Holy crap -> Vampires high-res screenies

Shuzer said:
I never said FC was perfect. I was just being a critic, forgive me :cheers:

*lans forgives, he always does.

It's no Doom 3, but it has a distinct style to it that I love.

Btw, Morrowind's one of my favorite games of all time. I'll admit though, I spent a while just fooling with it and was dissapointed at first. But after playing it for a week or so, I started to get into it and finally made a character that was turning out good. After that, I was addicted.
some of you critics of the game should see the 5 video demonstration. I'll admit, when i first saw screenshots of this game, i thought it looked like crap. Then i saw the videos... I was sold after that.
Indeed, the videos are much better. The source engine graphics looks no different than any other current generation engine. It's when you see things "move" you know this is a next gen engine we are talking about.
plus, you can't see the 'source' physics in action in the screenshots. the last video in the demonstration shows some really awesome physics as a building gets decimated in a fight vs a gargoyle.