Hockey fans come in!!!!!

Dr. Freeman

Jul 11, 2003
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i am happy to say that the NHL is back in business :) :) :) :) :) :)
now i know some people were turned off by the wasted season but true hockey fans will and should come back and support hockey and the NHL

anyway its been a long few months and yeah its been frustrating but hey its back and thats all that matters now.

The NHL and NHL Players' Association have finally reached an agreement (pending ratification) on a new six-year collective bargaining agreement that - if approved by the NHL board of governors next Thursday and the rank and file membership of the NHLPA next Tuesday - will officially end the stalemate on July 21.

link to story
Damn babies I tell ya.
xlucidx said:
Damn babies I tell ya.

i hear ya :|
its funny how players such as McCabe, Avery the few others who spoke out a couple of months ago have now acceept a salary cap...not only that but a 24% roll back in salaries.
i guess they finally woke up and saw the trouble the league and some these teams were in.
Err yea.. go Bruins..

I had forgotten about hockey, i guess everyone in Boston did.. With the Red Sox and the Patriots we don't have time for hockey sorry.

But that's great.
DreadLord1337 said:
Err yea.. go Bruins..

I had forgotten about hockey, i guess everyone in Boston did.. With the Red Sox and the Patriots we don't have time for hockey sorry.

But that's great.

But you have time for 5 homosexuals to give Johnny Damon a makeover? Where do your priorities lie!
Winter in Michigan is unbearable without hockey. Thank god it's back!

Finally a deal. :)

Things have been so dull the past few months without the Stanley Cup Playoffs. Can't wait 'till next season!!!

Bring on the Draft Lottery!! :D I get to see my team lose again :(

I agree...NY RANGERS SUCK!!!! :E
i thought there were a few Flyers fans around here?
hmm...maybe they didn't stick around huh? :p
Go Leafs Go! They're back...

I'm so happy.

Front page tommorow morning, even if there is a terrorist attack against T.O.
yesterday officially the lockout ended with the owners signing off on the new deal and also the positioning for the draft lottery was determined as well.
the Pittsburgh Penguins won the coveted first pick with which they will likely choose to draft highly talented prospect Sidney Crosby.

Crosby is the most talked about prospect since the days of Eric Lindros and the comparasions to Wayne Gretzky have been endless even tho this kid hasn't played a game in the NHL yet.

anywway as far Pittsburgh is concerned, i am sure i am not the only hockey fan who thinks this is the last chance for fans of this team to show up and support this team because quite frankly, this team has been saved by Mario Lemieux two or three times already...i don't think people in and around hockey will have too much sympathy if this team is not supported this time around.

Link to story

can't wait til the teams are set and ready to start the season :thumbs:
The draft lottery of yesterday was something I really enjoyed. I had some bets with my friends on who would come out on top. We each choose 3 teams (one from the teams that had 3 chances to win, one from the teams who had two chances to win, and one from the teams that had one chance to win). I went with Ottawa, Phoenix, and Pittsburgh! :D

Of course I was rooting for my Maple Leafs, but they came 21st. It was quite ironic that the team that won the cup last year, Tampa Bay Lightning, ended up with the 30th and last pick in the draft.

Good thing that Sidney Crosby is headed to Pittsburgh. The Penguins are arguably the weakest team in the NHL, and a prospect player like Crosby is just what this team needed.

I'm surprised there haven't been many buyouts yet. Just Tony Amonte and John Leclair of the Phillidelphia Flyers have been bought out. I guess it's because it's the weekend.
I hate the new rules they are making. And we didn't get the #1 draft pick! :flame:
I'm glad it's back, but have you read some of the new rules they're adding? The goalie restrictions are pretty much the worst of the changes.
No red line sucks. I hope they don't add it to the in-house and travel league rules. :|
YAY! Hockey is great. :D I'm glad it's back. The players must have been bored out of their minds.
Sober said:
I'm glad it's back, but have you read some of the new rules they're adding? The goalie restrictions are pretty much the worst of the changes.

if by goalie restrictions u mean limiting their equipment, hey i got no problems with that...infact some goalies were going over the top and taking advantage of the fact there were no limitations to equipment sizes.

if by goalie restrictions u meant the new rule that goales not being able to play the puck...well i agree...its a skill and goalies should not be punished for it.
however i also believe if goalies come out of the crease to play the puck, they should also be fair game and other players should be able to lay a hit on them...especially since they are the most protected players on the ice.