
Sep 16, 2005
Reaction score

I'm jister (co-founder/leader) of Forgotten (called unknown life forms before)
we got a new site up lemme know what you think, was a bit of a quick job so i like to make some changes base on some feedback from this forum.


where are looking for a new player modeler so,
if your interested to join up send a mail to [email protected]

Might want to hire a writer.
It's hard to tell from the size of the shots, but the screenshot looks like they could be pretty good. Models aren't bad either.

And yeah, I'm with Six. You definitely need a writer to patch up the holes. Right now it reads like a more of a brutal slaughtering of HG Wells "The Time Machine" than the god-awful movie was.
will do! hehe i heard it before the my writing isn't the best...
It only really takes practice and feedback to get better at it, same as most anything else.

Humanity splitting into two distinct classes is something that I feel will definitely happen. As technology grows, the divider will come between those who can afford things and those who can't, virtually eliminating the middle class. The lower class will have a very second class citizen almost slavery type of relationship with the upper class.

The problem that I saw with your project is that I'm not sure it'll happen by 2750 (Or 2570, the site's "about" page has a different date than the flash vid). Personally I would remove any sort of date and make it ambiguous enough to take place at "some" point in the future. I think you'll find the specific date doesn't matter a whole lot.

I've done some studying of genetics, and the amount of changes that the human body has gone through over the past 500-1000, even 2000 years are very small, and I'm not sure that two completely seperate evolutions could take place within another 1000 years.

Some of what you described on the site, the implants and revolting by luddites, also sounds plausible, leading into a very cool post-apocalyptic world. But, I would think that no matter how far into the Earth the "Forgotten" went, even if radiation wasn't a problem, they'd still need to find safe water sources.

In addition to that, I'd think that if the upper class had such badass technology to have a whole plan to protect themselves from nuclear war, they'd be able to find some people underground. I can understand that as the years go by, they stop looking, but it feels silly to suggest that the Forgotten are just that well hidden.

I think you've got a bite on a couple of interesting ideas that will definitely benefit from some fleshing out. Looking forward to see what you build onto it with. :thumbs:
k thx for the comments, wel the first year we had was 4093 or something, and well the problem there was; you just can't think of how the world will look by then...
for the underground people and the mutations; lets say you can get that well hidden (well at least in some parts of the world) and given enough time even underground technology would evolve... with the strange new environment they would have to adapt.
so maybe it can be possible (or not) to evolve in some way (anywayz gotta think about game play to here) and evolution is know to happen only when its needed in order to survive...
i will fine tune the story more of course and yeah leaving out a specific year would be better.
thx again