Holy Crap!!

well it could have been two nights ago, i need someone with logs to check it up.

I'm an off-duty student, you can't expect me to know how many days have passed or what day it is. It could have been last week for all I know, I just remember saying it in #halflife2.
so uhm... there might be a geocache there with something cool in it? like, more clues or something? :p
acme420 said:
oh noes not another one of these retard threads.

thats funny... cos i dont see you as the thread poster.

oh wait... lets just recite some of your Class A threads

"Will you play hl2 after you buy it?"

"will hl2 suck?

Irony is not your friend.
Pobz said:
well it could have been two nights ago, i need someone with logs to check it up.

I'm an off-duty student, you can't expect me to know how many days have passed or what day it is. It could have been last week for all I know, I just remember saying it in #halflife2.

but.. why are you fretting so much? The HL2Fallout guy that posted that gave credit to one of HL2.net's members.. they never took credit, only the thread starter did
how dare you question my leetness?! i shall unleash my wrath upon you!!!oneone!11eleven

...or something.

Anyway, I don't like rivals saying they are in the lead, its been here all the time.
But they didn't say they were in the lead! Aaahhh.. it was only the thread starter that said that, for some reason :rolling:
Alright...let me clarify this once and for all:

I posted the information on Fallout (and several other HL sites) in order to demonstrate once again our total ownage of all other HL sites. In my post, I specifically said that a member of HL2.net was responsible for the latitude/longitude theory.

At some point, another member of HL2.net (not I or the person who developed the coordinate theory), saw the info on Fallout, failed to read the information that I had posted in the first line properly, and came back here and posted that Fallout was "ahead" of us in advancing the coordinate theory.

It's as simple as that - no one on Fallout claimed credit for the theory.

Clear as crystal? Good.
Righto, I got that SFLUFAN. You just did a better job explaining it.. :)
Shame on you, jimbones! :O
Just FYI, the other sites are in total awe of us right now for coming up with that lat/long theory :)
Damnit y'all this is what I get for not starting a new thread.

Yes, I was the original poster of this: http://www.halflife2.net/forums/showthread.php?t=25776&page=5#post522983 and I've actually expanded on the theory thanks to the other guys in that thread contributing:


So uhm. Go me :).

Next time I'm gonna start a new thread when I have something as cool as that to say next time ;)

Also Pobz props for figuring it out too :) :cheers:
Doh lost the ability to edit that one-- I wanted to add that Chechnya is indeed in Eastern Europe and that you all should read my two posts to see some other really cool stuff about this.

I'm pretty sure that this is a sign that City 17=Grozny. Not sure if its the second test though.