Hostile-Planet Website launches


Party Escort Bot
Sep 20, 2003
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The modification Hostile-Planet, which just opened its official website, can only be described in one word: Stunning.[br]</br>

"It is the year 2142. While earth continues to stagnate under ancient
provincial rivalries, outer space is the new frontier, calling to
those with adventurous spirit and iron will. The discovery of an alien
mineral in a remote system has caused the largest prospecting boom
since the late nineteenth century gold rush. Promise of untold wealth
lure countless citizens off-world to discover the next new element on
the periodic table..."

The team behind this MMOFPS/RPG combination aims to create a world in which rival groups of players battle for control of the planet's resources to better themselves and their organization, and by the looks of it, they have already come a long way.[br]</br>Contained below are several beautiful screenshots displaying the different menu systems for trading, looting and even using Source's VGUI2 capabilities to browse the Internet! Be sure to check out the unique shot of the player browsing in-game.[br]

[br]Lastly, the team behind Hostile Planet is currently looking for serious and
talented artists to help build the game world:
Available positions are as follows:
· Concept artists.
· Mappers capable of designing dense urban and outdoor levels,
extensive knowledge of the hammer editor is required (proper use of
hint/detail brushing etc)
· Character/Weapon modelers, skinners, and animators.
· General (world) modeling and texture work. "
Send an email to [email protected] and include examples
of your previous work if you feel you have what it takes.[br]</br>
Don't forget to visit Hostile Planet's website right here!
Are you sure this isn't some april joke :wow:

it looks cool, i just dont like the style... but the infra red thing looks cool :D
Wow those menu's are awesome!

haha it'd be funny viewing webpages in the game and everybody just stands around watching, that's a cool idea!
now THAT looks like a proper mod to me, the guys did everything using the editor and their little fingers, no rusty cars put randomly in the level, no old rusty textures just 100% new and we should see more of that, pure creativity.
looks like they've done alot of work on their mod
very impresivlish :)
W00t MMOFPS/RPG Gotta love those, specialy if they'r free :D
But have you noticed how almost EVERY SINGLE MOD need more mappers,skinners etc. ?
*wish i could help*
Nice, has a Deus Ex feel about it. Looks really nice, a mmorpg/fps is probably my dream game :D
Im deeply impressed that they have keppt quiet of their development and show us something when they TRULY have someting to show :D VERY NICE GUYS! Good luck with the mods dev, and I hope it will be a free mod ('.',)
The site is down.
"Couldn't connect to the database. This could be a random intermittent problem, so try refreshing once."
Some of the best hl2world members are on that mod :D
Dude this looks ****ing sweet (pardon my french)
sign my in for a good online RPG :) (exept if you have to pay for it) (not that i download MMORPG's, exept if they are free)
Bear with us on the DNS problems, we just switched domains.
Wow, that is looking great. Looking forward to having a go on this one :)
TBQH, I am not very impressed by what is shown. The screenshots look very photoshopped; parts of the interface are really similar to Planetside, especially the inventory boxes. The scan lines look very artificial and a lot of that lighting effect looks like it is just photoshop blurring.

Their goals seem unrealistic as well. Coding a full MMO game architecture where none exists is already a near-impossible task for a small mod team. And the amount of bandwidth needed to maintain master servers capable of supporting even a few hundred players is incredibly high. Even big retail developers with millions in backing and the best network coding talent availible struggle to make their servers cost-effective.
ExiT said:
TBQH, I am not very impressed by what is shown. The screenshots look very photoshopped; parts of the interface are really similar to Planetside, especially the inventory boxes. The scan lines look very artificial and a lot of that lighting effect looks like it is just photoshop blurring.

Like zeta said, it's all ingame.

ExiT said:
Their goals seem unrealistic as well. Coding a full MMO game architecture where none exists is already a near-impossible task for a small mod team. And the amount of bandwidth needed to maintain master servers capable of supporting even a few hundred players is incredibly high. Even big retail developers with millions in backing and the best network coding talent availible struggle to make their servers cost-effective.

You seem to be an expert in this and yet you know exactly nothing of what we've accomplished and will accomplish.

Our coder/leader is very dedicated, and he has accomplished more with this engine than I've seen any mod doing

It's nice to know that advanced mods are rewarded with skepticism like this.
I guess people find it hard to believe how good it is, considering it has been kept quiet like this.

Great work people, i cannot wait for this mod to be released.

when i saw that zeta, avenger, and DvS were on the team i knew it was gonna look good :-P
ExiT said:
TBQH, I am not very impressed by what is shown. The screenshots look very photoshopped; parts of the interface are really similar to Planetside, especially the inventory boxes. The scan lines look very artificial and a lot of that lighting effect looks like it is just photoshop blurring.

Their goals seem unrealistic as well. Coding a full MMO game architecture where none exists is already a near-impossible task for a small mod team. And the amount of bandwidth needed to maintain master servers capable of supporting even a few hundred players is incredibly high. Even big retail developers with millions in backing and the best network coding talent availible struggle to make their servers cost-effective.

I would like you to know, that every screen shot is done within the game. Im not saying this because Im apart of their mod, I know the team and host their site, that is it. I have seen footage that those screenshots were taken from, so please unless you really know what youre talking about, dont talk...

As far as the server and bandwidth issues, for one connections with people provide you resources like servers and the such. With a promising mod like this, alot of people would be willing to help out. Making the code and everything functional and good for mmo usage is up to them, and is entirely possible, you seem to forget that other mmos create their engines from the ground up, HP has and engine already. Lineage II a huge mmorpg is built on the ut engine, so who says its not possible...oh wait you.
This mod looks kick ass,

Is it just me or do the menus and other gui things look similar to those in Anarchy Online??

It really seems like they would work the same way, which would be sweet. Especially when it's an fps/mmorpg combo thing, cause then it takes more skill than just clicking.
Looks awesome ! I´m looking forward to see where this is heading :) Keep it up !
The box that has:
Medical Kit

Looks Directly Ripped off From Anarchy Online, As in a really good photoshop. If not damn :thumbs:
got a very Neocron feel to it, which I love as Neocron is one of my favourite games :D