Homemade flamethrower

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The guy is oviously a gun maniac.

Dude I dident see those flames, that is awsome,
Yeah, looks cool. Though I would never even try to build such a thing.
Adrien C said:
The guy is oviously a gun maniac.

Dude I dident see those flames, that is awsome,
So you are saying anyone that has an interest in guns is going to go an kill a bunch of people. You are a complete ****ing moron.
Easy way to stop it blowing up is to open it up and coat the inside with liquid galvonised iron, letting it set and then putting it back together, best to make a little tube of whatever for the lighting going to the trigger as well so no accidental firing can occur, push trigger, gasoline comes out then the ignition occurs, catches the end and sets the whole thing up.

Might actually make one during the summer.
Toad in another thread you said you used radios to smuggle weapons, are you building an arsenal? funding a militia? lol!
Cool, but I wouldn't want to be standing anywhere near the dude...

Kinda reminds me of that trick you can do with a bundle of steel wool...
A friend of mine built a flamethrower... I think he still has it. 8 foot flames I think.

I didnt see the video in the link tho. The link went to another forum, which went to the somethingawful forums where I'm not registered. And the second flamethrower link on this board was broken.
This is so like something I would build in my basement. The attraction isn't that it could kill someone, but rather that you can make something extremely cool. And anyone who doesn't like potato guns has never fired one. :D
PS - This puts it over teh top. http://paintedover.com/uploads/4/animation3.gif
Baal said:
Also, the reaction those guys gave are the typical American reaction.

Your reaction was more typical than anything else. Give me a break with your "I'm better than you" attitude. You're a Leafs fan for Christ's sake.

Anyway, maybe this guy should stop playing with flamethrowers and get a job so he can get his own home and not mooch off of his parents.
Dude, I don't think hes even that old. He sure doesn't look it. Why the hell can't some people just appreciate how cool that is? It's not like hes planning to walk around and kill people with it. Smart and inventive people like him are who make most of the stuff you appreciate every day. :D
I wasn't trying to say ALL Americans are guns nuts, but a lot of them are.

Canadians like guns too though remember, just...not as much I don't think.
Direwolf said:
Dude, I don't think hes even that old. He sure doesn't look it. Why the hell can't some people just appreciate how cool that is? It's not like hes planning to walk around and kill people with it. Smart and inventive people like him are who make most of the stuff you appreciate every day. :D

I've built potato guns (and cannons, muwhahaha) and if you use common sense, potato guns are perfectly safe. I don't think that flame thrower is safe at all. (I would probably spend a day or two doing solid research). I would really say that he is more stupid than smart.

And for you people who want to improve on his flamethrower idea, don't. PVC is not chemical resistant. And don't think about using ABS because it isn't pressure rated.
Bah. Half the fun of building a potato gun is the feeling that it may explode next time you hit the button. :D
What the hell is a potato gun?

Like I've heard the term soooo many times, and I gather theys shoot potatoes I guess, but what exactly is it?
basically a bunch of pvc (or whatever you're using) glued together in a way that you can shoot potatoes really far.

there needs to be a combustion chamber of some sort where you spray an arasol into it and then spark it.

here's a link for the basics (via google)

Baal said:
What the hell is a potato gun?

Like I've heard the term soooo many times, and I gather theys shoot potatoes I guess, but what exactly is it?

For me, a potato gun is a term used loosely since the potato guns I've built don't exactly shoot potatos (hehe). Basically you chamber and barrel out of PVC pipe and use hairspray.

There is quite a bit of innovation that can be done on a potato gun. One of my favoritie "mods" was creating an stand/recoil unit for one of the larger potato guns me and my friend built.

[Edit]: Potato Guns = Dangerous (unless you know what you are doing and take proper safety precautions)
You can shoot whatever makes a seal with the barrel. :thumbs:
Farrowlesparrow said:
No...American hicks have made you look that stupid. All the Americanisation that takes place over here has made you look that stupid.
Hell no...I resent that remark!Just because some guy lives in the south that makes him a dumbass?**** you...
Baal said:
I wasn't trying to say ALL Americans are guns nuts, but a lot of them are.

Canadians like guns too though remember, just...not as much I don't think.
Hmm I don't think I know many people that you could call gun nuts...I know a few people who know a lot about guns and 2 people who own a few hunting rifles but no one who has a collection or anything.
blahblahblah said:
PVC pipe and use hairspray.

You can build safer and more relyable air powered potatoe guns. The constructon is virtually identical and since there is no guesswork involved with the propellant they tend to be more relyable.
It seems to me..it would be stupid for anyone else to try to build this besides him.

He seems to know what he's doing.

You guys are right, very dangerous indeed, but this guy seems to be pretty smart about this kind of stuff.

Also, the reaction those guys gave are the typical American reaction.

Gun nuts.

Heh, by that logic... the guy who can build a nuclear bomb in his home should be responsible enough because he's smart enough to build it? <grins>
I'm getting sick of idiots who follow stereotypes and say things like, "Oh that's a typical American."

Get a clue, broaden your horizons, and actually learn about the wide range of cultures and types of people here. Not everyone here is like on those shows where they take stupid people on the streets and compile them into a show about poor geography skills.
Ever whatched bowling for Coulumbine ?
But the guy is obviously nuts, he says that he likes it because he can kill people with it, imagine one day, he gets really pissed off, then the worse could happen.
ductonius said:
You can build safer and more relyable air powered potatoe guns. The constructon is virtually identical and since there is no guesswork involved with the propellant they tend to be more relyable.

That involves buying an air compressor which neither me or my friend has. A decent compressor is going to run you around $120 which is money that can be spent else where. Plus, we've gotten tired of messing with potato guns (too simple tbh).
want to make a cheap, small flamethrower?

1. get an empty 2 litre bottle of coke.
2. spray deoderant in there for about 15 seconds + a bit on the end
3. light the end
4. squeeze the bottle

very small, but still fun
oh my god :O look at the length of that flame...

and theres this asshole in my school - one day in the changing rooms he got a can of deodrant and a match, and spreyed it like a flamethrower everywhere. scared the hell out of everyone... he even singed my freinds arm :|

but seriously, the kid is a complete phyco, i dont think anyone would have cared if it had exploded in his face, which could have easily happened. would have done us all a favour, too... i mean this kid goes up to old ladies in the streets, puts on an angry face and says "your going to die very soon". seriously he actually did that.... and a hell of a lot worse things...
am i the only one who thinks the guy made a great flametrower.
looks fun.

lets pretend were not all nationalist. i love sterotypes.
If you want a flamethrower that goes about 20 feet and isn't safe at all buy a lighter and that wasp nest spray stuff.
Hazar Dakiri said:
what? Light it on fire?

Light the end on fire, and whirl it around. It's more or less how they made the "heat ray" effects in the original War of the Worlds movie...
Oh crap will that be funny when the idiot explodes with his fuel tank!
Loshadka said:
Oh crap will that be funny when the idiot explodes with his fuel tank!
But he won't because he knew what he was doing and did a job. Typical Canadian reposne...
I am? You are the one that find it hilarious when people burn to death alive.
Foxtrot said:
I am? You are the one that find it hilarious when people burn to death alive.
You can't burn to death without first being alive. So, was the "alive" really necessary?
OCybrManO said:
You can't burn to death without first being alive. So, was the "alive" really necessary?
Yes, because he could have been knocked out...and not felt anything.