Holy ****ing shit!


Staff member
Dec 31, 2004
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My dog is alive. He vanished two weeks ago and we thought he was dead. We, of course tried searching for him but we live next to many acres of woodland so he could have been any where. I walked out the door today and there he was. I immediately ran in and got a load of food for him. This is why:
Bawwwwwwwwwwwww. Lassie came home!

Glad to see your dog is back!
Oh yeah. I forgot to mention that he's really old and that we've been expecting him to die for the last four years. So it was a huge shock to discover that he was still amungst the living.
Oh yeah. I forgot to mention that he's really old and that we've been expecting him to die for the last four years. So it was a huge shock to discover that he was still amungst the living.
The only logical explanation:


Pet Cemetery eh?

What I tell you bout that place son??
probably one of the best feelings in the world, seeing your dogs face as he recognizes you...

awwwwwww.....happy story, yay
Funny how you guys are all so much more touched by these events than me :P
Something similar happend to my cat. He vanished becouse this stupid **** friend of my mother didn't close the front door to the appartment. He has been outside for a lot so he walked outside. I need to mention that i was at my mothers boyfriends appartment, fixing cracks in his roof, and since i was going to stay there for a couple of days, i brought my cat.

He was missing for 2 weeks, and this guy called me up on one of the notes i had posted and told me my cat was dead. That made me upset becouse there where no dead cat where he said it was.

Anyways we found him eventually, and he was skinny as hell.
He looks quite famished. Nice story though :). Glad you got him back.
That's awesome!

But that picture looks so strange to me. What kind of dog is that? His neck is HUGE
That's a great story, thanks for sharing Rimfire, it's horrible when pets go missing, sometimes you just want the peace of mind to know what happened to them. I'm glad your dog's sense of smell directed him home.

If he's an old bloke, might wanna take him to the vet for a quick look over, he might be badly dehydrated or weak, and it's best to be careful. Does he seem ok?

edit: looking at the picture again, he does look a bit thin on the ribs and is there a cut on the back of his hind legs? Can't tell from the photo too well...
His back leg looks more torn open and rotten than cut. Maybe it's just my eyes.
That's a great story, thanks for sharing Rimfire, it's horrible when pets go missing, sometimes you just want the peace of mind to know what happened to them. I'm glad your dog's sense of smell directed him home.

If he's an old bloke, might wanna take him to the vet for a quick look over, he might be badly dehydrated or weak, and it's best to be careful. Does he seem ok?

edit: looking at the picture again, he does look a bit thin on the ribs and is there a cut on the back of his hind legs? Can't tell from the photo too well...
Those cuts have been there for ages. His wounds don't heal properly anymore. He's half blind and three quarters deaf. He's been on and off ill for the last several years and, as I said, we've been expecting him to lie down any day and not get back up. I don't think we'll be bringing him to the vet. We're a rather practical family and we won't be shedding any tears when he does pass on. Yeah, we're pretty much assholes :P
(I did cry when our previous dog died, but I was much younger back then)
He's acting pretty normal, other than devouring anything that's put in front of him.

As for the bread, I think he's a purebred labrador.
One of my cats is an outside cat, and I live in the country, so I haven't seen her in a while, and she comes in and out ATLEAST 4 times a day, haven't seen her in about 5 days, there are lots of coyotes around here.. It sucks if she died somehow, but she was like 10 years old, she had a good life IF she's dead, if not - I hope she comes home sometimes soon, either way I'm not broken up about it because like I said, she had a very good life.

Kind of similar story, it'll be identical if she comes back.
Whoa, that's awesome! I'm glad he's back, I would be really sad if my dog disappeared!
Our last cat managed to get trapped in our neighbours shed for a few days, she was so damn quiet so we never heard her mewing or anything, eventually the neighbour had a reason to go in there and she got out.

Also had loads of rabbits that were good at escaping and being difficult to catch, one of mine managed to get out of it's hutch at night and was got by a fox, great last day of primary school :(
Also had loads of rabbits that were good at escaping and being difficult to catch, one of mine managed to get out of it's hutch at night and was got by a fox, great last day of primary school :(

when I was a little kid, our rabbit escaped outside and the neighbor's dog jumped over the fence and ripped it apart into a pool of blood and fur. It was gruesome for an 8 year old to see. Strike 1 dogs.
when I was a little kid, our rabbit escaped outside and the neighbor's dog jumped over the fence and ripped it apart into a pool of blood and fur. It was gruesome for an 8 year old to see. Strike 1 dogs.

Ouch :( My parents let me and my sister watch the cartoon version of watership down as kids, so we grew up knowing that it was a shit world for rabbits in general, that coupled with animals of farthing wood.
this one time my daughter found an injured baby bunny and wanted to keep it. i made a little bed for it and put it in a cage, then released it after she fell asleep. i told her it must have escaped.

i found it around the side of the house dead the next day. when i first saw it, i thought it was still alive. it looked so peaceful in its death. i buried it behind some bushes and never told my daughter about it.

perhaps one day when she is older i will tell her.
That's a terrible story. I guess I should say tragic, but a tragic story might be kind of incredible. this is just terrible.
Go Riom!

Your dog is pretty cool.
Awesome :D

Heard stories about lost dogs of truckies travelling across the NT to get back with their owners in NSW lol
What does NT and NSW mean?

whats up with all the toasters?
Northern Territories, New South Wales. Provinces (?) in Australia.

The toasters is some fad or something.