holy crap, ut2007 looks badass

i won't be too amazed till i see some in motion. but it does look awesome
looks nice, hopefully it won't be the same ol same ol gameplay wise however (I'm not a big UT fan)

could we get some new weapons already? please?
Yeah... I think I might need to upgrade for that. This old 9800 is barely running the new games.
Holy shit on a stick batman! :O
Mr. Redundant said:
looks nice, hopefully it won't be the same ol same ol gameplay wise however (I'm not a big UT fan)

could we get some new weapons already? please?
I'm still curious how they are still popping those things out? UT was enough for me...then the other bunch arrived, and everyone is like" OMFG THIS IS SO MUCH BETTER THEN UT!!!"
"How so?"
"That makes it worth the $40 buy."
Cant Wait For This To Be On My Comp!
Wow. It really does look like the what the hottest chick in the world would look like if she were a graphics engine.

god thats such a nerdy thing to say
Sparta said:
Wow. It really does look like the what the hottest chick in the world would look like if she were a graphics engine.

god thats such a nerdy thing to say

I'd hit it.

cyberpitz said:
I'm still curious how they are still popping those things out? UT was enough for me...then the other bunch arrived, and everyone is like" OMFG THIS IS SO MUCH BETTER THEN UT!!!"
"How so?"
"That makes it worth the $40 buy."

my sentiments exactly, however according to the article, they intend this to be their next game opposed to just being a reiteration of the old crap.

the graphics alone have my attention at the moment.... not to mention some cool looking concept art, but as Doom3 made glaringly evident... gfx alone do not a good game make.
I wish they'd do something completely new rather than rehash UT yet again. No matter how good the graphics are or how much they tweak the gameplay I would still prefer something new. Also doesn't help that UT has really crappy single player content as far as i'm concerned, and this new one doesn't sound any better. Hopefully some other companies will use the UE3 engine to make something original. Just my opinion.
Mr. Redundant said:
looks nice, hopefully it won't be the same ol same ol gameplay wise however (I'm not a big UT fan)

could we get some new weapons already? please?

As they say..."If it's not broken, don't fix it."
damn some of those pics are pretty real looking...action figure or plastic model real,but still real!
The tank looks like plastic. Why can't designers make metal tanks, without showing off specular. Cause specular makes things look like plastic.
...at last! They seem to have made a proper environment.

The Brick said:
The tank looks like plastic. Why can't designers make metal tanks, without showing off specular. Cause specular makes things look like plastic.
It's not specular that makes things look plastic.. It's the ability for 90% of 3D artists to completely forget about the specular channel in objects. And its an issue with pre-rendered images too in many cases. So surfaces end up with a uniform specular effect.

An example


One side the effect is uniform, the other side it varies depending on the specularity channel in the material. The effect is more pronounced here so its easier to see. But even a very faint version makes a big difference.
Neutrino said:
I wish they'd do something completely new rather than rehash UT yet again. No matter how good the graphics are or how much they tweak the gameplay I would still prefer something new. Also doesn't help that UT has really crappy single player content as far as i'm concerned, and this new one doesn't sound any better. Hopefully some other companies will use the UE3 engine to make something original. Just my opinion.

From the same site - ' The polygon jump is going from thousands to millions, courtesy of the Unreal Engine 3. New technology, new engine, new gameplay...new everything. "You can tell from our [demo] levels," Steve says, "we're not trying to make a prettier UT2K4. We're really trying to make a very new game." '

Lets hope so :)
Gorgon said:

seriously, i'm gonna be too busy staring at faces to fight anyone, the first week is gonna be rough trying to play online, i'll get my ass kicked cause i wasn;t paying attention
i really like how they're very worried about playtesting, makes me more assured of a quality game, with f*cking awesome graphics
Im a graphics whore so this is almost orgasmic. Epic is doing some amazing stuff with that engine. I can't wait to see what they'll show off at E3 this year.
Wait wait wait, where is this "Epic Games' North Carolina offices," I'd like to tee-pee it. :x
Didn't UT2K4 totally overhaul UT's gameplay with the addition of Onslaught as the main game mode? I mean they took Unreal and put it in huge environments with vehicles and focus on caputuring points, instead of just fragging people. How big of a change does there need to be before it isn't just "better graphix"?
Direwolf said:
Didn't UT2K4 totally overhaul UT's gameplay with the addition of Onslaught as the main game mode? I mean they took Unreal and put it in huge environments with vehicles and focus on caputuring points, instead of just fragging people. How big of a change does there need to be before it isn't just "better graphix"?

The article didn't mention anything about the physics engine that will be used. Its going to be Novadex and it will have full support for the PPU, no doubt you will be able to blow up buildings and trees
DiSTuRbEd said:
Wait wait wait, where is this "Epic Games' North Carolina offices," I'd like to tee-pee it. :x
ooooooooooooooh AI that respones to voice commands *has a siezure of joy*