hlfallout.net shutting down

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the people at #hlfallout have informed me that hlfallout has had financial issues for the past months and Mr bond decided to shut it down, for the time being...
The "time being". Does that imply it's only temporary?
...oh yeah, I remember that site. Think I checked it out sometime during '05.
That was the place where a fake Gabe made the thread about HL2 going gold, right?
They've always been an inferior ripoff anyway. A ripoff with a silly name.
They've always been an inferior ripoff anyway. A ripoff with a silly name.

Wow, talk about maturity. :upstare: Ripoff of what, exactly? This site?

HLF isn't shutting down, just having some server problems.
Financial issues or server problems?

"Wow, talk about maturity. :upstare: Ripoff of what, exactly? This site?"
internet srs bsns

Everyone knows hlfallout is our bitch.
I remember I went on the HLfallout forums for a while because some people here were being douches.

It was a long time ago.
Yeah, I think that was established when we won that best HL2 fansite poll, and when Valve offered to host us, and because our community is quite a bit larger iirc.

Still, hope the problems are resolved, whether they're technical or financial... more HL2 fansites = more community, and my brother would be very sad if HLF went the way of the dodo as he has some thousands of posts there.
Man, that site was wins and the layout was better looking than this place. I will miss it though. This is a nice place, its ok I guess.

Are there any hot chick threads here like there was in hlfallout.net?
There is one in the image dump.

And if I ever see another, heads will roll. Or... eyes... or something.
Their site can't be that good because it doesn't have a zombieturtle.
Or a rather abnormally sized willie.

Imagine a zombieturtle trying to wank it's large rotting willie.
I hope those wankers go to hell.
...It's just a website. Grow up.

FYI, it's not being shut down due to Financial issues, they're just experiencing some server malfunction. That's all.
I liked the site, it had a good community of friendly people. Thats where I usually got my gamming news

Their site can't be that good because it doesn't have a zombieturtle."

Yeah, but they had w-ninja!
Well, it might have been a great site, but it still had a silly name. I guess all the other HL2-related domains were taken, right?

Why don't they just copy what happened here and plaster adverts allover the forums?
Wtf, newbies R US in here. Looks like the fallout has force some of their guys over here.

Hahah, get it? Fallout?

This thread is now a welcoming thread to all the Fallout newbs who come seeking a new home.
I loved hlfallout. It was/is the best half-life related web-site out there. The forums are full of lovely mature people appart from one person but that doesnt matter. I really hope hlfallout comes back. I really really really do.

guitar god.
Particularly when we're the one that doesn't come up as a 404.
It seems the fallout community is also overly sensitive. PUSSIES
Particularly when we're the one that doesn't come up as a 404
Oh come on. As if all other websites on the net never experience technical difficulties every now and then. ;/

t seems the fallout community is also overly sensitive. PUSSIES
Krynn's just being playful, I promise.
Just because there's no site at that link doesn't mean the domain name is available... I'm 99.999% sure that hl2.net is registered already.
Oh come on. As if all other websites on the net never experience technical difficulties every now and then. ;/
Hey, we go down for like a day every time Valve releases a new game because Steam's servers (and thus our servers) get overloaded.

Anyway, I like HLF. Halflife2.net is most definitely better (listen to the voice of objectivity here) but I've got nothing but love for other HL fansites :p

I for one welcome our new Fallout overlords.
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