hl2mp dm_labbirynth - Final!




So here it is, as promised: The finalized version of my first finished map ever:


http://www.brielmusik.de/hl2maps - Also there's some screenshots in that directory.

The zip contains both the complete, rendered map and the raw hammer files - for those of you who'd like to look into it... If you feel like changing details, do your own version - feel free to do so. Of course I'd be happy about some credits... ;) Actually now I write this I remember I forgot the Team Deathmatch spawns - so go ahead... ;)

Oh, and the map even got some multiplayer testing, since some nice ppl allready put the gamma version on their servers. Except for being a bit laggy sometimes (up to 400 entities moving at once in there at some instances) it worked out really nice, and the server's Teamspeak-Channel was full of laughter and cries, just as I imagined. Great. :D

Short map description:

The Labbirynth is a morphing maze, including 16 spawns. Once the machinery is started (by the first pickup of the shotgun) the walls will open and close individually in a semi-random pattern (meaning that it's so complex it wouldn't really matter if it were random), constantly changing the maze's layout. New ways open up, old ones get blocked, players might get trapped for a while. To make the map more interresting and dangerous I've also added player-crushing blocks in the ceiling and some lasers, going off in sequence.

Also there in an "outside" - a range of ramps that become accessible once the right doors open up. You even can get to the ceiling of the maze, enabling you to snipe away at the poor souls inside... :naughty:

The walls (and the ceiling) of the maze are one way see-through, enabling you to sneak up on other players (if you can see someone through a wall he can't see you) as well as witnessing the messy demise of trapped fools who happen to stand under the wrong part of the ceiling... Muahahaha!

A *big* portion of the fun of this map lies in the deadly action of the maze and witnessing other's run into it, as well as the PvP game itself, of course.

If you allready know the previous version of the maze, here's the last changes: The ramps on the outside got a railing - so you can't fall down that easily anymore, but slowing you down if you want to jump from one to the next (and then you still can misjump and drop down).

I also added some more props (barells and boxes, stuff to throw at each other) and fixed some last graphic glitches.

The major addition, though, is the roof access (outside). Before that, every second field in the maze (those with moveable ceiling blocks) was deadly, the others relatively safe. *Now* a player on the roof can see and shoot ppl who are on these fields, the others blocked for him by the ceiling blocks.
looks interesting .. either gonna be very broken or very awesome. Any servers running this atm?
i dont think it would be very fun since the games goal isnt to get through the labryinth. good idea though
i dont think it would be very fun since the games goal isnt to get through the labryinth. good idea though

Not 100% correct, I'd say: since the maze has an "outside" that's not allways accessible and that provides some new weapons... When we tested it with several players it was indeed retty funny. :)