for him to post there or something. Or maybe the new forum skin will lure him back :D
I think its because more people critical of HL2 tend to post here.

As for splitting the community, i think not. If you think that then you must think the community is already split? Alot of threads over there are started after info from here, and vice versa, no issue really, same cause.
Anyways i think this site is better, better thread topics for me to read. :)
The community members end up giving all of the community a bad reputation as a whole. For example, all it would take is for one person to say HLRadio sucks and HL2.net as a whole gets a bad reputation for site bashing.

The idea that people have in their heads as well that it's all some big competiton is way out of proportion too. Again, all it could take is this thread and somebody from HL2Fallout could think of HL2.net as a whole as being competitive and treating it like some popularity contest.

Now I'm not having a go at any particular member here at all, but at times these things happen, and even though there may be good intentions, actually end up doing more harm than good.
Chris_D said:
The community members end up giving all of the community a bad reputation as a whole. For example, all it would take is for one person to say HLRadio sucks and HL2.net as a whole gets a bad reputation for site bashing.

The idea that people have in their heads as well that it's all some big competiton is way out of proportion too. Again, all it could take is this thread and somebody from HL2Fallout could think of HL2.net as a whole as being competitive and treating it like some popularity contest.

Now I'm not having a go at any particular member here at all, but at times these things happen, and even though there may be good intentions, actually end up doing more harm than good.

Listen to this man, he is smart.
I wouldn't say smart but I certainly know what I'm talking about from experience.
Yes But why Doesnt Gabe Not Post Here Anymore?
Homie said:
Yes But why Doesnt Gabe Not Post Here Anymore?

Who cares? Maybe he doesn't post here because of you. Maybe he doesn't poste here because of me. I honestly don't care as long as he posts.

Arguing over semantics is stupid. It is amazing that people can never be happy. People complain that they don't have info about HL2 and when they do get info, they complain about how it isn't from a particular source. Incredible.

Frankly, I am happy that he doesn't post here. Not only is he encouraging other community's, but I don't want to surf through 63468416345986481659846 replies to find Gabe's post.
nah nah nah naaaahhh!!!!


I think it's fairly obvious why Gabe posts at HL2F... ME. I'm quite possibly the most brilliant person who has ever lived and ever will. Only people of Gabe's intellectual stature can see it, but it's true.
mrchimp said:
I think it's fairly obvious why Gabe posts at HL2F... ME. I'm quite possibly the most brilliant person who has ever lived and ever will. Only people of Gabe's intellectual stature can see it, but it's true.

Or maybe he just has a fascination with monkeys. :cheers:

Actually come to think of it, Gabe has to hang around with intellectual and brilliant people all day. Maybe Fallout is his escape. I mean, if he hung around here too, that'd just be too much intelligence for one person to handle on a regular basis. ;)

hahaha .... i kid, i kid.
You know what has to happen. halflife2.net and hl2fallout.com need to ally with eachother and take down Planet Half-Life!
Chris_D said:
The community members end up giving all of the community a bad reputation as a whole. For example, all it would take is for one person to say HLRadio sucks and HL2.net as a whole gets a bad reputation for site bashing.

The idea that people have in their heads as well that it's all some big competiton is way out of proportion too. Again, all it could take is this thread and somebody from HL2Fallout could think of HL2.net as a whole as being competitive and treating it like some popularity contest.

Now I'm not having a go at any particular member here at all, but at times these things happen, and even though there may be good intentions, actually end up doing more harm than good.
It is true, you're right. But when I said "competition," When I posted there, though, I was referring to individual members, not the sites as a whole...

I think I'll cry now ;(

I'm sorry Gabe and HL2Fallout and everyone!

/me hides
Don't think of all HL2 sites as being enemies, this is no competition.
I am curious though. Why so many hl2 communties I mean atleast every week or so I see in somebodies sig a link to their hl2 community, if it makes them happy Good for them. But they all seem so mm similair.
blahblahblah said:
Arguing over semantics is stupid. It is amazing that people can never be happy. People complain that they don't have info about HL2 and when they do get info, they complain about how it isn't from a particular source. Incredible.
*Jarman wonders why Gabe posts in some Internet forums instead of writing at his e-mail addy on a daily basis*

Is halflife2fallout run by a USA based team? Halflife2.net is principally eurocentric amongst the moderators I believe, so perhaps Gabe posts there so that the news gets Stickied without delay?

Valve actually host this site, so I don't think there is any dislike from gabe etc towards HL2.net
Kadayi Polokov said:
Is halflife2fallout run by a USA based team? Halflife2.net is principally eurocentric amongst the moderators I believe, so perhaps Gabe posts there so that the news gets Stickied without delay?

Valve actually host this site, so I don't think there is any dislike from gabe etc towards HL2.net
Not sure where the majority of hlfallout staff are from. But it seems a pretty flimsy reason if that is the case, since a number of us, including myself are often around day and night.