Hostile Intent Source update


Companion Cube
Jul 3, 2003
Reaction score
In this tactic-tastic tale of terrorism, heroism and guns, slow and steady wins the race. As those who played the original mod on the HL1 engine will know, rushing off Rambo style to try and stab your opponents to death won't work – rather, you need patience, co-operation and more than a little luck. Violence is short and sharp; Hostile Intent is volatile like Nitro-glycerine. The screenshots below show the map hi_india from the forthcoming Source version.[br]

[br]You can find out more at
Meh, why can't they just listen to Eric Johnson and release an Alpha.
Looks nice.

And NO, do NOT release and alpha, it greatly reduces the number of players that might end up liking the final product because they are turned off by early versions and their bugs.
<3 Hostile Intent HL1 version. It's aaaaaawesome!

Their forums are great too, lots of gun fans who try to keep the game as realistic as possible.
Looks good actually, lovely outdoor lighting.

Shame its taken a while for them to get here, only upwards though hey :)
It's taken this long sadly because the whole team has gotten into too many knots and have become very dis-organized because we are changing the mod up a bit, but are still keeping all the original aspects of gameplay. Simply enough things are coming up to speed again and i'm happy to say with confidence behind that :)
Yeah dont do the alpha, i was excited about empires and their alpha has me off that game forever.