HLS SD upgrade pack

Thanks man, I've been waiting for someone to release something like this.
The enemies still do because they still use the old models, it`s just the new ally models that don`t, but to be honest, they look so much better it doesn`t bother me.
go to the link and sign up with the forum, the pics will then be available to you.
stemot said:
go to the link and sign up with the forum, the pics will then be available to you.
I'm too lazy to sign up. :( I take it you're a member; can you post us direct links or something like that?
Page is back up. Will check out models and return with my opinions for any who care.
I wish Valve would've just add the HD pack to HL:S when they released it. It's pretty sad when the original game(with the HD pack) looks loads better than the Source version(except for the water and lighting).
ill just wait for blackmesa:source to be released. theyre revamp of hl2 is looking amazing. wish we'd see more of their progress soon :bounce: