Horribly Slow...on a P4 3.0ghz


May 18, 2003
Reaction score
All I have to say is "holy sh*t." For such a small file, Steam takes up to 30 seconds to load on my computer. It seems to be running fine (for now) but I'd just like to say this load time is pissing me off.

Oh, that, and half the time it takes an additional 20 seconds to begin responding after the GUI is visible on the screen.
Yup, the content servers are mortally screwed up at the moment, and Steam contacts them every time you do something.
Dont do it. Do NOT listen to him.

Deleting this file will do some bad things to your PC. shell32.dll is a big Windows important file. Don't TOUCH it!

Para, you deserve to be banned. None of what you said is true, it is all a harmful lie. Go back to your freaking OGC board, you moron.
Originally posted by Marauder
Dont do it. Do NOT listen to him.

Deleting this file will do some bad things to your PC. shell32.dll is a big Windows important file. Don't TOUCH it!

Para, you deserve to be banned. None of what you said is true, it is all a harmful lie. Go back to your freaking OGC board, you moron.
Someone doesn't seem to know sarcasm.
Originally posted by Rasmoh
Someone doesn't seem to know sarcasm.

Someone doesn't seem to know how many n00bs actually would fall for this.
First of all, your processor is meaningless unless you are doing some type of intense image processing. Your CPU is idle much more than it is working. Gateway and Dell act like it's the most important thing.

But that's not the point. I don't know if you noticed or not.. but Steam is an online application. The reason it takes so long to load is because it has to communicate to the Steam servers... which are extremely bogged down and laggy right now. That's why it takes so long to load.
Anyone who actually fell for that deserved it. even a newb should know not to go deleting files in a windoze folder.

edit: the processor always has to work O_o you know, processing any numbers, addition and the like. RAM doesn't add for you, and I did some tests on that. not ram adding, cpu speed on adding :)
Yes, right now it's horribly slow, servers are probably bogged down. I can't even sign in...
ROFL! I'm not gonna listen to Para. I'm not a dumbass. gg lol

I'm too geeky to not know that shell32.dll is a crucial file ^_^
if that is sarcasm .. then its bad, because some people will think its for real (given all the spyware romurs and the fact that steam IS slow, ppl will try anything).
If it's not, then that's worse!
i would've done it. no more spyware? that's like freaking bliss.
Hah! Munro you should've left it it would've been hilarious!

omg Para you a_hole my comp won't run anymore!!...

You cant delete shell32.dll anyway, because it's in use by Explorer. Also SFC would restore it as long a copy resides in dllcache.
Originally posted by )[eVo]( Para
Hah! Munro you should've left it it would've been hilarious!

omg Para you a_hole my comp won't run anymore!!...

I can see why that one person wanted to be banned, your such a loser. And this is pathetic, posts deleted while their not even flames ;X.
Originally posted by morpherex
I can see why that one person wanted to be banned, your such a loser. And this is pathetic, posts deleted while their not even flames ;X.

Aw seems I upset you, don't be angry little man, it was a joke : )
Originally posted by )[eVo]( Para
Aw seems I upset you, don't be angry little man, it was a joke : )
Some people would actually do that, so I wouldn't consider it a joke.