Holy shit! It's actually coming.

if ign, gamespot, gamespy give it less than 90%, i'll be angry :frown:
Ill be sure not to watch the video review or typed review because gamespot is notorious for putting spoilers in their reviews.
do reviews actually matter at this point? like your actually not gonna play it cause a review said it was bad. cmon guys. its like 1-2 days away, and honestly i dont give a **** about reviews right now.
I started tracking the page, so if it's released in any sensible hours i'll let you know as soon as i see it.
HL2 > HALO 2 ....ive already gotten TOTALLy bored with halo 2

hopefully HL2 will NEVER get boring :)
halo 2 is plain SHITE. soz but hl2 completely owns it, and PCGAMER UK say its the ONE game you shouldnt miss....so i say HA HA to shitty halo 2 and say BRING IT ON to hl2 :E
The review will be out on tuesday.

Valve or VU made online reviews wait untill release day to post their review, so that print magazines would get exclusives.
Pureball said:
halo 2 is plain SHITE. soz but hl2 completely owns it, and PCGAMER UK say its the ONE game you shouldnt miss....so i say HA HA to shitty halo 2 and say BRING IT ON to hl2 :E

Rofl. Yeah.
will be in high 90's, as every other review is lol. highest PCGAMER UK have given in aaaaages.
I have not been given the chance to play Halo 2

BUT apparently halo 2's multiplayer is all the game has going for it (the campaign is pretty good say all my friends)....

Well if multiplayer is what we're looking at, HL2 wins hands down already.

No console game can have a better multiplayer game than the PC
Joeslucky22 said:
I have not been given the chance to play Halo 2

BUT apparently halo 2's multiplayer is all the game has going for it (the campaign is pretty good say all my friends)....

Well if multiplayer is what we're looking at, HL2 wins hands down already.

No console game can have a better multiplayer game than the PC

amen to that mate. multiplayer does not maketh the game