Hobo gives away release date to Half-Life 2!!!

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The Freeman
Dec 2, 2003
Reaction score
Pet rock gives away release date to Half-Life 2!!!

I was walking by a crack house when all the sudden a shopping cart wielding "financially challeneged" man pulled me aside, he claimed to be sent by Gabe Newell to spread the release date of the ever popular Half-Life 2. Astonished, I took out a notepad and prepped for the juicey news tidbit. On the fifty-ninth of octember we can expect to have our nerd wet-dreams fufilled. Upon hearing the news I new my forum comrades would love me and respect me for posting this "exclusive news" on the ever popular halflife.net so I am now doing my part. The man was most likely Gordon Freeman whom after rescuing city 17 hadn't found much work from the piss-poor economy takeing away all the precious IT jobs. Remember if you ever hear any information about the Half-Life 2 release date- (especially if it's from meth addicted pedestrians) it is worth posting a thread about. And is 100% true.
You guys have to believe me, I said so. Plus he knew a guy who knew Gabe's hair stylist.
well, my cat told me it was only going to be released on the moon. then he laughed at me and called me an earthsucker, and told me he was going to join the moon-men and frollic gently.

That's when i found out the crack addiction had gone too far.
Honestly though moonies have been known to give away good release date information, anyone who says that moonies arent insiders need to "get back into the real world."

EDIT: MY PET TURTLE JUST INFORMED ME THAT VALVE HAS LAUNCHED A NUKE AT EVERY U.S. CITY, might as well kill yourselves well you can guys.
:dozey: Babyheadcrab no matter how much I love you, you've got to stop smoking my purple kush, or i'll **** you up.
Rumor has it that Vivendi given there financial troubles have decided to shave Erik Johnsons back and sell the hair on Ebay, this is of course totally confirmed because the sky is blue and grass is green, oh and because Gordon has Brown hair. I'm suprised that the popular game news sites havent caught on yet, keep checking PHL bluesnews and shack for updates.
bAbYhEaDcRaB said:
Rumor has it that Vivendi given there financial troubles have decided to shave Erik Johnsons back and sell the hair on Ebay

i thought it was going to be released in "septemburary"
That guy isnt even from Valve/Vienidi so how can you 100% confirm that it is true? Right now Gabe Newell said their aiming for an August 2004 release
Ok, this thread has served it's stupid purpose. :rolleyes:
I wanna hear information from Valve only, otherwise it's just rumours.
I once saw a dog that looked similar to the pet owned by a neice of a room mates cousin's uncle who used to walk past Valve's HQ everyday, and so I can confirm that the financially challenged man is correct.
When someone says something is going to happen, it never will. According to some scientists on this Science video my brother has, the Earth was supposed to be destroyed on May 5 2002
Kyo said:
When someone says something is going to happen, it never will. According to some scientists on this Science video my brother has, the Earth was supposed to be destroyed on May 5 2002
According to nostradamus, the antichrist, ie Saddam, should have brought the world to an end in 1999. Or was that Stalin in 1946? No sorry it was hitler in 1942. No... It was bush in 2002! Oh sorry. Looks like we'll have to wait and see...
If the game is released in October, Valve havent keept the August promiss ;)
^Thomas^ said:
If the game is released in October, Valve havent keept the August promiss ;)

Valve never made a promise. Valve have stated (and I paraphrase) "we aim to get the game finished in mid-summer/August". It will then be in Vivendi's hands.
AJ Rimmer said:
According to nostradamus, the antichrist, ie Saddam, should have brought the world to an end in 1999. Or was that Stalin in 1946? No sorry it was hitler in 1942. No... It was bush in 2002! Oh sorry. Looks like we'll have to wait and see...

Wasn't a huge meteor supposed to hit us a few weeks ago? Hmmm, whatever happened to that!

I hope people are stabbing that retard in the genitals.
I heard from the donkey that lives 2 doors down (he's called Woody - because he's brown) that Valve had completely scrapped the storyline, fired Marc, and are now going to use the Source engine to re-release Pacman, Paddle and Space Invaders.
Maybe good for a small laugh, but people have started to carry this thread away. Closed.
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