HL2net BF2 Game

Sorry I missed it. My dad offered to pay for a steak dinner. Steak dinner > bf2
Twas fun. Too bad I was awful. I don't know any of the new maps.
Planes. :l

It was alright, but we got trounced by the same team repeatedly. We need to find a inf only/no plane server. Or they need to make it so planes cant lock on transport vehicles.

It was however awesome to have a 6 player hl2 squad (for however brief).
*gag @ infantry only*

I don't mind getting raped by planets, if it means a lack of CS type gameplay.
Ok maybe not inf only, but no planes. I'm perfectly fine with helis, because they actually have counters. Planes are just OTT.
Actually I enjoyed that server, the planes were a bit tough but it was alright.

oh and Pitz is a bad squad leader!
Plane rape is a staple of every BF game really, it's just up to the team to actually utilize the AA guns and counter the jets with other jets.
Although. I do wish that it wasn't so easy to rearm the planes... all they have to do is sweep over the landing strip once and they're restocked.
They should have to actually land and take off again.
Bought a new DVD since my original one was borked. The game is now installed, including Special Forces. Took me 45 minutes ... Anyhoo, I'll be on Steam if anyone is up for a game.
I actually like Battlefield: Heroes better than BF2. Everything feels better, no bugs, and you can hit things.
Battlefield heroes is absolutely despicably awful beyond all belief.

I enjoyed that game last night, we got good in the end (needed me to go commander...be honest). But they had an awesome blackhawk with minigunner destroying us early on.
Does anyone know where the BF2 cd key is located? Because I have the box and manual, but couldn't recall finding it.
Does anyone know where the BF2 cd key is located? Because I have the box and manual, but couldn't recall finding it.
Manual. Back cover. Top line, soldier.
ok i budged. my username is gordanfremen
Oh god you bastard. It's like a retarded Gordon with glowing blue eyes. And xfire is actually a pretty good app. I was colored surprised.
Manual. Back cover. Top line, soldier.

Oh god you bastard. It's like a retarded Gordon with glowing blue eyes. And xfire is actually a pretty good app. I was colored surprised.

A cookie for you sir. I got tired of coming up with usernames since everything I came up with was already taken, so I bastardized 'gordonfreeman' until I got a variation that worked. I kinda like the Dune thing it has going.
I have an urgent need to draw Dan from Street Fighter with glasses, a goatee, and glowing blue eyes.

Gor - Dan - Fremen
Can I still play if I refuse to download the horrible piece of crap that is xfire?
Since I know the world revolves around me and your post obviously was in response to my liking of it ...

Name one good reason why not installing xfire would be better than the added difficulty of joining us and keeping up with server changes or what-not. What did xfire ever do to you?
I am kinda enjoying Xfire. I didn't like it before, but it's growing on me.
It just sat there. Extending my start-up time, being useless, and taking up CPU speed.

kinda like steam

oh well I started it up
naem is acepilotf14
We get a game going
If you want to join us, you can find us here:
Yes I prefer XFIRE now to Steam. The calling function works unlike Steam, there is a video recorder, in-game screenshot utility, file transfer utility, etc.
I don't necessarily PREFER Xfire to Steam, but they both work for what they are meant for.
Shaker, didn't you have an X-Fire account before? Wat?

Retrieve password?
Shaker, didn't you have an X-Fire account before? Wat?

Retrieve password?

Cba, and I heard a lot of stories of people who couldn't retrieve old accounts, so I didn't even bother. Plus who doesn't want to be Gordan Fremen?