Holy schlamoly, what happened to Steam at 3:45 AM?

idk what happened, but most people, including me, couldn't log onto Steam for a while due to server errors. Then, once it started working again, there was an update for Steam. So, i don't know what happend...maybe someone else does, though.
It was really weird, everything Steam related fell...
Says network outages on the forums page. I'm guessing that the main Steam servers' connection went out temporarily. Without the main servers, you can't login, the content servers can't phone home to check they're still serving up-to-date content or whatever they do, and presumably the auth system becomes inaccessible, so you can't use internet servers.

Shit happens. According to a guy I did work experience with, network equipment has a reasonably high failure rate. His entire job pretty much consisted of driving round a university campus keeping the network going.
Not another ddos attack, please nooo! I couldnt take another delay, I just couldnt :(
Someone prolly tripped on the power chord and last all the HL2 data as they were in the process of moving it from system to sytem....

TheWart said:
Someone prolly tripped on the power chord and last all the HL2 data as they were in the process of moving it from system to sytem....



:flame: DIEEEE!!!!!!!! :flame:
TheWart said:
Someone prolly tripped on the power chord and last all the HL2 data as they were in the process of moving it from system to sytem....


heh...thats not even funny :O
I am guessing they upgraded Steam server software to something that scales better given the imminent HL2 preload. That would make sense given that early morning time slot.

Stan R.
Wasn't CS:Source supposed to finish loading today?

It is Wensady 18th, right?
Maybe they were updating steam for more bandwidth. Considering how steam worked for CSs they need more for HL2. Maybe the meeting that gabe was in was him talking to people so he could get that extra umphf he needed.

Or....it was a twinky that fell behind the servers.