Hot chick marries an inbred...

Nobody gives a shit about royalty. What is this, the ****ing middle ages?
I don't know Cowman. I'm against monarchy on principle, both in Sweden and elsewhere. That being said, I still think it makes more sense to devote attention to the wedding of the future head of state of a number of middle-sized countries, than to focus it on Hollywood celebrities like Americans do, whose only achievement is some half-arsed acting in a bad blockbuster.
It is easy to try too hard to be cynical about this, but it's all SO MUCH FUN.

Of course the monarchy is ludicrous. Still!
Despite what I think of the Monarchy, I hope they remain happily married and that it isn't all too much for Kate.
I slept through The Royal Wedding. F**k-a-dat shit.
So somebody on facebook said they mentioned a particular town in Texas...did anyone here see that?
Pippa Middleton seems to be getting a lot of attention. Harry should tap that. :P
Pippa Middleton seems to be getting a lot of attention. Harry should tap that. :P

He should.


For comparison, below his current gf.

For the people here that think she isn't all that hot, I keep getting that image in my head of that one nerd sitting in his mother's basement looking at a picture of a hot model bitching about how she's ****ing hideous because there is spacing in her tooth. Can't find it right now.

Also, can anyone explain to me what the fascination with this wedding is? It has gotten more coverage here in the states in the last 2 to 4 weeks than any other issue I can think of. Seriously, who gives a shit?


I agree. She's hotter than most.

I didn't really give a shit about the wedding, but my family were ludicrously obsessed with it. My younger brother was beginning my parents to let him go to a street party down the road (I know, street party). Mother had tears in her eyes over Kate's dress. This has been a real WTF day.
Women are brought up on fairy tales of Princesses finding their prince. This stuff is ingrained into them at a young age, so one shouldn't be surprised at them getting caught up in a real life prince & princess stuff.
I don't know Cowman. I'm against monarchy on principle, both in Sweden and elsewhere. That being said, I still think it makes more sense to devote attention to the wedding of the future head of state of a number of middle-sized countries, than to focus it on Hollywood celebrities like Americans do, whose only achievement is some half-arsed acting in a bad blockbuster.

Hollywood Celebrity status is pretty much royalty status and it's equally retarded.

Sorry but I don't have the most positive things to say about people who obsess over royalty or celebrities. And for the record, my ire is really only directed when they are presently displaying that fawning affection, not at all times because they are so obsessed with royalty.
Would you commoners stop calling her Kate and address her properly. Catherine Her Royal Highness the Duchess of Cambridge.

Peasant Uprising, Hectic Glenn. Don't lose your head!
I don't know Cowman. I'm against monarchy on principle, both in Sweden and elsewhere. That being said, I still think it makes more sense to devote attention to the wedding of the future head of state of a number of middle-sized countries, than to focus it on Hollywood celebrities like Americans do, whose only achievement is some half-arsed acting in a bad blockbuster.

So the royals accomplishment is.... what?
So the royals accomplishment is.... what?

They are the moral leaders of the Country. Divorce is now very popular in Britain, thanks to Charles and Andrew.

You lot wouldn't be saying all this anti-monarchy drivel, if you'd seen HRH the Queen in person, like I have. It was amazing, she wore a hat and shook peoples' hands.
So the millions spent on this wedding could've been used to get Britain further out of debt.

Just saying.
Hollywood Celebrity status is pretty much royalty status and it's equally retarded.

Sorry but I don't have the most positive things to say about people who obsess over royalty or celebrities. And for the record, my ire is really only directed when they are presently displaying that fawning affection, not at all times because they are so obsessed with royalty.
That was my point. The obsession is ****ing stupid, but these people will actually hold official positions at some point in their life, unlike Hollywood celebrities. But yeah, it's good that royal family got some new blood in the family, probably the first time that happened in 400 years.
They are the moral leaders of the Country. Divorce is now very popular in Britain, thanks to Charles and Andrew.

You lot wouldn't be saying all this anti-monarchy drivel, if you'd seen HRH the Queen in person, like I have. It was amazing, she wore a hat and shook peoples' hands.

Ugh she still moves? I thought she was like the Warhammer 40k emperor, a corpse tied to a chair wearing a stupid hat
I wish I could speak on behalf of all 22 million Australians and say that we didn't give a shit, but apparently some of us actually did. A sad day.

I mean c'mon, Kate and William got nothing.

well she aint mah queen so I can make fun of her as much as I want
So the millions spent on this wedding could've been used to get Britain further out of debt.

Drop in the ocean Vs say cancelling trident or not bailing out Ireland tbh.

Surprisingly contrary to what the conservatives would have you believe we are far better off than most countries effected by the recession. Our right wing over lords though seem hell bent on making us feel like we are up shit creek without a paddle by crunching down on everything because (renowned Tax dodger) George Osborne is trying to balance the books before the next election so he can say 'Look ma no hands'. The reality is balancing the national deficit really doesn't effect the average man in the street, it's just something that City Types and economists get moist over.
That was my point. The obsession is ****ing stupid, but these people will actually hold official positions at some point in their life, unlike Hollywood celebrities. But yeah, it's good that royal family got some new blood in the family, probably the first time that happened in 400 years.

They will hold official positions? Big whoop, if all I had to do to hold an official position was be born, it'd be pretty swell... but I can't so **** them and their whole ****ing lineage who constantly raped the peasants like myself.
They will hold official positions? Big whoop, if all I had to do to hold an official position was be born, it'd be pretty swell... but I can't so **** them and their whole ****ing lineage who constantly raped the peasants like myself.

The royalty in the UK haven't held any real political power for centuries. Effectively the royal family are used as good will ambassadors, which means they get shipped out here there and everywhere to meet and greet foreign heads of state etc. If you want to do similar become Vice president or Secretary of State because both of those roles cover the same sort of ground (with the added advantage of real power).
To be fair to the poor old awful monarchy, they paid for the actual wedding themselves. We just paid £20m in security for our darling Met to arrest dozens of people who were peacefully protesting a very great distance from the route on as many jumped-up charges they could conceive while the cameras focused on their leadership of the bloodless march down the Mall.
it will be cool if the british royal family where mre like the royal family of nepal,where once one of the menbers got drunk and killed almost half the whole family whit a ak47 in the palace
it will be cool if the british royal family where mre like the royal family of nepal,where once one of the menbers got drunk and killed almost half the whole family whit a ak47 in the palace

It would have made for a great night of television, that's for sure.
If any Royal were to do that, it would be Harry.
it will be cool if the british royal family where mre like the royal family of nepal,where once one of the menbers got drunk and killed almost half the whole family whit a ak47 in the palace

You have some strange ideas about what constitutes cool.
Oh man I had a great time with that last night.