Holographic hard drives

pretty sweet, but will probably cost $200 like most other things
Aw, I thought it was going to be hard drives made of light. :(
No, they specifically said it will be way cheaper, because it's so less expensive and complex to produce.
Loseke said Optware will be able to undercut InPhase's pricing because the technology is less complicated and therefore less expensive to produce. "A disk can cost the same as a DVD," he said. "The cost per megabyte is orders of magnitude less than magnetic disk storage media. It's about one-tenth of the cost of a hard drive."

I wonder if they will have these in the ps3?
JNightshade said:
No, they specifically said it will be way cheaper, because it's so less expensive and complex to produce.
Nothing to the thread on this sentence, you're avatard freaks me out. It's an eye I'm sure, but whnen I'm not looking at it, it looks like a freaking cut with something comming out of it.

On Topic: Yeah, I'd love ot have one of these, except it will be expensive as hell.