Holy Shitballs!!


Jan 25, 2009
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Thats one Ginormous Sinkhole!!


CNN) -- At least 115 people have died after a tropical storm battered Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador over the weekend, officials in those countries reported.

Guatemala was hit hardest, with at least 92 deaths, 54 people missing and 59 injured, emergency officials said. Nearly 112,000 people have been evacuated and more than 29,000 are living in temporary shelters, Guatemalan President Alvaro Colom said in an address to the nation late Sunday.

The devastation has been widespread throughout Guatemala with mudslides destroying homes and buildings and burying some victims. At least nine rivers have dramatically higher levels and 13 bridges have collapsed, the nation's emergency services said.

In the northern part of Guatemala City, the downpour created a giant sinkhole that swallowed up a space larger than the area of a street intersection. Residents told CNN that a three-story building and a house fell into the hole.

A local newspaper reported that a private security guard was killed when the sinkhole opened up, but authorities had not confirmed the fatality. Residents said that a poor sewage drainage system underground was to blame for the sinkhole. A similar hole opened up nearby last year, they said.

Classes have been canceled this week throughout the nation.

In Honduras, where 14 people have died, President Porfirio Lobo declared a state of emergency Sunday.

Nearly 3,500 people have been evacuated from their homes and nearly 3,300 are living in shelters, the Honduran emergency agency said Monday. More than 140 homes have been destroyed and another 700 have been damaged, the Permanent Commission for Emergencies reported.

The situation in El Salvador, where nine people died, was improving Monday, officials said. The rain stopped Sunday afternoon and river levels were beginning to diminish, officials said. Classes nationwide remained canceled, however, until further notice.

More rain was possibly forecast for Monday, though, and Salvadoran officials said they were closely monitoring the situation.

Agatha was demoted from a tropical storm to a tropical depression Saturday night and lost its status as a depression Sunday evening.

It was the first named storm for the Pacific hurricane season. The Atlantic hurricane season starts Tuesday.

WTF its like they dug a hole to China or something
is it just me or does that look fake
i came in here all excited to say something about the Locust like I have been all day in RL but now i cant cuz u beat me 2 it THANKS TO YOUR DIX WILLEH
I wonder how many people out there will view this as a religious omen rather than the scientifically explainable thing it is.

I mean, every time there is a natural disaster or something, the crazies come out of the woodwork and start claiming the reason for them was because people turned their back on god or are heathens and made pacts with the devil or something.

It's sad.
This would be big news for BBC and yet I'm not seeing anything
Willie, kill the thread stretch with that crap picture.
It's not like they can just fill that hole in lol. .. I just can't imagine it, and I can't imagine that the area any where near it is safe for residence.
Am i the only one who is extremely frustrated that they havent attached a camera to a long ass rope and levered it down from a crane?

Probably just a helluva lotta rubble and earth.
^ awesome

and this reminded me of the movie Alien vs Predator when they use their lasorz to cut a hole to the underground temple.
This is pretty scary when you're looking down to the bottom. I still had suspicion about the sinkhole being fake, but that video put my doubt to rest.

Jesus, those ufologists were actually right - the Earth is really hollow.. and an Alien race is probably living down there!
Holy shit.

That would be awesome for bungee jumping.

Think really hard about what might happen when the cable becomes taut.
The hole is 60 meters deep if someone hasn't noted it already, over one tenth the size of the Empire State Building.

Anyway, I personally fear the Locust might be behind it and that E-Day is at hand!
I need to see someone base jump into that thing IMMEDIATELY.

Seriously, that's absurd. Can you even see the bottom? It looks like it goes into some kind of terrifying, huge underground cave system. Those pictures would look a lot cooler with tanks and helicopters and guys with assault rifles in defensive positions on all sides of it.
They blamed it on sewage collapse, so I'm under the impression that it's a network of sewage water, though admittedly, I don't know shit about them.

Sucks shit for those poor people.
Guatemala is third-world as ****. When I was there about six months ago I could hardly believe my eyes... terrible poverty. What I want to know is how much sewage it takes to erode a hole that big in the ground. They also said there was another sinkhole recently nearby due to the same poor sewage drainage, so maybe there's some massive shitcavern underneath half of Guatemala City just waiting to collapse and drown half a million people in their own shit D: D: D: D:
Oh god, Ennui. D:, indeed. I'm thankful I can't imagine the odor.
I don't get the physics involved in making it sink in a nearly perfectly cylindrical way.
Well there was probably some vaguely cylindrical layer that got swept away.
I believe Sinkholes start...well let me just show you

Why do I feel that I have seen this photo numerous times before? Is there a similar shopped photo of a giant hole in the earth?
I think the place where guatemala is dont have so much rivers but subterranean rivers,mayas used sinkholes like those that where formed naturally to gather water
I wonder how many people out there will view this as a religious omen rather than the scientifically explainable thing it is.

I mean, every time there is a natural disaster or something, the crazies come out of the woodwork and start claiming the reason for them was because people turned their back on god or are heathens and made pacts with the devil or something.

It's sad.

Wow.... you a really jumping the gun here. At least wait until some of these people show up. You couldn't even wait for a legitimate reason to post that, could you?

Am i the only one who is extremely frustrated that they havent attached a camera to a long ass rope and levered it down from a crane?


300 ft deep is like a football field right??
It was martian tripods. They couldn't be arsed with our germs so they f*cked off

300 ft deep is like a football field right??
If you like playing football vertically whilst tied to rope then yeah
I read in a spanish news site that they will indeed go down to investigate it

I expect a ancient system of bunkers where the mayas where hidden all this time preparing robots to conquer the world
Or maybe like, a sweet deposit of this unknown mineral, a gram of which could produce enough power for a small town and its own monorail system. IF ONLY WE COULD HARNESS ITS ENERGY!

Seriously though it'll probably just be dirt.
There is a hole in my neighborhood down which of late I cannot help but fall.