Holy cannoli - I just got a Wii!


Jul 21, 2006
Reaction score
Picked up a Wii for myself but I haven't opened it yet. Contemplating throwing it on eBay, but not 100% sure.

So is it worth keeping?
'Mum i just won the lottery! But i dont know if i should spend the money...'
Then give the other to a friend for his birthday.
yay! Wii's are awesome! i dont have one though....=( but i have an Xbox 360 which is equally as good so yay.....
Get some mates round and play Wii Sports :)
Wii Sports, Zelda, Wario Ware, Madden 07. Just 4 reasons to keep it. There are many many many many more.
Keep! If you have friends (in which all the people who say "no" either don't or have sucky boring friends) 3 or 4 people doing tennis or bowling is brilliant fun. :D
I don't get these people. I mean...wtf you buy not just one, but TWO consoles just to throw them on Ebay? what is up with that, do people on Ebay pay more than the retail price?
I don't get these people. I mean...wtf you buy not just one, but TWO consoles just to throw them on Ebay? what is up with that, do people on Ebay pay more than the retail price?

No, they pay less. I'm just a good samaritan doing a good deed.
But I'm just wondering...well why the hell do they pay more? They're stupid I guess
I work a shit retail job, but it has its perks. I was originally planning on picking up three systems, but they wouldn't allow it. :\
I should say it does! Let us know what you think of it! When the heck are they going to be readily available already??!!
VictimOfScience: Sunday Kmart & Target should have 'em in stock. You'll see the Wii featured in the flier most likely...
I had heard that but didn't know which fliers they were--thanks for the heads-up!!! :thumbs:
Yeah, Bad^Hat, I don't actually know anyone who has them and my mate, who works in Dick Smith, says they're selling really slowly.
Yeah, Bad^Hat, I don't actually know anyone who has them and my mate, who works in Dick Smith, says they're selling really slowly.
They're not exactly breaking the bank on advertising over here either. Besides seeing not a single ad on telly, I've only seen one display model in one store, but it wasn't even on and you had to ask a staff member to set it up and walk you through it. I don't think anyone who hasn't heard of it is gonna bother with that really. I asked though, and got to play a bit of Wii Tennis. A crowd soon gathered, and pretty much everyone who watched was impressed and wanted a go. Just shows they need to put in a bit more effort.

Oh, and the display has since been replaced by Burning Crusade. A bunch of boxes and info and the opening cinematic just looping constantly on the screen. Seriously the same in pretty much every store I've been to since...