HL2's multiplayer - plain and simple poll

Half-Life 2 will come with...

  • JUST Counter-Strike Source

    Votes: 79 23.2%
  • A Half-Life 2 themed multiplayer AND Counter-Strike Source

    Votes: 262 76.8%

  • Total voters
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although there is no evidence, it doesnt mean theres no possibility.

Is there a HL2 themed multiplayer? it's possible.

Is there evidence? none whatsoever.

Will I be disappointed if there is none? No, because valve knows it's going to be the mods that make the multiplayer. Sure, I may be disappointed there isnt any combine vs. resistance mp, but mods make it possible.

Valve may even release it's own multiplayer in the future via steam.

But underneath it all, the way things are looking: Theres no HL2-themed multiplayer coming with HL2 @ launch. Only CS:S. And theres lots of evidence for CS:S only.
Didn't Gabe Newell said about 10 times in interviews and emails that there will be a HL2 themed MP? And that it wont be CS:S nor TF2...but something else...
Doesn't that count as proof?
|LGW|Mith said:
There has been barely ANY indication whatsoever that a HL2-themed multiplayer even exists. Valve did say origianlly they were keeping multiplayer secret. Then they spill the beans at E32k4.

It's CS:S

If the cat is already out of the bag, then why is valve STILL so secretive about it? They won't answer questions regarding multiplayer in emails, OR face-to-face interviews? The only explanations I have heard or can think of for this is:

A: They have already felt that the "multiplayer" question has been fully-answered(CS:S is HL2's only multiplayer), thus do not feel like giving the same response again and again.

B: CS:s is HL2's only multiplayer, and Valve enjoys keeping people in the dark just out of spite.

C: CS:s is HL2's only multiplayer, and Valve isn't saying anything to delay people complaining about it.

D: Valve is currently still working on a HL2-themed multiplayer that may or may-not make it into the launch, thus they do not want to get people's hopes up until they know for sure.

E: There is a HL2-themed multiplayer already finalized, and Valve is planning on keeping it a surprise, so their fans will enjoy the game even more once it comes out.

My thoughts on this are
A: is unlikely because there have been no real explicit confirmations of CS:s being the only multiplayer mode, and no real clarifications given (i.e, "Yes, we have no other multiplayer in HL2. Stop asking us.") You figure it would take less energy to answer this question explicitly once (or maybe twenty times, just to make sure) than have to deal with the thousands of multiplayer questions they have obviously already gotten.

B: is silly, and I feel sorry for anyone who thinks it.

C: is possible, but what's the point? It takes less energy to answer the question now and get their fans used to the idea, than deal with it at launch.

D: is also possible, but Valve has said that they have been feature-complete for awhile now.

E: is the most likely answer, given that Valve waited so long to annouce HL2 in the first place, just to surprise us. I think they got a lot of positive feedback from how they did their initial announcement, so they have been trying to duplicate that by keeping the multiplayer(and other game details) under-wraps until the last minute.
neptuneuk said:
hi there,
im still awaiting evidence to your statement where i claimed everyone who disagrees with me is stupid.

thanks in advance
Neptune :)

I did.

I'm going to restrain myself from commenting on the post that followed that one, since fully trying to wrap my mind around the irony of somebody like you calling me a retard could kill me. Eespecially when this person's use of grammar is not only horrendous, but he has twice denied a statement he made.

Back on topic...

I am not going to form a lynch mob if Valve fails to include an HL2-themed multiplayer.

If it comes with a revolutionary and fantastic multiplayer, I'll be thrilled.
If it is standard HL2DM, or no multiplayer, I'll say "Meh" and shrug it off, since I'd be playing the mods more than anything in both cases.

I just wish Valve would stop dancing around the issue and give us a clear statement.
If it comes with a revolutionary and fantastic multiplayer, I'll be thrilled.
If it is standard HL2DM, or no multiplayer, I'll say "Meh" and shrug it off, since I'd be playing the mods more than anything in both cases.

I just wish Valve would stop dancing around the issue and give us a clear statement.

out of all your other post's thats all you needed to say really, :)

anything other than that doesnt matter, we just gotta wait.
clarky003 said:
out of all your other post's thats all you needed to say really, :)

Well, the topic asked what I thought the MP would be, and I tend not to sit still when I'm being generalized as stupid just because some guy thinks Valve is perfect.

That said, nothing is 100% concrete at the moment, so all we can do is wait until confirmation arrives. And although I doubt (with reason) that we'll get an HL2 MP, I won't be so rash as to rule out other possibilities.
ferd said:
Didn't Gabe Newell said about 10 times in interviews and emails that there will be a HL2 themed MP? And that it wont be CS:S nor TF2...but something else...
Doesn't that count as proof?

Nope he never did, he only said something like that once a year ago. But it was a vague thing.
I was being sarcastic, he did say that, several times...
Last time he clearly stated their would would be a HL2 themed MP was at the E3 in May :p
ferd said:
I was being sarcastic, he did say that, several times...
Last time he clearly stated their would would be a HL2 themed MP was at the E3 in May :p

interesting, because they also said something along the lines of

E32004 Movie said:
"A lot of people are wondering about Half-life 2's multiplayer, so we decided to bring over Counter Strike into source."

They didnt say exactly that, the meaning was the same, i got the grammer, sentence wrong, but it's clearly stated there. Gabe didnt say anything like that, Ferd, at E3. Find the quote, find the article where gabe said that, prove me wrong.
sorry, i just dont want to write out a full page article on how it is unjustified to start being a jerk simply because someone elses opinion differs and clashes against your own.

Its just not very nice, and tends to make people cry ;(
neptuneuk said:
sorry, i just dont want to write out a full page article on how it is unjustified to start being a jerk simply because someone elses opinion differs and clashes against your own.

Its just not very nice, and tends to make people cry ;(

But it was your opinion that was offens-GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

I'm gonna go gag myself before I get all vitriolic again.

sorry for trying to be nice and understanding earlier.. i'll remember to instantly, ignorantly flame anyone who doesnt share the same opinion on a subject as me without any understanding :(
[SARCASM]your approach to life is SO much more gratifying than anyone elses... :thumbs: [/SARCASM]
you ppl are derailing the thread, it's about HL2 MP, not your precious ego. :)

Valve hasnt been clear at what HL2's mp is. However, there have been many hints that CS:S is all that there is.

The CS:S side of the balance is much stronger atm, but that can all change when we get an official confirmation from valve... or it wont change.
oh no! my ego!!!! it's dying!!!!!
oh wait... it's non existant, i forgot...

to keep this post on topic: "oMfG!! Hl2: Dm WilL PwNZ0rS!! STFU N0ObS"
Look, you don't get it, do you? You essentially stated that anybody who thinks that there will be no HL2 MP is stupid. You were ignorantly flaming, albeit not directly.

I have no desire to rip on you any more. But when when each post you make reeks of hypocrisy... Well, I find it difficult to ignore you. But you don't even seem to read what I'm saying, so I don't know why I even bother. If you can't see where you made your insult, then I don't think you ever will. At least not while it's still relevant.

I'm off. I've done enough to derail this thread enough as it is. And there's no point in arguing this further.

i said.

"STFU!OMGnoobs!!!!everyone who thinks HL2 wont have a multiplayer is st00pid:x"
theres simply not enough information from valve for a conclusion to this thread

I personally think the evidence points to CS:S being the only multiplayer. But this looks like a case for mulder and scully

btw, you did say that.

neptuneuk said:
no? hence why i asked you, seeing as you thought that you knew.

ah the smiley faces..

being me, the nice guy that i am. i tend to ignore mindless flaming retards, as they tend to suffer from disabilities, such as lower intellect when compared to some other people.
and thus, they do not know any better so i dont blame them for their actions. and so, i didnt get angry with you.

translated, that means - ppl who disagree with me are stupid
Absinthe, nuptuneuk, keep your pointless argument out of the thread. I doubt anyone's interested in it. Take it to IRC or something.



i said.

"STFU!OMGnoobs!!!!everyone who thinks HL2 wont have a multiplayer is st00pid

You didn't directly say it, but you damn well implied it. I've already shown you where you said and how. Hell, I'll quote it just for you. You replied to this post:

er whats better, cs:source on its own, or cs:source and hl2 multiplayer,,, hmm i wonder....

stupid thread

with this


more like 'stupid people'

You are implying that anyone who thinks HL2 doesn't have it's own multiplayer, as well as CS:Source, is stupid.

Now PLEASE stop cluttering up this thread with your little arguments. You're annoying me, and I'm sure you're annoying quite a few other people.
neptuneuk if Hl2 doesnt have its own MP u can never show ur face again lol
|LGW|Mith said:
translated, that means - ppl who disagree with me are stupid

nay, translated to asshat, it means "0MfG, Ab51NtH3 1S A Fk/\/ N0OB!! StFu L0l!!!"

basicly saying, "theres no need to get all arsey about it, matey. thats naughty"
I've been reading this thread, and I still can't make up my mind about what the multiplayer will be. The people who argue for CS:S only do have a point people. I hope someone wanting a hl2 themed multiplayer can prove me wrong with a quote. I really want hl2 multi player, oh well.

Oh neptuneuk, (not to be an ass here or anything) please just don't post in this thread anymore. Your embarrassing yourself. Absinthe left. You got the last word. Happy? Oh, and I will also let you get the last word here too.
Maybe once they realized how much we want an HL2 multiplayer they delayed the game to throw one together. :p
neptuneuk, stop destroying threads. You are an annoying, whiney little baby. And you've been reported because you piss me off. Now let's get this thread back on topic.

The simple fact is, there is no evidence that's less than about a year old that points to a HL2 themed multiplayer. My theory is that Valve did start making some fancy revolutionary MP, but later decided to abandon it for a much easier, cheaper, and most likely more popular port of CS. Also, contrary to what Valve says, CS:S started production long before January 2004. There are CS:S files in the leaked source code.
iamaelephant said:
My theory is that Valve did start making some fancy revolutionary MP, but later decided to abandon it for a much easier, cheaper, and most likely more popular port of CS. Also, contrary to what Valve says, CS:S started production long before January 2004. There are CS:S files in the leaked source code.

You make sense, that sounds about right. They might just cop-out with a regular deathmatch and team deathmatch mp, nothing special but easily done. It would be good to have a Battlefield style MP though, with the striders and all that....we can dream :sleep:
Thanks to some insider info, i know hl2 will have its own multiplayer, but I don't know anything about it. You gotta believe me
rrm said:
Thanks to some insider info, i know hl2 will have its own multiplayer, but I don't know anything about it. You gotta believe me


Don't turn this into the Doom 3 community a few weeks before release. There were so many "insiders" it's not even funny.
rrm said:
Thanks to some insider info, i know hl2 will have its own multiplayer, but I don't know anything about it. You gotta believe me

Its best not to even post something like that at this point in time unless you have some hard proof. :smoking:
rrm said:
Thanks to some insider info, i know hl2 will have its own multiplayer, but I don't know anything about it. You gotta believe me

THANKS a lot. Now we can't guess about if hl2 will have it's own multiplayer. You ruined the WHOLE game! You spoiled HL2 for everybody. :rolleyes:
Um yeah, that's why there was a semi working multi-player DM in hl2 beta leak... Besides, they are not that stupid, they are not going to make CS:S the only muliplayer when we have been playing it for 5 years already.
yeah, just believe it, hl2 will have its own themed multiplayer
Well, now that some headcrab who's been on the forums less than a month says it, we can all settle the argument.
iamaelephant said:
Well, now that some headcrab who's been on the forums less than a month says it, we can all settle the argument.
no need to be an arrogant post-elitist.
im right AND i got the last word!
my work here is done *fades away into nothingness to never return(hopefully)*
Valve will put in a HL2 multiplayer.

What do you think that made HL1 a big game?
Its multiplayer and MOD part. Those parts bring in the money for
the company.

Everybody buyed it for the key, so they can play online.

Valve knows how important it is to put in multiplayer.
Thats the only way to make sure that people will buy it legal.
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