Holy moly! Valve is sending me a poster!


Oct 8, 2003
Reaction score
Last week i sent Gabe Newell a amusing picture related to Halflife 2 and i just got this email back.

At Gabe Newel’s request, Valve would like to send you a poster.

In order to make this happen, I will need you to provide a mailing address, along with a legal contact name (rather than a screen name).

Thank you for your continued support of Valve Software, and all of our products!


KayLee Vogt

KayLee Vogt

Valve Office Manager

[email protected]


From: Gabe Newell
Sent: Tuesday, September 28, 2004 4:59 PM
To: KayLee Vogt
Subject: FW: amusing screenshot for you )

For your collection.


From: [mailto:]
Sent: Monday, September 27, 2004 10:50 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: amusing screenshot for you )

Hello Gabe,

I found this screenshot of a strider amusing :)

Goombatommy said:
Well, show us the screenshot that you sent to them lol. I wanna see.
Probably one he didn't make himself :(

Anyways congrats :p
yeah damn it, show the ****ing damn screenshot

by the way i already had gotted a positer from VALVe signed by about 15 VALVers so eat that

I think its great Valve in particular Gabe Newell emails people back, not many people would do that.
i think its great that you show me this wonderful poster-snatching screenshot you god danm son of a bitch
Wraith said:
i think its great that you show me this wonderful poster-snatching screenshot you god danm son of a bitch

quoted for truth :E
LIES!!! All lies i tell u!

i still dun see no poster!
Ok so, why exactly did you tell us this if we dont even get to see the pic?
you know, people have complained alot about valve in the last year or so ( including myself ) , but this shows they do care about their fans, all the e-mail they answered , all the trips to their office, all the stuff they send people, all the posts on message boards and the special edition of half life 2 with the shirt and everything. i just wanna say thanks valve ! we appreciate it
If he posts the picture then 50 people are going to email gabe the same thing to get a poster, and gabe will get PO'd and not do nice things for people anymore :(
headcrabboy said:
If i post it, then you guys will send it too :E

Pop it into Photoshop and shrink it down to 20% or something so it'd be no good sending it in, but we can still take a gander.

or watermark it right in the middle or sumthin
im pretty sure gabe will remember if he's seen the pic or not :p
or just ****ing post it and assume that if gabe liked it enough to tell someone to make sure your ass gets a poster, maybe he will remember it for more than 73 seconds you ****ing paranoid nazi asshole POST THE ****ING PIC OTHERWISE THIS THREAD IS TOTALLY USELESS IN EVERY WAY!
Who the heck would send it in to try and get a poster if its already been sent in?

Thats the stupidest proposal i've ever heard.
oh my god, no seriously dude your an asshole, post the godamn picture. Like anyone would be lame enough to try and send it in again anyway
like i said before, it obviously made an impression on gabe. i doubt he would send anyone else a poster, and even if he does good,s omeone ese got a poster. POST THE PIC

i just got the same email, i sent in a DVD label i made for putting on my steam backups:

At Gabe Newel’s request, Valve would like to send you a poster.

In order to make this happen, I will need you to provide a mailing address, along with a legal contact name (rather than a screen name).

Thank you for your continued support of Valve Software, and all of our products!


KayLee Vogt

KayLee Vogt

Valve Office Manager

[email protected]

Label: http://www.cme-corp.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/half_life2_DVDCOVER5.jpg

Valve rocks! :)
Im a bit old for posters though, but its from Valve so...
lol I know where he stole the strider pic from! It's a thread in the CS:S forums, for posting your funny pics. It was apicture of people on wooden stilts. Then someone shopped one of the onlookers saying "Strider!!" It was ****ing funny. But the cheeky git got a poster out of it!

I'll go and find the post so we can all enjoy...
Wraith said:
or just ****ing post it and assume that if gabe liked it enough to tell someone to make sure your ass gets a poster, maybe he will remember it for more than 73 seconds you ****ing paranoid nazi asshole POST THE ****ING PIC OTHERWISE THIS THREAD IS TOTALLY USELESS IN EVERY WAY!

how about you calm down before you get yourself banned. yeesh. take your medication lately?
poseyjmac said:
how about you calm down before you get yourself banned. yeesh. take your medication lately?
maybe his reaction was too harsh...but the guy not wanting to post the pic -thats really lame...what did he make the thread for? To let us know hes got the poster ? yeah...sweet...

We11er nope those are not the picture i sent.I would post it, but if i do you guys will send it too lol.

I made the thread because i thought it was cool the Valve people would respond.Not necessarily because im getting a cool poster.I just think its cool Valve Software care about their fans.
headcrabboy said:
We11er nope those are not the picture i sent.I would post it, but if i do you guys will send it too lol.

U R SAD..... :hmph:
headcrabboy said:
We11er nope those are not the picture i sent.I would post it, but if i do you guys will send it too lol.
No you probably won't show it since someone else probably made it. The other who made it will probably be mad then.

If you made it yourself then you would have nothing to fear, Valve wouldn't cut you from the poster, and it would still be your work.