hmm i found something kinda odd that's crysis related

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The guy looks like Psycho, maybe an expansion where you play as him.
Maybe it'll be a free of charge multiplayer compent like Wolf ET.

...or not.
Humm, good find. I remember reading Crytek buying a few of those domain names.
Couldn't that just be the Nomad? We haven't seen his face as far as I can remember.
It's an expansion pack (I know someone from EA).
"no longer be developing Crysis (PC) patches "

Isn't that magical, gotta love it when devs just drop support for games like that.
Developers of a EA published game are dropping support for their game? I Am shocked!
This is the Battlefield series all over again. Stop patching the recently released title and release a shitty expansion pack/sequel instead. It's really sad what has become of this industry. Thank god Valve is still around.
Yeah, not shocked. Thought the game was very bland and boring. Fun for a while but that wore off.

Wish the community the best. This is either a console port and they are not bothering with the PC again or this is a expansion pack to the PC so you got to pay for the patch.
What's it about?

A badass mother****er named WARHEAD with nuclear warheads for hands who can shoot them at will and put craters into the ground, he can also regrow the warheads after shooting them.
The story follows his escape from the alien testing facility, the opening level is in a ice cavern and you blow it up and escape and then the military tries to recapture you.
Along the way you find a love interest in a female tri-gen, unfortunately when you guys **** she ends up passing along her disease to you causing you to mutate into a mindless freak and you live happily ever after in the wild.
A badass mother****er named WARHEAD with nuclear warheads for hands who can shoot them at will and put craters into the ground, he can also regrow the warheads after shooting them.
The story follows his escape from the alien testing facility, the opening level is in a ice cavern and you blow it up and escape and then the military tries to recapture you.
Along the way you find a love interest in a female tri-gen, unfortunately when you guys **** she ends up passing along her disease to you causing you to mutate into a mindless freak and you live happily ever after in the wild.
I haven't lol'd so hard in a LONG LONG time, thanks xlucidx!:laugh:
huh? I don't think this will come out on consoles
It'll probably be for consoles too, remember Crytek said due to the amount of piracy they suffered on the PC, they won't make anymore PC exclusive games, it just costs'em too much losses financially they stated.
It's PC only according to their Press release, but if they think I'm buying this after they sold a million of the original (which I bought), which was a high end game as well, so the target market was limited, then still threw a ****ing hissy fit about PC piracy and that they would develop no more PC only games, the can get to ****.

I'll be downloading it instead this time, if they are going to treat paying customers as criminal, I may as well be one.
It's PC only according to their Press release, but if they think I'm buying this after they sold a million of the original (which I bought), which was a high end game as well, so the target market was limited, then still threw a ****ing hissy fit about PC piracy and that they would develop no more PC only games, the can get to ****.

I'll be downloading it instead this time, if they are going to treat paying customers as criminal, I may as well be one.

[sarcasm]Yes, because you were not already a pirate. Right.[/sarcasm]
It's PC only according to their Press release, but if they think I'm buying this after they sold a million of the original (which I bought), which was a high end game as well, so the target market was limited, then still threw a ****ing hissy fit about PC piracy and that they would develop no more PC only games, the can get to ****.

I'll be downloading it instead this time, if they are going to treat paying customers as criminal, I may as well be one.

I've heard you talking about other games you had pirated before stemot, it's not like you weren't one already ;)
I've heard you talking about other games you had pirated before stemot, it's not like you weren't one already ;)

I'm not saying I'm not, but I buy good games that I play regular, I pirate to either try them out to see how they run, or try them becuase of poor reviews, with Crysis it was the former, it ran well, I bought it.

So when I do do the honest thing, I then don't expect the devs to turn around and throw a wobbler about how everyones a pirate and no-one bought there game when it sold over a million, then expect us to stump up the cash again after they just told us in no uncertain terms they don't care about the pc market anymore.

**** off Crytek.
I'm not saying I'm not, but I buy good games that I play regular, I pirate to either try them out to see how they run, or try them becuase of poor reviews, with Crysis it was the former, it ran well, I bought it.

So when I do do the honest thing, I then don't expect the devs to turn around and throw a wobbler about how everyones a pirate and no-one bought there game when it sold over a million, then expect us to stump up the cash again after they just told us in no uncertain terms they don't care about the pc market anymore.

**** off Crytek.

Crytek never said what you claim they said. You are making things up in order to justify stealing their game. Pretty pathetic.
Actually they did. That's why they are moving resources to consoles.
yeah but by thinking there is too much piracy crytek assumes everyone is a pirate. They wouldn't be the first after all look at ea's draconian copy protection measures that were supposed to be used for mass effect and spore that got such backlash from the gaming community they had to drop it.
Exactly what does that quote prove? That Crytek think there is too much piracy going on? Or that Crytek are claiming nobody bought their game and that everybody is a pirate?

The former happens to be true, while the latter is something you have made up.

I said in no uncertain terms, meaning read between the lines, he complains about the piracy on the PC and then launches into some bilge about a frankly ridiculous piracy chart (I'd love to see how they track all the different downloads across the net to come up with this chart), and then goes on to say he could have made 5 times more money on a console.

Their game was a top end game, that run poorly for many machines, but still sold over a million, but they were not happy, they threw their toys out of their pram and announced no more PC exclusives.
Now they come back wanting us to get excited about a stand alone expansion.

Say what you want, stick up for them if you must, but they won't get owt from me this time.

"The game's status as a PC exclusive comes as a bit of a shock, considering that Crytek recently commented it would be moving away from PC-only development due to piracy."

that IS surprising
but i'm pleased to hear that they're actually trying to optimize the engine a bit more
This is a must buy for me. Crysis was good and im expecting this to be more of the same.
Has anyone seen the new trailer?

and screens.




That looks exactly the same as the first game.