HL2Studio version 1.4 Released



Besides MP3,WAV,VFT support, now you can view MDL models,
and MDL UV info, you can also now view Alpha images in the VTF


You can get HL2Studio here:

This is a pre-release of v1.4

Good job. A++++++++. Would download again.

edit: A few bugs...
I suggest this to anyone who wants to create custom content for Source. It's an excellent tool with tons of helpful features.
is it possible to use this to change the paint jobs or "skins" on alot of the props like cars and stuff? I think that would be cool.
@Shens - Thank you for the support , I appreciate the comments
of encouragement. With all the time and effort I have put in this, I find I have received very little of that, on something that is free. So Thanks.

And yes you are right, this is a tool to help in making custom content. In fact, this is only the start for HL2 Studio , The next
generation will be a XSI plugin that you will be able to read and write .VMT's (I think is what the extension is) Anyway VMT's before models because models are more complicated.

@lotus - Please explain further how that would work! I am curious
how helful that would be.
Shens said:
Good job. A++++++++. Would download again.

I *hate* ebay users that do that. I hope you're comment was in jest.
Exporting folders still doesn't work correctly. I try to extract the 'maps' folder and all its contents from the cs source gcf, but the bsp files go to the wrong folder (they should be in 'maps', they end up in soundgraph or something)
thank you diluted I will check on that!

Q: ONLY THE BSP folder contents?
Q: are you using default path or not?

daverince said:
I *hate* bad grammar.

I love your contribution to this thread!

As for the program, I think it's great! It's a very useful tool and I'd suggest it to anyone.
Gotcha diluted

Fixed.. and ready, and will appear in next release. too bad I didn't hear
about this sooner, so that it could have appeared in v1.4 PR .

oh well

thanks pressure.. good to hear. good or bad..
to browse directories is still messed up sometimes
I don't have steam on my C so i switch to my other drive and it messed up.
wow, the only way to get rid of it (as far as I can tell) is to use the taskmanager.
@Hazar - You are going to have to explain things a little more than that please. If you can't close the application , from the exit option
on the menu button on the left let me know(If this is what you are talking about!), It is not anything I have ever experienced.

As for scrolling UP or DOWN when using a list , this is a difficult issue to deal with, as it is a 'personal preference' issue, as in the reverse mouse option in most games.

@Demo Yes this is an annoying problem that will be dealt with.