Holy crap!

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Aug 10, 2003
Reaction score
I went on Packet News and typed in Half-Life 2 just for the hell of it---didn't really expect anything seeing as how the game hasn't gone gold yet. I don't know if this is legit or not, but there are files claiming to be the game downloader for Half-Life 2! It says that it downloads from Valve's beta servers, and obviously isn't complete, the info line says about 90%. I doubt it is for real, because I'm sure Valve would know if someone were downloading from them, and be able to quickly track down the source of the downloader, and fine them a gazillion billion dollars in fines or whatever.

Now don't get me wrong, I am against piracy, I've even paid my pre-order at EB for Half-Life 2 in full. But let's weigh the options people. Play the game almost a full month before its supposed to come out, or saunter about these boards in tortured anticipation for another 3 1/2 weeks.
*sigh*, I went to packet news like ya said....due to the size its OBVIOUSLY a trojan *cough* sub7 *cough*

nevermind, i was their already. The fileseize is onl 34KB lol which is nevertheless to say...not it. Even if it were I wouldn't be interested. Just wait for Sept. 30th.
Does anyone read posts on this forum ?, I already osted the link :laugh: ahh well
works everytime...

I just hacked the valve server and got the HL3 alpha...anyone interessted?
What's even funnier is that there was a rumor that went around for about three hours a few months ago that a Half-Life 2 beta was leaked (similar to the Doom III case). People were looking on IRC for it and found files named after Half-Life 2 but it wasn't it. I don't understand why people rename files so people will download them. It's like "AHAHAHAH I MADE YOU DOWNLOAD IT JOKES ON YOU MY BANDWIDTH HAS BEEN WASTED".
Originally posted by Anthraxxx
I third that....er.. at least someone should try it and see if it is real...

I tried every one and most of them came up with your standard 'No such nick/channel.' So most of the bots are away right now, that's not to say they don't exist period. I'll try later, probably late tonight. One of them said 'No suck pack number.' So I'm thinkin it's fake. When I look at this realistically, Valve would certainly have the know-how to detect such an infiltration of their servers, and put a stop to it toot sweet.
Whoa, Anthraxxx I went to quote you, and the message changed completely... hehe...
Originally posted by Lyrids
What's even funnier is that there was a rumor that went around for about three hours a few months ago that a Half-Life 2 beta was leaked (similar to the Doom III case). People were looking on IRC for it and found files named after Half-Life 2 but it wasn't it. I don't understand why people rename files so people will download them. It's like "AHAHAHAH I MADE YOU DOWNLOAD IT JOKES ON YOU MY BANDWIDTH HAS BEEN WASTED".

This stuff happens on Kazaa all the time. Movies labeled one thing and turns out to be another.
Originally posted by Goombatommy
nevermind, i was their already. The fileseize is onl 34KB lol which is nevertheless to say...not it. Even if it were I wouldn't be interested. Just wait for Sept. 30th.

I'm with you on supposing its fake, but it claims to be a 'downloader' program, not the game itself. For all we know it could run in DOS.
I thought I'd downloaded Bruce Almighty but it happened to be a feature length porn movie, so I was happy.
Youd have to be one twisted mother****er to download Bruce Almighty.
yea, but spitcod, I personally wouldn't trust anything with the label HL 2 unless its an official movie, screenshot or some sort of media. Been alot of viruses and trojans goin around lately. :afro:
Originally posted by spitcodfry
This stuff happens on Kazaa all the time. Movies labeled one thing and turns out to be another.
ppl who do that have no life, and deserve to have a headcrab gnaw at their balls for a few hours
Like I said before the joke is on the people who change the names of the files. It's not like their trying to meet a quota for uploads of pirated software, it's just stupid.
OR its the movie guys or RIAA trying to promote fake files to disperse piracy..
Originally posted by Lyrids
Like I said before the joke is on the people who change the names of the files. It's not like their trying to meet a quota for uploads of pirated software, it's just stupid.

Yeah---I cannot in any form understand that mentality. To take the time to rename the file just to **** with someone. I thought I was downloading T3: Rise of the Machines a couple weeks ago, turned out to be Ace Ventura: Pet Detective.
Originally posted by Letters
Whoa, Anthraxxx I went to quote you, and the message changed completely... hehe...

I would have left the post unchanged, but someone said that the download is a Trojan..... But for all intents and purposes.....my original post went something like this...

"I third that......er...at least someone should try the link and see if it is real..."
Originally posted by manny_c44
Youd have to be one twisted mother****er to download Bruce Almighty.

Errr... why? I remember really enjoying that movie...
Originally posted by spitcodfry
This stuff happens on Kazaa all the time. Movies labeled one thing and turns out to be another.

Or it turns out to be 2 gigs of gay fat man pr0n.....:x
This stuff happens on Kazaa all the time. Movies labeled one thing and turns out to be another.

never use kazaa. anyways, obviously its a fake. c'mon u guys think valve would let the most anticipated game get leaked??
Originally posted by bizzy420
never use kazaa. anyways, obviously its a fake. c'mon u guys think valve would let the most anticipated game get leaked??

Maybe someone did Gabe a 'favor.' hint hint wink wink
Going to have to close this one, guys. As mentioned in the rules, talking about warez is okay, but providing links (even if they're fake) is unacceptable.
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