holy shit, do something people

It's kind of like how Bush will probably be elected over Kerry - half of the country is retarded, so the worst one wins.

Half Life 2 isn't even COMPARABLE with that filth.
Christ guys, we're all fanboys for games which havn't come out, play the games when they come out
my opinion on Halo 2 is well.. I might get it in a couple months. With HL2 and World of Warcraft(my guess) coming out this month I don't think i'll have time for Halo 2 any time soon.
Jesus Lincoln said:
Christ guys, we're all fanboys for games which havn't come out, play the games when they come out

we have seen many many many in-game footage, we know how it plays, besides we have css already, and i have finished halo 1 and i have seen halo 2 footages, and we have people reviewing the leaked version, we know how it plays. After all, halo 2 is just an ant in front of an elephant like half life 2.
I know, it was 1 Halo 2 fan who simply voted.. 15503 times
While each HL2 vote counted as 1/100,000,000 so you can only tell how many people really voted for HL2.
it's just unacceptable that people think halo 2 is the best game of the year instead of half life 2
Newbie's Journey said:
it's just unacceptable that people think halo 2 is the best game of the year instead of half life 2

Agreed, Also I wish people would shutup about it, The games are nothing alike.

And no1 say they are, I know all that shit about they are both fps, both kill aliens ect, ect, ect. Game play is nothing alike!
Yeah, the games are very different in the terms of gameplay, style and atmosphere, I can't compare them , I love them both as much.
All I have to say is, I am not a fan of Halo. True, I had some fun moments playing it, but I lose attention to it for it isn't really exciting. I don't like the overall feeling and simply the atmosphere. Geeze, I can have more fun on Goldeneye as a console fps over Halo.
I played more on the PC version. My Brother bought the Xbox edition, and we played the hell out of that, but The PC verison was a milion times better... mostly because of the the whole "Mouse and Keyboard" Concept. Even though Gearbox managed to mess it up... Grrr...
:LOL: So why doesn't everyone from the forums (who cares to vote) go vote for Half Life 2 each 25 times. We shall surely take the lead...
If you keep refreshing the page both go up by 10+ in just a few seconds, Someones cheating.
Well, at my school I hear NO one talking about Half-Life 2.:( I'm the only one that does and everyone else is talking about Halo 2....what a joke. :flame:
holy shit, do something people, stop making threads about the same thing!
same here, i mean like, i come to school on Monday. Someone goes down hall screaming HALO 2 COMES OUT IN 9 DAYS!!!! i didnt really bother arguing about HL-2 over Halo 2 because there'd be no purpose.
If you guys really want to know..HL2 has been slowly closing the gap between it and Halo 2...
This poll is bogus. You can vote an ungodly amount of times, which is prolly how Halo 2 is winning. There are prolly a bunch of Halo 2 fanbois out there with absolutly no life running a script to go back, push tab X times click the button, repeat. actually...that's not a bad idea... >:)

But anyway, I did my share of voting ;) and I personally thing HL2 > Halo 2...I slightly enjoyed Halo..after the hype, I was as, if not more, disappointed in Halo then I was with Doom 3! That's hard to come by with me. The game just doesnt....it isn't fun lol. The whole Sheilds aspect. It's crap...you lose most of em..go hide, BAM recharged. It is more of a "pay attention to your surroundings and enemy movements so you can hide behind a rock for 10 seconds and have full shields again! I would rather use a a little more tactics then the run, hide, wait, kill again at full strength thing. and Halo 2 just about looks the exact same as Halo....slight differences \= not enough to pay $50 for
I don't get it, if you vote halo why are you on these forums. If you don't like HL2 more than Halo 2 idk why your on these forums. I mean it would be fine if your on Halo 2 forums and HL2 forums but...
i voted halo, does that make me an .....
i dont care what that poll says. HL2 is hands down way better but, i still want to play halo 2 just to see what its like.
well i did my part:i voted 15 times in favor of half life
I think both games will be good, but replayability is a huge factor too.

20 or so hours of Half Life 2 will be great, but nearly endless mutliplayer replayability in Halo 2 is what caught my vote. I guess I'm also more leaning towards Halo 2 now is because Half Life 2 should have been out a long time ago, and my interest started going down somewhat.
Ownzed said:
I don't get it, if you vote halo why are you on these forums. If you don't like HL2 more than Halo 2 idk why your on these forums. I mean it would be fine if your on Halo 2 forums and HL2 forums but...

What is wrong with liking two separte games? Other things might have influenced people as well... Just because you like Half Life 2, doesn't mean you can't like Halo and vice versa.