Hmmm.. Didn't Valve say..

I doubt they would give out a game for free that they spent almost as much time on as they did with HL2 itself... and I don't think Gabe would come out and blatantly lie about something like that.

Originally posted by CommieX
In the Valve info thread didn't Gabe already say that the multiplayer won't be CS2 or TF2? Personally I hope it's something new.
Last I heard he said no for TF2 and no comment for CS2... if he said something since then I would like to see it.
I still stick to my guns.

Multiplayer will be major team based stuff with large maps and vehicles of all kind. But like BF1942...
From what they said in the IRC chat I would think they aren't doing a BF1942-style game for multiplayer.
A battlefeild mod would own since it wouldn't have half-assed netcode.
Originally posted by OCybrManO
From what they said in the IRC chat I would think they aren't doing a BF1942-style game for multiplayer.

Really? What did they say bud?
imo they still got enough time...but its not even necessary for me anymore, the game is so close, we can just find out ourselves
Holy crap, I forgot about the vehicles. If they're part of the rolled-in MP, that'll add a completely new dynamic to the game. I was salivating (metaphorically) in anticipation of this game, now I'm downright drooling (albiet still metaphorically)!
Originally posted by Kamakiri
Really? What did they say bud?
A bunch of people have emailed me the following question: How would I use Source to create a BF1942-like game? Okay, here goes:
First, BF1942 has pretty large maps, so you'd probably want to scale your units down to allow for a multiple mile x mile playing field...
There is more but I think that is enough.

The way he said it just seems, to me, like that won't be the secret multiplayer.
They also said that it's possible to have multiple people handking various parts of a vehicle. For example, a pilot and a tailgunner. HL1942 might be interesting, but EA might get their knickers in a twist if someone develops that mod.
Only a month away, cant you just wait and see what the MP is?! cmon be patient.
Just dont call it that :) Call it A World War 2 Game Which was developed in a Cave where we have never heard of, or taken ideas from other World War 2 themed games and any resembelance is purely coincidential. PS. I <3 BF1942 and DC.
They can't do anything about it... because you can't copyright features like vehicles, large maps, capture and hold... and you certainly can't copyright World War II.

As long as the name doesn't sound the same, like "HL1942"... you are probably in the clear.
Id like to think Valve is a bit more creative and talented than having to resort to ripping off the BF1942 idea.
I want TFC with Half-Life engine!!!! That should hold me over until other good mods and TF2 comes out :).
This makes 4, I would love to see CS2 with HL2 and as I have said many times before I wouldn't be surprised. Screw wondering about the HL2 MP. BRING ON THE CO-OP! OHH YEAH BABY, TEARING IT UP WITH A COUPLE FRIENDS IN SINGLE!
Originally posted by TheOriginalEvil
I call Barney! Co-op would be great.
Heh, yeah, TFC2 to hold us over 'till TF2 would be pretty sweet.. Unless that'd mean that TF2'll be on the Source 2 engine in 2008...

Remember, Kids.. TF2 went from coming with HL, to add-on for HL, to its own game, with TFC to hold us over whilst TF2 was in development.
Originally posted by Snakebyte
I call Barney! Co-op would be great.

Snake I don't know if you know this yet but valve has been working with the original makers of the HL1 Co-Op team called Sven! Its going to happen. Give me a ring if you want to shoot it up in co-op... ohh and you can have barney.
Originally posted by Ghoti
Heh, yeah, TFC2 to hold us over 'till TF2 would be pretty sweet.. Unless that'd mean that TF2'll be on the Source 2 engine in 2008...

Remember, Kids.. TF2 went from coming with HL, to add-on for HL, to its own game, with TFC to hold us over whilst TF2 was in development.

Thats nothing, "kid": Duke Nukem Forever went from being announced in 1997 for release in 1998 on the Quake 2 engine to being released in 1999 with the Unreal engine to being released sometime in 2000 to being released "when its done, definately 2002" to being still in development 6+ years later.
single player co-op would kick lots of ass. I CALL THE MANIPULATOR GUN!!!
I know that DNF has been in 'development' since before the Jurassic, but that's not what we're talking about here, is it, Bass? :)