Hope for Diabetes?

Yes, I saw this on the local news a couple days ago. My grandfather was diagnosed with type 1 when he was only a young boy. He was actually one of the first people in the world to start using insulin, which had been just released.

A lot of progress has been made in helping people with type 1 live a more normal life, now all we need is a cure.
It's not in the interests of the pharmaceutical companies to make a cure, while they can make money off insulin and diabetes monitoring medical devices.
It's not in the interests of the pharmaceutical companies to make a cure, while they can make money off insulin and diabetes monitoring medical devices.
But it is in the interest of many scientists, and likely a large number of privately-funded institutions, to make this cure happen.

I really hope this works, because my grandfather has diabetes, and I have a feeling I do too (boo recessive genetic traits).
It's not in the interests of the pharmaceutical companies to make a cure, while they can make money off insulin and diabetes monitoring medical devices.

But if they sell it for lots they'd gain more money.

But hopefully they'll be nice and sell it for less.
But if they sell it for lots they'd gain more money.

But hopefully they'll be nice and sell it for less.
They won't though.

If the pharm companies sell this cure, it'll be a high price, but it will be (as I understand it to be) a one-time-only sale.

If they don't sell it, they sell their somewhat cheaper quick-fix insulin and other drugs hundreds of times per year.
That is quite a remarkable achievement. Now they need to stop private companies exploiting it, and disribute it through government systems. That should prevent ultra high prices... hell that should make it free!