
<Insert witty comment here>

Hello and Welcome. :D
Well, if you're not so good with word, then...um...

Welcome to the Democratic People's Republic of HL2.net.

Be advised that mandatory brainwashing/Re-education is required for your continued existance in these forums. Also, if you do not participate in any of the weekly Propaganda Services, you will be killed.
dude!!! turn around now, don't go any further, there's still time to repent, no!!!! not HL2.net!!!!!! arghhh /end idiotic comment

Greetings, brother... And so we meet at last. You should be ammened for avoiding my traps! It was once the work of a man who had too much time on his hands, but now... The work for salvation!


Anyhoo', welcome to HL2.net, if you have any problems or questions, please, don't hesitate to ask me or any other staff memeber via Private Message.
Hello CommandoPiggy! I dont think I've ever saw a Commando Pig before..hmmm.