

Nov 1, 2004
Reaction score
Sorry guys, but i forgot my USB memory stick so i cant save my work on it, but i have to work at home so this is my only choice...im going to post my homework here so i can copy it when i get home.

Please mods, dont delete this, i really need to work at home!!! If you delete this thread then BAHH
And for you others, dont copy please...
I hope you understand and im really sorry for doing this!

I. Day one
A. Destination
1. Stockholm, Sweden
2. Feb 23
3. Airplane/319$
4. Arlanda Hotel/312$
5. Sightseeing Activities
a. Gröna Lunds Tivoli / 7$
b. Matrix LAN café / 10$
6. Food
a. Den Gyldene Freden/ 35$
b. Duvel Café / 25$
c. Vassa Eggen/ 30$
2. Feb 24

Day two
A. Destination
1. Göteborg / Sweden
2. Feb 24
3. Airplane (SAS) 108$
4. Quality Hotel Panorama / 105$
5. Sightseeing Activities
a. Liseberg / 27$
b. Feskekorka
6. Food
a. Hamn Krogen
b. HuvudResturanten
c. Wärdhuset
3. Feb 25

II. Day three
A. Destination
1. London, England
2. Feb 25
3. Air Plane (Brussels Airline) / 443 $
4. Le Meridien Piccadilly / 648$
5. Sightseeing Activities
a. Tower of London / 37 £
b. Buckingham Palace / 66 £
6. Food
a. Camerino/ 18 £
b. Da Paolo / 30 £
c. Pied a Terre/ 58 £
Feb 26

Again, please dont delete this till i can confirm! I owe you guys one! THANKS
Fool! Why did thou not emailst it to thyself?
Why don't you go to a dead forum and post it there, like at D3CDIT or something.
Post it on 50 billion forums and not just one.

I should cram for my science test.
Or, why don't you WRITE IT DOWN!?

That's not even long.
You could have also PM'd yourself, but this works too.
lol that has to be the more awkward ways of doing it...



Ravioli said:
Because they have banned email sites here...duhh

What kind of demon school banneth email?
We have hotmail banned, but gmail {and thus G-Mail Talk} are still non-blocked!

A mate of mine goes to a school that has anything bad filtered. Like anything. We just get called to the Vice-Headmaster's office if we look up un-school like sites.
My school has an incredibly evil Surfcontrol.

But I've noticed it just blocks things with words like...

In the actual url.
But then again everything like "planethalflife" ... or any of the Gamespy sites... are also blocked.


Luckily I found one flash game site that isn't blocked. :D
Isn't there some kind of tunneling system that bypasses these things? I forgot the name, but it uses HTTP to create a tunnel which through you can send data undisturbed. It also bypasses any blocks.
Thanks mods for letting the thread stay, you can now lock it.

I think there is a way to bypass the blocks, by saving the HTML file on your Memory stick at home, and then open the HTML from the stick at school, my friends tells me that it works.

There are also programs that runs internet inside of them, like Bitlord for example, it has its own Web browser within the program.

While we still are talking about this, does anyone know a way to install MSN messenger or any other chat program on school computers? Or a way to connect to other computers in the school to talk to friends? So far i have gotten as far as typing a message and it pops up at all the monitors in the school, but how can i direct it to a specific computer (maybe using IP) ?
You moran o'flannigan ravioli, you can PM it to yourself.
are you taking a class to be a travel agent or something

/me confused.
No, its World Regions, right now we are doing a project about culture in Europe, this is just a small part of it.
e-messenger, for online msn messenger. Although they may block it.

Our school has stopped anything with .exe that wasn't on the computers at the beginning of the year from running : (
The computer doesn't have microsoft word? Appleworks?
Our school doesn't have filters or anything, they just restore the disk to its previous state whenever you shut down. You can format the disk and when you reboot it'll still be there :)
We have laptops, so they kinda have to be more watchfull.
Make that laptops with wireless, so they watch that we don't play games during class. Which everybody does till the last few years of school.

Philsophical world:

-anything can happen
-sex controls us
- 212-879-0453 blonde chick's phone number remember to call

2 + 2 = 4 thus cos(tan(x)) > 5 which makes no sense

homework problems:

solve for x

x^2 + 4 = 0
9x = 5
(3x + 10)/5 = 3

In-class essay outline:

Romero is a guy. Montagues feud a long time with Crapulets. Make sure to emphasize phallic sexual devices like swords and fights. Oneupsmanship. Everything to lose. REMEMBER: They both die at the end from poison.
Roses have thorns, Juliet has a penis?!?!?!?! Shakespearean women were palyed BY GUYSUSYSUS??!?!? EWWWWWWWGROSSS. Whut wud happen if dey kiss lol ****ing gay ******s

me llama -> my name is ....
Coma esta? -> come here
espanol -> ESP
monsignior -> my voice


fight for survival, darwin IS ALL LIES, evolution is only a theory, god intended mankind to be number one which is why we have computers and they dont, creationism and intelligent design means god exists, evolution duz not
Jintor said:
What kind of demon school banneth email?

Schools like mine. We have every email service banned and an old bat that patrols around the computer area making sure we're doing schoolwork.