Hoplites News



Hoplites is a multiplayer mod based on the Greek combat. They have released a slew of their model renders and other assorted goodies to show off to the HL2 community. [br]</br>You can download music from the mod by clicking here.[br]</br>Below you'll see the amicus model, falcata, concept art for amicus, and much more. [br]


[br]To read more about the inspiration and development behind this mod, click this link.
Isn't there another Greek mod called Troy, or is it Rome...?
Or what's the difference. *cough*merge*end cough*
my sword :D
yes there is another mod called Troy. but i dont think the team of Hoplites knew that back then when they began with this project.
What? Merge? No way! Nothing wrong with having 2 similar mods. Keep it up, your models looks pretty cool. Skin those things, and get them in-game. If you skinned the swords, and added that reflection thing that some of the weapons in CS:S have, and then made a short, small .GIF of the weapon reflecting its enviornment in-game, that would look cool and grab people's attention. Also, normal map your stuff. :D
Actually, were about two different time settings right now.

They're depicting a fantasy FPS involving magic and the mysticsm elements of ancient Greek warfare. Troy mod takes place around 1,000BC.

Hoplitesmod depicts the war between Sparta, Athens and Persia; making the date from 490BC to 420BC. It plans on being very graphic -- however starting off with a multiplayer campaign before leaping into the singleplayer.
^^ yes thank you. the time periods for both us (hoplites) and troymod are different. And when we started our mod, only a few days later we found out about troy. No we are not going to merge, we're going to continue to do our thing ;)