Holy moly! Valve is sending me a poster!

poseyjmac said:
how about you calm down before you get yourself banned. yeesh. take your medication lately?

Sorry but I think Wraith was right, LAME THREAD, Why post this garbage. Yahoo VALVe reply to people all of the time...

headcrabboy = SADBOY - please amend...
headcrabboy said:
We11er nope those are not the picture i sent.I would post it, but if i do you guys will send it too lol.

Why the hell would anyone email the picture to Gabe when you already have....?
nice one dude. Mind showing us the pic?
more than a year ago, I sent Gabe the link to the "On September 30, Gabe Newell is going to make you his bitch" image. All I got was this

heh. I agree.
-----Original Message-----
From: David Petkofsky
Sent: Friday, August 15, 2003 11:11 AM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Pwning John Romero

I'm not sure if you watch the hl2 fan sites, but I saw this on HL2central.net, though you might want to see.


Lets just hope HL2 doesn't go the route of Diakatana.

-David Petkofsky
Raziel-Jcd said:
nice one dude. Mind showing us the pic?
He can't do that...... because we will send it to Gabe to get some free posters..... LAMOSADBOY not headcrabboy.... :rolleyes:
Also It's not his work anyway...
This thread should be closed. It's just pissing everyone off. Heck, I want to see it as well but obviously he's not going to show us. *shrug* Oh well, maybe I'll send Valve a paint drawing I've done on Half-Life 2. At the very least it'll get some laughs from the employees. :P
1) Nobody would bother sending the file as well.
2) Even if they did, Gabe would know it had already been sent in and so wouldn't give you a poster.
3) Despite the fact we won't send it in, why do you even care if we do - you don't want us to have a chance of getting our own poster?

I don't understand this. I aree with UmbrellaMaster, this needs to be closed.
Please close this thread, as Headcrabboy is an attention seeker, no more, no less. Headcrabboy = Boy with crabby head :naughty:
Seriously, give it a break people :P
Good going for taking the initiative headcrabboy!
I've got 3 posters, 1 signed, and I was the first in the world to get the others B)

There is a thread somewhere, search it :P
[]D | |V| []D said:
so what u send them, a nude pic of yoursefl with a crowbar hanging fom your penis ?
LOL, :laugh: :cheers:

[edit] WOW a 30 year old boy...
denlife7 said:
Please close this thread, as Headcrabboy is an attention seeker, no more, no less. Headcrabboy = Boy with crabby head :naughty:
LLLOOOLLL :laugh: :E :cheers: :P
ufff...this is pissin me off incredibly...this thread should be closed indeed...ive never flamed anyone, but i might begin...
What a lie. You obviously didn't email Gabe with a funny Strider picture, and get offered a poster.
headcrabboy said:
Last week i sent Gabe Newell a amusing picture related to Halflife 2 and i just got this email back.

At Gabe Newel’s request, Valve would like to send you a poster.

Congrats, valve gave me CS: S
What a lame little kid, clearly stole someone elses work. Also, EVEN if gabe didn't remember it, why the **** wouldn't you want us to get a poster anyway (i wouldnt happen but its the impression your giving)

Headcrab, the people have spoken.

$niffy said:
What a lame little kid, clearly stole someone elses work. Also, EVEN if gabe didn't remember it, why the **** wouldn't you want us to get a poster anyway (i wouldnt happen but its the impression your giving)

Headcrab, the people have spoken.

30 year old kid. :E
$niffy said:
What a lame little kid, clearly stole someone elses work. Also, EVEN if gabe didn't remember it, why the **** wouldn't you want us to get a poster anyway (i wouldnt happen but its the impression your giving)

Headcrab, the people have spoken.


$niffy, you're sounding like an ass.

Calling people "gay" doesn't exactly add much weight to your argument.
Dear thread poster,

Post the damn pic you sent, you knew people would request to see it. Please open up the pic you sent in PAINT, then type GAY right across the middle in pink lettering.

None of us would think of sending that in. You idiot.
To reiterate what everyone else has said just click the attached picture....

And you mr. headcrabboy are a lamer.
Man you sent that crap and got a poster?

Argh not fair! Maybe I should send in one of my many HL2 pics...

Edit: Err, was it the Stilts pic? Or something else?
Dirtball said:
To reiterate what everyone else has said just click the attached picture....

And you mr. headcrabboy are a lamer.

Now this is the most hilarious picture I have ever seen in a long time :laugh:
bah last year before the half life 2 build was stolen then put on the net I had been talking to gabe about something, same thing happend and they offered to send me a t-shirt. they asked for my shipping info and everything.

2 days later the whole hacker thing happend and I guess they forgot about me :(

Holy moly, i didnt think this thread would get so many replies.I forgot to post the picture, i know its not something i made myself.Its something i found while browsing.Sorry i didnt post back quick enough.
haha thats was made by a HLF forum member FriScho, The first time I've seen it posted was in this thread.

man give credit where credit is dew.
wait, you got a poster for that!?!?!?!

****ing baffling